【科普向盘点】那些也许你没见过的 “Superman”!?


6- 命途多舛的-英国.....“Captain Marvel ”-
Miracleman / Marvel man (奇迹人.奇迹超人.惊奇超人.漫威人....)

Miracleman (Michael "Micky" "Mike" Moran)原名Marvelman
是一位虚构的 超级英雄,出现在L. Miller & Son, Ltd.首次出版的漫画书中。
由作家兼艺术家Mick Anglo于 1954 年为出版商 L. Miller & Son 创建,最初是作为美国角色惊奇队长的英国本土替代品,原系列一直持续到 1963 年。
它于 1982 年在黑暗的后作家艾伦摩尔的现代重启,以及尼尔盖曼后来的贡献。

米克盎格鲁时代 The Mick Anglo years
Len Miller和他的公司L. Miller & Son, Ltd.一直在英国出版该系列的黑白重印本以及其他福西特的作品。
他没有停下来,而是向漫画包装商Mick Anglo寻求帮助以继续或更换漫画。
Marvelman 与 惊奇队长相似:

一位名叫 -Micky Moran米奇·莫兰-的年轻记者
遇到了一位天体物理学家,而不是一位巫师,他赋予他基于原子能而非魔法的超能力。ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

代替惊奇队长和玛丽惊奇,漫威人加入了 Dicky Dauntless,一个十几岁的信使男孩成为了年轻的奇迹人,年轻的约翰尼·贝茨成为了奇迹小子;他们的两个魔法词都是“Marvelman”。

惊奇队长#19 和惊奇队长#19 宣布即将更换这些英雄,每个标题的第 25 期(封面日期均为 1954 年 2 月 3 日),他们被重新命名为Marvelman和Young Marvelman。
两年后,Marvelman Family加入了阵容。
Anglo 联合制作漫画的工作室艺术家包括丹尼斯·吉福德( Denis Gifford)和唐·劳伦斯( Don Lawrence)。
Marvelman和Young Marvelman各有 346 期(#25-370),每周出版,最后 36 期每月出版,重印旧故事。漫威家族是一个月刊,从 1956 年 10 月到 1959 年 11 月,通常将 Marvelman、Young Marvelman 和 Kid Marvelman 放在一起。

从 1954 年到 1963 年,每年都会印刷各种Marvelman和Young Marvelman专辑。
Mick Anglo 与 Len Miller 的关系于 1960 年结束。
一个心怀不满的盎格鲁人随后将他的一些 Marvelman 故事作为奇迹队长回收,以他的 Anglo Comics 印记出版,该印记于 1961 年折叠。

Anglo 一直声称拥有 Marvelman,尽管创作者的权利几乎闻所未闻在 1950 年代和 1960 年代的英国漫画行业中,至少有一些 Anglo 的 Marvelman 故事在边缘有一个小小的“© Mick Anglo”,这为 Anglo 的说法提供了一定的可信度。
在他们成功的高峰期,英国的“奇迹”看到了一系列意大利的重印。Gordon and Gotch 是澳大利亚最大的漫画出版商之一,也出版了重印版。在巴西,英国漫威人的故事以与福西特的原版漫威队长相同的标题重印。
然而,在巴西,Marvelman 变成了 Jack Marvel。(Σ(っ °Д °;)っ巴西超人(@_@;)?)
尽管Marvelman的头衔在相当长的一段时间内取得了成功,但这种情况在 1959 年突然发生了变化,当时英国法律的变化允许从美国进口漫画。
黑白漫威本无法与全彩进口书竞争,迫使米勒取消漫威家族,将另外两本降级为月刊,并在内容中使用重印冒险。这两个系列一直持续到 1963 年,当时米勒申请破产。
该公司于 1966 年完全停止出版。

