从2022.08.13中国考区写作真题9分原创范文看雅思problem/solution essay 的写法!


problem/solution essay 是雅思写作常考的一种写作类型,今日小编就以本周末中国考区笔试题目为例,来分析讲解一下这种类型的写作手法。
2022.08.13 写作题目
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?
Essay Type
Cause/Solution essay

Writing the introduction
1) paraphrase the topic sentence 用自己语言改写题目
2) answer the question 回答问题 
9分原创 Sample Answer 
Increased production of consumer products contributes to the degradation of the environment.This occurs as a result of air, soil and water contamination caused by increased production and there are two solutions that can be adopted to tackle this problem.
Academic vocabulary 学术词汇
degradation of the environment  环境的恶化
contamination 污染
1)The causes of this appear to be focused on three areas, and a number of solutions also appear to be possible.
2)The origins of this situation seem to stem from three factors, while several remedies appear to be possible.

1:state the causes
Body Paragraph 1
 9分原创Sample Answer 
Firstly, air pollution is perhaps one of the main reasons why the increase in production of consumer goods is detrimental to the environment. The poisonous substances and toxic gases released during production are a significant environmental threat, leading to deteriorating air quality and resulting in increased risk of developing chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease and many other illnesses, diseases and conditions for human beings. Moreover, the untreated wide range of chemicals released during the production stage can also leach into the soil and contaminate the environment. Results such as the decrease in soil fertility and biodiversity and the declining productivity of crops will occur due to chemicals straining the soil. Finally, industrial production is also a major contributing factor to water pollution across the globe. The illegal dumping of polluted water, gases, chemicals, heavy metals or radioactive materials into major waterways inflicts damage on marine life and the environment as a whole.
Academic vocabulary 学术词汇
detrimental 对....有害的
chronic respiratory disease 慢性呼吸道疾病
soil fertility 土壤肥沃度
inflicts damage on 对....造成损害
In the first paragraph, you may need to use a vocabulary of cause and effect to explain why the problem exists. To do this you will need to use language to express Cause and Effect/Result. 
Introducing the cause(s)  说明原因使用的语言
A major cause of …….. is ….
Perhaps the major cause of this is …
The main/ primary cause of this is …
A further cause of this is …
An additional cause of …. is
…. also plays a role in …
…… is (often/ usually) responsible for …
…… is a major contributing factor to …
The main reason for this is …
If you are uncertain of the cause you can add the modal verbs may / might, which are used to give more information about the main verb and are used for suggestions.
For example:
Another cause may / might be …
Introducing the result(s)
For example:
More vehicles in city centres have resulted in poorer air quality.
Poorer air quality results from the high number of vehicles on our roads.
Poorer air quality leads to an increased number of residents in the city who suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
Poor air quality contributes to a number of health problems such as asthma and bronchitis. 
state the solutions
Body Paragraph 2
 9分原创Sample Answer
While the increased production of consumer goods can indeed cause damage to the environment, there are also a number of solutions that can be introduced to mitigate the extent of damage from industrial pollution. Firstly, it is imperative that stricter government regulations and policies be in place. For example, the increase in severity of fines towards factories who fail to comply with emission standards can create an incentive for polluters to reduce their emissions. Another example is the U.S. government banned a few models of Volkswagen due to pollution issues. Hence, government policies can act as a deterrent to cease illegal activities which cause environmental harm. In addition, individuals’ consumption habits and behavioral patterns will need to alter in order to alleviate the environmental problems caused by industrial production. For instance, refraining from non-essential purchases and avoiding using single-use products can all contribute significantly to the reduction in the severity of water, air and soil pollution. 
Academic vocabulary 学术词汇
mitigate 减轻
comply with 遵从
deterrent 威慑
alleviate 缓解
consumption habits 消费习惯
behavioral patterns 行为模式
refrain from 避免 节制
Writing about Solutions 
Try to make sure your solutions are not too simplistic. It's all too easy to make sweeping generalizations about what people can do. 
The government should introduce stricter laws.
建议使用 tentative language,意思就是在下结论、推断或者给建议的时候,采用谨慎的态度,具体如下:
Try to say:
The government should consider introducing stricter laws to penalise environmental criminals more harshly.
The government should ensure that stricter laws and legislation are in place to penalise environmental criminals more harshly.
在雅思problem solution essays 中,我们经常见到学生给出笼统的句子却没有任何的细节解释。建议给出更多的细节来解释这样一个方案如何或者为什么会成功,具体请见下面例子:
Governments should ensure that adequate legislation and controls are in place that will penalise environmental criminals harshly, such as imposing large fines on corporations which have committed criminal acts of pollution or illegal discharge of untreated sewage materials. 
Governments should consider improving legislation and controls to make environmental punishments harsher by increasing the fines levied against corporations which have committed criminal acts of pollution or illegal discharge of untreated sewage materials. 
Some specific detail has now been given on how this solution could work.

9分原创 Sample Answer
To conclude, the environmental problems caused by the increased production can be mitigated by stricter legislation and rules concerning environmental transgressors as well as alterations in individuals’ consumption habits and behavioural patterns.
Academic vocabulary 学术词汇
transgressor 违法者
alteration 改变
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