我看到很多人包括我自己,都因为楼主的这个帖子产生了极大的兴趣,以至于我现在了解到了很多其他的意见后真的没有办法不在这里提醒大家. 很遗憾,我一直在网上做各种搜索,找出的绝大部分亲身参与的志愿者,不但不满意这种实质以赚钱为目的的'付费志愿活动,' 项目的效果更是与保护狮子的核心目的大相径庭. 尤其是想到楼主说今年5月还要再回去,希望楼主能够三思不要再给这种项目送钱,好心可能还害了狮子. 如果原楼主现在还看到这个帖子,请针对我提供的link还有问题回答,毕竟楼主是唯一一个亲身参与这个project的人. http://blog.africageographic.com/africa-geographic-blog/conservation/walking-with-lions-good-conservation-probably-not/ 截取一些志愿者还有专家的意见,先截选一些重要原文,懒得看英文的同学可以跳到后面看我总结的主要论点: ‘Dereck Joubert, conservationist, National Geographic Explorer in Residence and wildlife documentary filmmaker: “In my opinion the activity is fundamentally flawed. A lion is a potentially dangerous animal and walking with it not only exposes guests to an accident that will result in the lion needing to be killed, but also erodes the wildness, the mystique and the very essence of what a wild lion is by taming it.' Volunteer:" I was there as a volunteer and was apalled by what I saw. they have over a hundred lions, but there is no vet!!! I know about at least 5-6 lions that died only this year, mostly due to human errors, like not fixing a weak fence etc, but also because they are too cheap to call a vet when needed. If you have a very small cub that is covered in fungus, you see it get weaker every day, you would call a vet, wouldn't you? Well they waited about 6 weeks and then ofcourse it was too late! the vet had to put the cub down. Not even mentioning the fact that that cub had been taken away from it's mom at 3 weeks old... for what? for entertainment of some tourists? I thought I was going to a worthy cause, but afterwards realised my mistake... " The big question is: When will they release them? they don't have a stage 3, let along a stage 4... and from what I hear, all the money that comes in goes to new projects, not stage 3 or 4...I hope a lot of possible volunteers read this and decide to spend their money on a good cause, not a party place like Antelope Park. Glad somebody is finally doing something to stop this charade! I was amazed how many breeding lions were kept in one enclosure.. huge males packed together with their only entertainment being the feeding days where they were able to run towards their food (again, amazing photo opportunities). Now, a few years later, i know better. I am not the ignorant volunteer anymore. One by one the lions have passed away .. fights between the males .. lions getting out their enclosure and into the females' enclosures, illnesses, unexplainable deaths.. 还有这个link在trip advisor上,指明African Impact的狮子项目是个完全骗局. http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g293759-i9323-k5104782-Volunteering_with_African_Impact_Antelope_Park_Zimbabwe-Zimbabwe.html 重要截选: Any place that allows people to walk with the animals does not have the successful release of the animals into the wild as their priority. Their priority is tourist dollars. Successful rehabilitation and release of wildlife entails as little human contact as possible. Predators who become too familiar with humans will end up being shot once released because they will approach humans too closely. For the safety of both the animals and humans, all wildlife MUST maintain a natural fear of humans. There are legitimate wildlife rehab and release facilities in Africa that take volunteers, however they don't allow humans to play with or walk amongst the animals. People need to stop being so naive. If you're allowed to play with or walk amongst the animals, it's a tourist trap...not a legitimate wildlife rehab/release facility. Don't kid yourself!!! And if that's what people really want, then they should save their money and volunteer at their local zoo or animal shelter! That is what they claim, but I totally agree that this is a scam for generating tourist dollars (and dollars from people who pay to "volunteer". 还有这个在loney planet贴出的这个帖 http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/thread.jspa?threadID=1814364 贴主也是亲身经历这个项目,然后回来后愤怒写出如下: I went on their Big 5 project in Zimbabwe this year. We were all told in the information we got in advance that we were going to do voluntary work there with scientists. When we came nothing like that was arranged and not even possible. We spent most of our time there waiting for things to happen. They wanted us to do a survival course instead. All our dreams and money just vanished during that week. When we came home and talked to African Impact and Real gap about it they have changed all the information about the project and refuse to repay or even answer. If African Impact would have repaid us and said they were sorry for being the cause of our disappointment we would be able to believe that this was an accident. I just want to send you a warning that if you would like to go with them, some things are just great but do not expect that everything would be 100% accurate according to their information. 所有的一切总结就是: 1. 这个项目的主要目的就是为了赚游客钱. 2. 项目打着提高狮子数量的幌子,实际提供非常差的狮子生存条件,许多狮子被关在一起, 得不到兽医的及时诊治。 3. 更重要的是,资深的保护野外动物的专家,很多都反对这种人工接触的救助方式。正因为狮子的数量减少与人类屠杀有关,所以更应该让狮子保持一种对人的天生的警惕性和恐惧. 这种项目在历史上成功的几率就非常低. 4. 有志愿者反应去了后根本没能做到这个组织所承诺的活动. 在国外的志愿者看来,他们所提供的活动完全是旅游性质,和志愿活动关联甚小,而且收费过高 (包吃住约人民币6000一周). 5. 这也是最耸人听闻的一点:虽然这种项目的网站上号称整个人工繁衍狮子的项目分为四个阶段, 但是主要目的就是在一,二阶段(小狮子陪游客一起玩耍,赚钱的核心). 绝大部分收入都被投入前期,而真正的放养阶段三和四根本如同虚设,许多狮子长大后离奇死亡的很多, 不然就是通过如同‘洗黑钱市场'一般的 'wildlife laundering system,' 这些狮子会’somehow‘通过某种途径进入狮子养殖场(lion farm),成为很多不远万里而来的越洋猎人,专以打杀狮子扒皮做纪念品的休闲娱乐活动. 这些都是在网上一搜就出来,近年在非洲许多人都开始意识并抵制的黑暗面 当然,如果楼主所见到的一切和我所总结的不同,确确实实落实了这个项目的第三阶段和第四阶段是真实存在的,所有阶段4的狮子被放回合法的(这是重点)野生繁衍地, 请在帖子里告知大家,我会进一步和其他国家志愿者核实。 此外,最后再提个醒:如果有些妹子专程奔着萌狮过去的,也不是那么在乎志愿不志愿,影响不影响,这种类型的项目确实发生过狮子突然袭击人类的事件(请自行google). 近距离接触这种打从骨子里就是很危险的动物,本身就是没有人可以保证你100%安全的,兽性什么上来,谁敢保证. 如果出了什么事,小则毁容,大则丧命。楼主没事是楼主吉人自有天相,谁敢去冒这个不怕一万就怕万一的险?请各位妹子还有准备再次前行的楼主三思, 也请其他参与过非洲项目的人继续分享经验。 (VI)不好意思才看到你的回复
关于looney planet 的那个帖子,首先,我们去的不是一个PROGRAM,我在赞比亚,他在津巴布韦,我不知道他们的PROGRAM如何运行,但是我只能很确定的说,我在我的program那段时间,每天都很很忙,都是有事要做,就像PROGRAM当初承诺的那样