In 1953, the American company Fawcett Comics, which was the US publisher of Captain Marvel, discontinued the title because of a lawsuit from DC Comics.[1][2] Len Miller and his company L. Miller & Son, Ltd. had been publishing black-and-white reprints of the series, along with other Fawcett titles, in the UK. Rather than stopping, he turned to comic packager Mick Anglo for help continuing or replacing the comic.[3] They transformed Captain Marvel into Marvelman while Miller continued his other Fawcett reprint titles and used logos and trademarks that looked significantly like Fawcett's.[citation needed] This added to the appearance that the Fawcett line was continuing, and that Marvelman was still Captain Marvel, in order to retain the audience.[original research?]
Marvelman was similar to Captain Marvel: a young reporter named Micky Moran encounters an astrophysicist, instead of a wizard, who gives him superpowers based on atomic energy instead of magic. To transform into Marvelman, he speaks the word "Kimota", which is phonetically "atomic" backwards, rather than "Shazam". Instead of Captain Marvel Jr. and Mary Marvel, Marvelman was joined by Dicky Dauntless, a teenage messenger boy who became Young Marvelman, and young Johnny Bates, who became Kid Marvelman; both of their magic words were "Marvelman".
Captain Marvel #19 and Captain Marvel, Jr. #19 announced the forthcoming replacement of these heroes, and with issue number 25 of each title (both cover-dated 3 February 1954), they were retitled as Marvelman and Young Marvelman.[3] Marvelman Family was added to the lineup two years later. Among the studio artists Anglo assembled to produce the comics were Denis Gifford and Don Lawrence.[3] Marvelman and Young Marvelman each had 346 issues (#25–370), published weekly, except for the final 36 issues, which were monthly, reprinting old stories. Marvelman Family was a monthly that usually featured Marvelman, Young Marvelman and Kid Marvelman together, from October 1956 to November 1959. A variety of Marvelman and Young Marvelman albums were printed annually from 1954 to 1963.
Mick Anglo's association with Len Miller ended in 1960. A disgruntled Anglo then recycled some of his Marvelman stories as Captain Miracle, published under his Anglo Comics imprint, which folded in 1961. Anglo always claimed ownership of Marvelman, and although creator's rights were almost unheard of in the British comics industry of the 1950s and 1960s, at least some of Anglo's Marvelman stories do have a tiny "© Mick Anglo" in the margins, lending a measure of credibility to Anglo's claim.[4]
At the height of their success, the British "Marvels" saw a series of Italian reprints. Gordon and Gotch, one of Australia's largest comics publishers, also published reprint editions. In Brazil, British Marvelman stories were reprinted in the same titles as Fawcett's original Captain Marvel. However, in Brazil, Marvelman became Jack Marvel.[5]
Though the Marvelman titles were successful for a considerable time, this changed abruptly in 1959 when changes in British law allowed comics to be imported from the US. The black-and-white Marvelman books were unable to compete with the full color imports, forcing Miller to cancel Marvelman Family, downgrade the other two titles to monthly status, and use reprinted adventures for their content. The two series survived until 1963, when Miller filed for bankruptcy.[3] The company ceased publishing altogether in 1966.[6]

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
重见天日<( ̄︶ ̄)>
The Alan Moore years
Marvelman (in Warrior)

1982 年 3 月推出了新的英国月刊黑白选集漫画Warrior。

编辑/出版商Dez Skinn从一开始就决定重振 Marvelman 作为其特色之一,他解释说:
除了偶尔令人惊叹的艺术之外,我对他们并没有特别兴奋,但我一直对 Mick Anglo 情有独钟......
被遗忘的角色可能会再卖一打左右,我选择跟随我对英国队长所做的类似重新发布 -首先取笑,然后作为奖励,让真正关心的人大吃一惊。
如果它失败了,那么它只有 52 页中的 6 页——这是选集方法的美妙之处。
Skinn 最先选择了两个写 Marvelman 的人选是Steve Parkhouse和Steve Moore。

Skinn 对艺术家的第一选择是Dave Gibbons和Brian Bolland,但他们再次拒绝了,让 Skinn 不情愿地将任务交给了Garry Leach,他可以找到对这个项目感兴趣的艺术家。
在第一期《勇士》中,迈克尔·莫兰 (Michael Moran) 被描述为已婚,饱受偏头痛困扰,梦想着飞行,并且无法记住一个在他的梦中如此重要的词。在他最初的漫威人故事中,摩尔触及了他后期作品的许多主题,包括作为恐怖来源的超级英雄、富有同情心的恶棍以及探索一个既定虚构人物的神话。

