
As a freelancer, how do you figure your compensation for complex projects? 

Break the work into smaller milestones with clearer deliverables
that you can estimate. It ultimately comes down to “this will take me X
amount of time, which is Y dollars. Are the things in this milestone
worth that to you?”
Your clients need to say their budget out loud. They need to identify how valuable this problem actually is to them.
I frequently have conversations where a client will say (for
example) “this is worth it to me if we can get it done in 8 or fewer
weeks (of budget), but not if it takes more than 10 weeks.”

If the problem has a bunch of unknowns or areas of risk
(feasibility, lack of design, really ambiguous scope, a really
wishy-washy stakeholder who’s going to change their mind a bunch of
times, etc.), then we try to address the biggest questions as fast as we
can. If I have to pull the plug (拔插头)on the project, I want to do it a week
or two in instead of a month or two in.
Sometimes solving the problem is a lot more expensive than it’s worth. I’d rather find that out quickly.
Ultimately it comes down to getting your client to name their budget
(and expected value). Then you gotta define the problem well enough that you can figure out if it’s even possible. Then set milestones and
deliverables at each phase (you deliver work and your client pays you!).
Each milestone has an expected timeline and cost, as well as a cost
Sometimes you get into it and figure out that a given milestone is
way more complex than you thought. Communicate proactively.

If you do it this way (in relatively small chunks, with frequent
user acceptance, proactive communication, and full view of the budget),
and then deliver reliably and regularly, clients tend to happily pay
invoices regardless of how you bill.
Clients just don’t want to pay a bunch of money for something that
might not even work, and usually aren’t savvy enough to know what to
look for here in terms of picking a good freelancer to do greenfield
客户只是不愿意花一大笔钱买一些甚至可能不能用的东西, 通常他们也不够有足够的见识,不知道应该如何着手来找好的自由职业者做开荒的工作。

Yes. I typically set milestones to be roughly every week or two and
invoice every two weeks. The client pays for work done thus far. If I
make an error in the work that's unambiguously my fault, I'll fix it for
free or at a reduced rate. Sometimes I'll fix things at a reduced rate
or comp some hours as a show of good faith.
Most "errors" are actually "We said we wanted <this feature>
but actually now that we see it we want <that feature> instead."
I get around that now by working really hard to understand the
problems and the various solution fitness criteria before I let clients
tell me about the solution they want... usually the solution they have
in mind is adjacent to but not quite the solution they actually need.
Ideally we craft the solution together.
If a client prefers to hand me mock-ups and specs and sequence
diagrams and things like that instead of doing that discovery work, I'm
going to build it exactly as specified... if they complain that
something doesn't work how they want, we'll go to the documentation and
I'll ask them to identify for me which requirement it doesn't meet (and
how). Most clients who want to work this way are not skilled enough at
their job to be able to work this way.
The contract I used to use (I work for an employer now who handles
contracts) specifically stipulated that even if the project gets
canceled, I'm still owed the invoiced amounts.
I also put a cap on how many hours per week of work I'll do (with an
option for written approval of going over the limit), which protects
both me and the client.
So far it's been fine. If I think a client is at risk of not paying,
I either won't work with them, or I'll work in much smaller units of
work, or we'll do something like "33% up front, 33% at the agreed-upon
halfway point, and 33% when the project is done"   