van dweller货车居民体验一个月

I don't really have any reason to share this other than the fact I lived in this sub for such a long time before starting my van journey, thinking I was invincible from the van struggles. 
I started living in a Ford e150 a month and a half ago. 

1993 Ford E150 Econoline High Top Conversion Van Low Miles 50K Leather ...
I was so sure I was not like the other van life quitters, and that I could last an indefinite amount of time. 
After all, I loved camping, so why would I not love camping every night? I also love travelling and taking long trips. 
What I suddenly realized is that even I have my limits, and that I like having a home base. I have a lease starting in August, 
 I think I just had to try it myself in order to understand the struggles of van dwelling. 
I've also had a few campsites that I had been looking forward to as respites from picking a spot every night fall through, and that unexpectedly added a lot to the mental load.
Anyone start out super cocky and stubborn, only to realize after two months it's more of a weekend thing for them?
Also, I work full time as a remote employee. Having to get a stable Internet connection for 8 hours a day, every day, is so much more of a pain than I expected.
I also realized being alone in the woods hits WAY differently than being alone in a city- I lived in a studio and would go days without talking to someone, but it feels so different than being in the woods with no one around for who knows how far