Warrior出版了Marvelman Special,在 Moore 的框架故事中收集了 Mick Anglo 的故事。前者地图集漫画,更名为奇迹漫画不久,前原Marvelman被取消,反对该系列标题中使用这个词奇迹的。
这被用作出版商的官方解释,解释为什么 Marvelman 以《勇士》 #21(1984 年 8 月)悬而未决而选集本身又继续出版了五期,但实际原因是 Skinn 和 Moore 之间的一系列激烈的财务争论。
随着该系列的停产,Skinn 将这些材料授权给了美国出版商,首先是Pacific Comics,在 Pacific 倒闭后,日蚀漫画。

Name change to Miracleman
1985 年 8 月,Eclipse 开始重印来自Warrior的 Marvelman 故事,着色并重新调整大小。
第 1-6 期重印了所有Warrior内容,此后 Eclipse 开始发布来自摩尔和新艺术家 Chuck Beckum(现称为Chuck Austen)的新 Miracleman 故事,很快被Rick Veitch和John Totleben取代。
Eclipse 分配了角色的权利,其中 2/3 将分配给 Eclipse,1/3 分配给该系列的当前作家和艺术家。
摩尔写了这个系列直到第 16 期。
《勇士》第 4 期(也称为“勇士夏季特辑”)展示了摩尔最初是如何让故事继续下去的一瞥,其中包括 Marvelman 和 Aza Chorn 为与 Kid Marvelman 的最后一战收集能量的故事。

A new British monthly black-and-white anthology comic, Warrior, was launched in March 1982. Editor/publisher Dez Skinn had decided from the beginning to revive Marvelman as one of its features, explaining:
It was always going to be Marvelman. I knew the character's history: I'd had a few Annuals as a kid and those cheap and nasty little comics. Wasn't particularly thrilled with them, outside of occasional stunning art, but I'd always had a soft spot for Mick Anglo ... So, given the difference between a brand-new character who would sell no more copies, or a somewhat forgotten character who might sell about a dozen more, I opted to follow the similar relaunch I'd done with Captain Britain—tease at first, then, as a bonus, surprise those who actually cared. If it failed, it was only six pages out of 52—the beauty of the anthology approach.[3]
Skinn's first two choices to write Marvelman were Steve Parkhouse and Steve Moore. Both expressed a lack of interest, and when Moore told Skinn that his friend Alan Moore (no relation to Steve) would "give his eye teeth" to write Marvelman, Skinn agreed to let him submit a pitch for the series.[3] Skinn's first picks for artist were Dave Gibbons and Brian Bolland, but again both declined, leaving Skinn to reluctantly give the assignment to Garry Leach, the one artist he could find with interest in the project.[3] Leach used actor Paul Newman as the model for his rendition of Marvelman.[3]
Warrior featured a new, darker version of Marvelman, written by Alan Moore, illustrated by Garry Leach (soon replaced by Alan Davis when Leach's laborious and perfectionist approach threatened deadlines),[3] and lettered by Annie Parkhouse. In the first issue of Warrior, Michael Moran is presented as married, plagued by migraines, having dreams of flying, and unable to remember a word that had such significance in his dreams. In his initial run of Marvelman stories, Moore touches on many themes of his later work, including the superhero as a source of terror, the sympathetic villain and exploring the mythology of an established fictional character.
Warrior published a Marvelman Special collecting Mick Anglo stories within a frame story by Moore. The former Atlas Comics, renamed Marvel Comics shortly before the original Marvelman was cancelled, objected to the use of the word Marvel in the series title. This was used as the publisher's official explanation for why Marvelman ended on a cliffhanger with Warrior #21 (August 1984) while the anthology itself went on for another five issues, but the actual reason was a series of bitter financial arguments between Skinn and Moore.[3] With the series discontinued, Skinn licensed the material to American publishers, first to Pacific Comics, and after Pacific's collapse, to Eclipse Comics.
Name change to Miracleman[edit]
In August 1985, Eclipse began reprinting the Marvelman stories from Warrior, coloured, and re-sized. They were renamed and re-lettered throughout as Miracleman to avoid further problems with Marvel Comics.[3] Issues 1–6 reprinted all the Warrior content, after which Eclipse began publishing new Miracleman stories from Moore and new artist Chuck Beckum (now known as Chuck Austen), soon replaced by Rick Veitch and then John Totleben. Eclipse split the rights to the character, with 2/3 going to Eclipse and 1/3 split between the current writer and artist of the series.[7] Moore wrote the series until issue 16.
A glimpse of how Moore originally meant the story to continue is presented in Warrior issue 4 (also called the Warrior Summer Special), which features Marvelman and Aza Chorn gathering energy for the final battle with Kid Marvelman.
Miracleman: The Neil Gaiman years
Eclipse 这个版本的奇迹人是迷你剧《全蚀》(1988-89)中的一个特色角色。

