第一首推荐<forever at your feet>-Oh Susanna 清晰的雷雨声,娓娓细诉的如诗声线,已无法分清雷雨声来自窗外还是曲中,很多事情已没必要分清,我们需要做的,只是让曼妙声音荡涤着我们的心灵。
第二首推荐<beautiful in white>-shane 作为卡农控和西城粉 对这首歌毫无抵抗力 真心感叹有这样的老公真好 附上歌词
Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found this missing piece
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this scream I
Say to the world
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every world
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
oooh oh
You look so beautiful in white
Na na na na
So beautiful in white
And if our daughter is what our future holds
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
Yeah, if she falls in love ,I will let her go
I'll walk her down the aisle
She looks so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found this missing piece
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this scream I
Say to the world
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every world
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
oooh oh
You look so beautiful in white
Na na na na
So beautiful in white
And if our daughter is what our future holds
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
Yeah, if she falls in love ,I will let her go
I'll walk her down the aisle
She looks so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
第三首是<sugarcane>-missy higgins 这首歌充满了悲伤的童话气息 歌词很难理解 歌者在其中有很多隐喻 网上有各种版本 但是这种纯粹温暖的嗓音是最难以抵挡的
第四首推荐<unintended>-muse 这首歌出自muse的第一张摇滚专辑 歌曲主要讲的是一份未曾预料的爱 主唱细腻悠扬的声音营造出如梦如幻的氛围 lz爱这首歌真是爱到骨子里去了 它对lz来说也是一份未曾预料的爱
第五首推荐<Parler à mon père>-Celine Dion 这是一首法文歌 意思是对我父亲说 歌者通过孩童的话语把自己怀念的童年时光将给父亲听 表达对父亲的怀念 整首歌节奏感强烈 再配上天后至真至美的声音 大爱啊
第六首推荐<Concerto pour deux voix>-Jean-Baptiste Maunier
@yiyi11231 2012-10-19 20:49:20
第六首推荐<Concerto pour deux voix>-Jean-Baptiste Maunier
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
欧 为什么我写了一大段只出来这么几个字。
第六首推荐<Concerto pour deux voix>-Jean-Baptiste Maunier
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
欧 为什么我写了一大段只出来这么几个字。
再发一遍 第六首推荐<Concerto pour deux voix>-Clemence
@yiyi11231 2012-10-19 20:54:43
再发一遍 第六首推荐<Concerto pour deux voix>-Clemence
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
再发一遍 第六首推荐<Concerto pour deux voix>-Clemence
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
No.7 <jar of hearts>-christina perri 嗷嗷 超爱这个歌手 大才女啊 略带沧桑的嗓音总是最能打动人心 歌词也写的很好 "who do you think you are" 嗯 就该这样
No.8 <mondo bongo>-joe strummer 这首曲子曾在<Mr.
No.8 <mondo bongo>-joe strummer 这首曲子曾在<Mr. & Mrs. Smith>里出现过 这是一首哥伦比亚老音乐 歌曲充满拉丁情调 搭配上歌手慵懒的嗓音 每次听都会让人联想到电影里男女主初次见面的场景 神秘而浪漫
No.9 <The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress>-Rodka Toneff Rodka Toneff,她是来自挪威的仙女爵士歌手 有着美丽缠绵的声音 "早期的数码录音(1986年)已能将Toneff绝美歌声中的微微颤抖细细捕捉下来,叫人感受到隐藏其中的那份悲情气质"只可惜她在30岁时就香消玉殒 关于她的一切也就更加神秘
No.10 <bring night>-sia 超爱这首歌的节奏 sia慵懒的嗓音总会让人感到淡淡的爵士味道
No.11<first of may>-bee gees 听着这首歌 就像看着画中的画 念着诗中的诗 在动人的嗓音中重温旧梦
No.12<outlaws of love>-adam lambert难得听adam唱这么抒情的歌 ( i _ i )那种不被世人理解的痛苦和对爱情的坚持 真心被虐到了 嗷嗷嗷 祝福adam 爱你爱你
No.13<all the right moves>-onerepublic 很喜欢的一个组合 推荐给大家
No.14<i need a doctor>-Eminem
@yiyi11231 2012-10-27 23:48:24
No.14<i need a doctor>-Eminem
