
2021正式开启,BECer们准备好饱满的姿态迎接新一年的学习和工作了吗?去年我们发起了BEC Top Tips打卡以及BEC备考营等互动知识分享专题深受大家喜爱。在大家积极踊跃的参与下,我们完成了一个又一个学习挑战。

可以是级别,也可以译为排列、 把…分等级,详情请看👇
rank noun | a position in an organization, such as the army, showing someone's importance
senior / high / junior / low rank
He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.
rank verb | to have a position in a list which shows things or people in order of importance, or to give someone or something a position on such a list
He ranked number one in the world at the start of the competition.
The city's canals now rank among the world's dirtiest.

Nouns: strike, striker
Adjectives: striking
Verbs: strike
strike noun | a period of time when people are not working because they want more money, better working conditions, etc.
The city's bus drivers have been on strike for three weeks.
a teachers' strike
strike (HIT)  | to hit someone or something
Two climbers were struck by falling rocks.
His car went out of control and struck a tree.
I've never heard of anyone being struck by lightning.
strike (THINK) | If a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly think of it.
It struck me that I had forgotten to order the champagne.
what struck me/the first thing that struck me... | used when talking about a very obvious quality that you noticed when you first saw or met someone or something
What struck me about Cole was how grown-up he seemed for a seven-year-old.
The first thing that struck me about Emma was her extraordinary beauty.
strike (STOP WORK) | to stop working for a period of time because you want more money, better working conditions, etc.
Train drivers are threatening to strike over pay.
strike a balance | to give two things the same amount of attention
It's important to strike a balance between spending and saving.
strike sb as sth | If someone or something strikes you as having a particular quality, they seem to have that quality.
He didn't strike me as a passionate man.
They strike me as creative and original people.
His comments struck me as aggressive.
strike (EFFECT) | If something bad strikes something or someone, it affects them strongly and quickly.
The hurricane struck the coast at about eight in the morning.

occupation (JOB) | your job
You have to give your name, age and occupation on the application form.
occupation (HOBBY) | something that you do in your free time
He has a few occupations, such as gardening and woodwork.
occupation (CONTROL) | when an army moves into a place and takes control of it
a military occupation