这是盖曼第一次出版的奇迹人故事。这个故事在第 21 期和“黄金时代”平装本中重印。

Gaiman 和 Buckingham 在 1990 年 6 月出版了第 17 期。


盖曼在《黄金时代》中关注的不是英雄本身而是生活在这个新世界中的人们,包括一个孤独的男人成为奇迹女郎的情人之一,一个前间谍(他的故事让人想起JG Ballard的短篇小说“战争狂热”)

Eclipse 通过出版独立的三期迷你系列Miracleman:Apocrypha 来跟进“黄金时代”,该系列由其他各种创作者编写和插图,由盖曼和白金汉撰写。
出现了两期“白银时代”,但 Eclipse 于 1994 年破产,《奇迹人》第 24 期停刊。
第 25 期已完成但从未出版。
盖曼批准了一个衍生系列,《奇迹人:胜利 Miracleman: Triumphant》由弗雷德·伯克撰写,小迈克·德奥达托铅笔,杰森·铁木真小调。

Miracleman: Triumphant第一期的大部分内容都已完成并准备印刷,第二期已编写脚本,但与Miracleman #25 一样,在 Eclipse 崩溃后,这两期仍处于出版停滞状态。
问题#23 和#24 见证了年轻奇迹人的复活,并描述了奇迹人田园诗般的世界中麻烦的开始。
第 25 期的几页被泄露到各种网站,并出现在 George Khoury 的书Kimota!
奇迹人伴侣. “黑暗时代”将见证奇迹小子的全面回归并完成故事。


Miracleman: The Neil Gaiman years[edit]
Miracleman was a featured character in the mini-series Total Eclipse (1988–89). "Screaming", a short story by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham, appeared in Total Eclipse #4. This was Gaiman's first published Miracleman story. This story was reprinted in issue #21 and in "The Golden Age" trade paperback.

Gaiman and Buckingham picked up the series at #17, which was published in June 1990. Three volumes were planned, consisting of six issues each: "The Golden Age," "The Silver Age" and "The Dark Age." "The Golden Age" showed the world some years later: a utopia gradually being transformed by alien technologies, and benignly ruled by Miracleman and other parahumans, though he has nagging doubts about whether he has done the right thing by taking power. Gaiman's focus in "The Golden Age" is less the heroes themselves than the people who live in this new world, including a lonely man who becomes one of Miraclewoman's lovers, a former spy (whose tale recalls J.G. Ballard's short story "War Fever"), and several duplicates of Andy Warhol.

Eclipse followed up "The Golden Age" by publishing the standalone, three-issue mini-series Miracleman: Apocrypha, written and illustrated by a variety of other creators, with framing pages by Gaiman and Buckingham. These stories did not form part of the main narrative, but instead further fleshed out the world of "The Golden Age". Two issues of "The Silver Age" appeared, but Eclipse went bankrupt in 1994, ceasing publication of Miracleman with issue #24. Issue #25 was completed but never published.[8]

Gaiman had approved a spin-off series, Miracleman: Triumphant, written by Fred Burke, penciled by Mike Deodato Jr and inked by Jason Temujin Minor. Most of the first issue of Miracleman: Triumphant was complete and ready for printing, and the second was scripted, but like Miracleman #25, the two issues remained in publishing limbo after Eclipse collapsed.[citation needed] Issues #23 and #24 saw the resurrection of Young Miracleman and described the beginnings of trouble in Miracleman's idyllic world. A few pages of issue #25 were leaked to various websites, and appear in George Khoury's book Kimota! The Miracleman Companion. "The Dark Age" would have seen the full return of Kid Miracleman and completed the story.

