
特朗普被控四项重罪:阴谋诈骗美国;阴谋阻挠官方程序;妨碍并试图妨碍正式程序;以及反对权利的阴谋。(conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an
official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official
proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.)
当被要求在本案中认罪时,他说“无罪”,并在两个词之间打了一个拍子来强调“无罪”(Asked to enter a plea in the case, he said, "Not guilty," taking a beat between the words to emphasize the "not.")

这是特朗普在四个月内的第三次传讯,他似乎和其他人一样认真对待这一程序。当Upadhyaya法官向他讲话时,他很少与她中断眼神交流,并聚精会神地看着Lauro和检察官Thomas Windom预览他们关于审判节奏的论点。(This is Trump's third arraignment in under four months, and he
appeared to take the proceeding as seriously as the others. He rarely broke eye contact with Judge Upadhyaya as she addressed him, and watched
intently as Lauro and prosecutor Thomas Windom previewed their
arguments about the pace of the trial.)
Upadhyaya说,她与Tanya Chutkan法官进行了磋商,后者将主持此案的剩余诉讼,双方预计初步审判日期将在8月28日的下一次听证会上确定。

川普的全名叫:Donald J. Trump. John
年龄是:seven, seven. 七七。