7.How did the US get the virus strains so soon to start the first human testing of a vaccine against COVID-19?
据《华尔街日报》报道,美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)3月16日称,生物科技公司Moderna Inc. (MRNA)针对新型冠状病毒的试验性疫苗已开始首次人体测试。对于全球首次针对新型冠状病毒的疫苗人体试验在美国启动一事,专家表示,美国这一针实在太快了,除非很早就开始进行试验,更早的拿到了病毒株。美国疫苗人体试验为何进行得如此之快?美国是什么时候通过什么方式获得的毒株?
The Wall Street Journal on March 16 reported that the first human testing of Moderna Inc.'s experimental vaccine against the COVID-19 had already begun. Experts immediately raised questions about the speed of the vaccine development, saying that it would not be possible unless the US had obtained the virus strains from very early on. So how did the US start the first human testing of the vaccine so soon? When and how did they get the virus strains?
8.Why did the US government keep downplaying the pandemic while its officials privately dumped stocks?
据《华盛顿邮报》报道,大约在新冠肺炎疫情引发美股暴跌之前一周,美国国会参议院情报委员会 理查德·伯尔密集出售了自己和夫人持有的33只股票,估价在62.8万美元到172万美元之间。为什么2月中旬美国政府对本国新冠肺炎疫情轻描淡写,而参议院情报委员会的多位官员却在那时抛售价值上百万的股票?难道政客们竟然一边利用内幕交易售卖股票,一边对公众隐瞒疫情?
According to the Washington Post, US Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and his wife sold up to 1.7 million in 33 different stocks just one week before the market plunged. Why did these officials at the Committee act so quickly while the government was continually understating the pandemic?
Why is the vital information kept confidential to the public while the government officials were taking advantage to practice insider-trading?