再发一遍 No.14<i need a doctor>-Eminem&Skylar Grey 男女声搭配得很完美 挺喜欢这个女歌手的。话说karmin版本的也不错
No.14<i need a doctor>-Eminem
再发一遍 No.14<i need a doctor>-Eminem&Skylar Grey 男女声搭配得很完美 挺喜欢这个女歌手的。话说karmin版本的也不错
No.15<who will i run to>-kiley dean 一首伤感的歌 希望大家珍惜对自己好的人
那个。因为lz听的华语歌基本上都挺大众的 所以一直没推荐 不知道大家有什么想法 是要我推荐华语歌吗
No.16<parachute>-Cheryl Cole 这首歌节奏感强烈 一听就会上瘾。最喜欢Mv里那支舞 真是超赞
No.17<a thousand years>-christina perri 还是她的歌 (≧?≦)这是<breaking dawn>里的插曲 听歌词突然就想到吸血鬼骑士里的枢大人 "I have loved you for a thousand years,I'll love you for a thousand more"感动
No.18<come a little closer>-Brandy 一首不错的抒情歌曲 成熟圆润的嗓音很能深入人心
No.19<the forgotten>-Green Day 前两天刚刚听到的歌 真是一"见"钟情 和绿日以往的风格有点不同。大爱
No.20<forever>-Stratovarius 天籁之曲 不解释。听了好几年 齐豫翻唱过
No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
@yiyi11231 2012-11-04 00:09:29
No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
又来了。No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
又来了。No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
@yiyi11231 2012-11-04 00:09:29
No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
最后一次。No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal & Jason Wade。凛冽寒冬 一个拥抱即是一切 喜欢这样的男女声搭配
No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal
最后一次。No.21<hold me tight>-Alyssa Bernal & Jason Wade。凛冽寒冬 一个拥抱即是一切 喜欢这样的男女声搭配
No.22<i wanna grow old with you>-westlife 歌词写得极好 "i wanna grow old with you,i wanna die lying in your arms" 牵手 和你一起慢慢变老
No.23<dead and gone>-T.I.
@yiyi11231 2012-11-05 23:28:35
No.23<dead and gone>-T.I.
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
好吧 。。就这样吧。老是只有一半
No.23<dead and gone>-T.I.
[发自掌中天涯客户端 ]
好吧 。。就这样吧。老是只有一半
No.24<eternal flame>-The Bangles 感觉是很少女的歌 调调不错 容易上口
No.25<don't say goodbye>-human nature。好老的歌了 悠缓的旋律 深情的演绎 很不错的情歌
No.26<everybody knows i love you>-Lovebugs 最简单的词 最珍贵的温柔
No.27<be my satellite>- Banaroo 一首很动感的歌曲 刚开始听前奏的时候觉得有点俗 但开唱以后就瞬间喜欢上拉
No.28<i don't wanna fight>-westlife 不多说了 优美的旋律加上深情的歌喉 我的小心脏啊
No.29<cherry pie>-warrant 一首典型的摇滚歌曲 喜欢唱"she is my cherry pie"时的感觉 推荐
No.30<one in a million>-bosson 很有调调的一首歌 喜欢歌者的嗓音 "当他把音域放到最宽时,那种飘在风中的音符充满了诱惑力和迷人的情调"
No.31<what a wonderful world >-the innocence mission 很安静的一首歌 女声空灵 像森林里的一泓清泉 让人不由自主地就沉迷其中
No.32<your bones>-of monsters and men
No.33<两个人并不等于我们>-王力宏 好吧 今儿推荐一首中文的 大家不要拍我
No.34<on top of the world>-imagine dragons 发这首歌纯属是为了纪念要停播的partners 亲爱的小弯弯louis 再见。不过歌曲本身也真心好听
No.35<radioactive>-imagine dragons 还是他们的 超棒的节奏 喜欢这种感觉 摇滚无敌
No.36<october>-broken bells 很有个性的调调 感觉不错
@sumny 2012-11-20 15:29:34
No.9 <The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress>-Rodka Toneff Rodka Toneff
我也不清楚 去找找
No.9 <The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress>-Rodka Toneff Rodka Toneff
我也不清楚 去找找
No.37<you got a way>-kris allen "音乐并没有用过多的乐器凸显曲风的多变
No.38<Total eclipse of the heart>-westlife 超爱的一首歌 最喜欢前面部分一步一步渐进的感觉
No.39<over the mountains>-Bosson "我去世界上的任何地方,任何地方,直到找到你" ps.<one in a million>整张专辑都不错
No.40<Spectrum (Say My Name)>-Florence The Machine 很特别的调调 机器姐强悍!
@对面的高楼挡着我 2012-11-23 23:20:00
No.41<tuesday>-five for fighting 很喜欢的一位歌手 "歌者深沉而温柔的声线、动感的鼓点、抒情的钢琴搭上温和的摇滚,构成忧伤动人的旋律,深深打动着我们的心灵"
No.42<am i still the one>-Daniel Powter 很好听的钢琴伴奏