好啦,下面到了狗 咬 狗抢当爹环节
1996 年,Todd McFarlane以总计 25,000 美元的价格购买了 Eclipse 的创意资产,包括所谓的 Miracleman 版权。
2001 年,盖曼成立了 Marvels and Miracles LLC,该公司的目标是长期清理 Miracleman 的所有权。[10] 2002 年,盖曼起诉麦克法兰未经授权使用奇迹人以及他为《生化危机》创作的角色。
根据盖曼的说法,诉讼过程中提供的证据显示,麦克法兰购买日食漫画公司资产时不包括 Miracleman 的权利。
同样在 2002 年,盖曼为漫威写了1602系列。
盖曼从这个系列中获得的利润捐给了 Marvels and Miracles LLC,以帮助他对 Miracleman 进行法律斗争。
盖曼在1602 年全集的奉献 部分地读到“致托德,因为它使它成为必要”。
2009 年出现的消息是,原创者 Mick Anglo 从一开始就保留了 Marvelman 的权利,这意味着Quality Communications、Eclipse 和 McFarlane购买这些权利是非法的。
在2009 年的圣地亚哥动漫展上,漫威漫画公司宣布他们从米克·盎格鲁手中购买了漫威人的版权,“几十年来最重要的漫画人物之一”。
2010 年 6 月,出版了“Marvelman Classic Primer”one-shot,以新艺术和对 Mick Anglo 和其他参与 Marvelman 历史的人的采访为特色。
2010 年 7 月,一个名为Marvelman Family's Finest的新连续剧推出了重印版“Marvelman 最伟大的冒险”。精装重印版,Marvelman Classic Vol。

在 2013 年纽约动漫展上,漫威宣布他们已经巩固了他们对奇迹人的权利,尼尔盖曼将完成他 25 年前开始的故事。该系列采用巨幅格式,每期均包含 Eclipse Comics 系列相应期的重印本、Mick Anglo Marvelman 精选故事的重印本以及散文、照片和漫威人设计草图。
第一期,重印了Warrior #1 & 2/ Miracleman #1 中重新着色和重新编排的故事,于 2014 年 1 月 15 日发行。

2014 年 9 月,漫威漫画旗下首个新的 Miracleman 素材发布。
以格兰特·莫里森( Grant Morrison ) 于 1980 年代撰写并由乔·克萨达( Joe Quesada)绘制的“失落”故事为特色,并加入了彼得·米利根( Peter Milligan)和迈克·奥尔雷德( Mike Allred) 的全新故事。
当该系列更名为Miracleman: The Golden Age时,重印进行到 #16 ,重印第 17-22 期。

白银时代第1 期至第 3 期已于 2017 年宣布发布,但此后不久这些征集被取消。

在 2018 年圣地亚哥动漫展上,漫威宣布取消导致取消的法律障碍已经解决,新系列应该在 2019 年开始出版,之前宣布的盖曼和白金汉创意团队将加入。
截至 2020 年 9 月,尽管 Marvel 和 Gaiman 有报道称该系列正在制作中,但新系列尚未出现,也没有征集任何问题。
就上面提到的了麦克法兰的部分 (* ̄▽ ̄)y

麦克法兰在引入莫兰(Miracleman的另一个我)Hellspawn #6,与被控在返回Miracleman自己的意图Hellspawn #13。

McFarlane 将 Miracleman 包括在他当时拖延已久的 Image 10th Anniversary Book 部分。
他发布了一个 Miracleman 冷铸雕像以及一个 4 英寸(10 厘米)比例的可动人偶,该人偶与 Spawn 合作推出了 San Diego Comicon 独家两件装。

由于精装故事直接与Spawn #150 及以后的事件联系在一起,Miracleman 变成了一个神秘的新角色,被称为奇迹之人。

他作为奇迹人的出现是由-奇迹之人-的变形能力以及人们随心所欲地看待他的事实来解释的。( ̄ε ̄*)