Preda V. Mihăilescu是罗马尼亚数学家,最著名的成就是证明了已有 158 年历史的卡特兰猜想。

Preda V. Mihăilescu (born 23 May 1955) is a Romanian mathematician, best known for his proof of the 158-year-old Catalan's conjecture.
Preda V. Mihăilescu(生于 1955 年 5 月 23 日)是罗马尼亚数学家,最著名的成就是证明了已有 158 年历史的卡特兰猜想。

He studied mathematics and computer science in Zürich, receiving a PhD from ETH Zürich in 1997. For several years, he did research at the University of Paderborn, Germany. Since 2005, he has held a professorship at the University of Göttingen.
他曾在苏黎世攻读数学和计算机科学,1997 年获得苏黎世联邦理工学院博士学位。 自 2005 年起,他在哥廷根大学担任教授.
