
高考英语作文得高分的方法有些什么?一、在学习词汇的时候就要注意单词的运用,有很多英语词汇带倾向性的描述,如:A. appealing: 有吸引力的B. alluring: 有吸引力的C. charming: 有吸引力的我们不能这样笼统地记住它们,即使记住了,也无法表达出其中的意涵,这样写作水平就难以提高!Appealing:(有趣,有吸引力)有吸引力的,诱人的,如:1. There was a sense of humour to what he did that I found very appealing.他举手投足间流露出一种幽默感,我觉得很有魅力。
Alluring:(神秘,有吸引力)诱人的;迷人的,如:2. Some journalists like to colour their stories up with alluring details of people'sprivate lives.一些新闻记者喜欢用诱人的私生活细节来夸大故事。
Charming:(可爱,有吸引力)迷人的,可爱的,讨人喜欢的,如:3. I expected him to be rather formidable, but he's actually a very charming man.我原以为他很令人敬畏,可实际上他挺招认喜欢。4. He found her as smart and beautiful as she is charming.他感觉她聪明漂亮,又讨人喜欢。知道了这些词汇的倾向性描述后,我们就能写出生动的语言。这些能区别词汇细微语义的资料可以参考《词不离句》,如下【如下是链接,点击可进入】:
Brother Joe007:词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
二、有什么资料可以训练我们提高作文技巧吗?举例说明:Level 4   Japan closed its schools. It wants to
protect children from COVID-19. Schools will close until April the 8th. Parents
are worried. They have to look after their children. Grandparents will look
after some while their parents work. Many children have no grandparents or
extended family, so parents may have to pay for childcare fees.    日本关闭了学校,希望孩子免受新冠病毒的感染。学校将关门至4月8日,父母很担心,他们得去照看小孩。在父母们工作时,有些孩子由祖父母看着,但有许多孩子没有祖父母或大家庭的,因此他们的父母可能得支付孩子保育费。   Japan's schools shut after an anti-virus task force meeting. It
wants to stop children getting infected. The next two weeks are important to
stop the virus. Companies should help parents take time off work to look after
children. An angry mother said children should not stay at home alone. She said
parents are still travelling in packed trains.   在一次反病毒工作组会议后日本把学校关闭了,希望阻止孩子们被病毒感染,之后的两周对阻隔病毒的传染很重要。公司应给父母予以帮助,从工作中抽出时间来照看孩子。一位母亲气愤地说,孩子们不应自己呆在家里,而父母却仍然挤着火车出门在外!
这2段文章可以扩写为如下这样,注意标注颜色的字体,如下:Level 5   Japan closed its elementary,
junior-high and highschools. It wants to protect children from theCOVID-19virus. Schools will stay
closeduntil April the 8th. Parents are worried about the school closures. They have to think
about how tolook after their children. Grandparents will look after some children while their
parents work. Many children have no grandparents or extended family nearby, so parents may have to pay for
childcare fees.   Japan's schools shut after a
meeting of an anti-virus task force. Japan wants to lower
the risk ofchildren
getting infected. The next two weeks are important to stop the virus spreading. The government will ask companies to help parents take time off
work to look after children. An angry mother saidit was
not OK to leavechildren at home alone. She asked: "What's the point
of closing schools if parents are still going
to workin packed trains?"
在Level 5的基础上,还可以扩写成如下这样:
Level 6    Japan and
Hong Kongclosed their elementary, junior-high and high schools. Governments want to protect children from the
COVID-19 coronavirus. Schools in
Japanwill stay closed until April the 8th; children in Hong Kong will return
to school on April the 20th at the earliest. Parents are worried about the school
closures. Parents have to think about how to care
for children.
Grandparents will look after some children while their parents go to work. Many children have no
grandparents or extended family who live nearby. Parents may have to pay for childcare
fees.    Japan's Prime Minister shut the schools after meetingJapan's
anti-virus task force. The next two weeks are important to control
the spread of COVID-19. He wants to lower the risk of children and
teachersgetting infected through gathering together. The government will ask companies to make it
easier forparents to take time off work to look after children. An angry mother said:
"I wonder if the government thinks it is OK to leave children at home
alone." She asked: "What's the point of closing schools if parents
are still commuting in packed trains?"
在Level 6的基础上,还可以继续扩写,如下:Level 7    Japan and Hong Kong have closed its elementary, junior-high and
high schools until April. Governments say theywant
to protect children from the COVID-19 coronavirus. Schools in Japan will remain closed until April the 8th, which is the start of the new school
Children in Hong Kong will return to school on April the 20th at the earliest.
Parents are now worried about the school closures. Working parents have to think about how to care
for younger children. Grandparents will look aftermany children while their parents go to
work. However,many children have no grandparents or extended family who live nearby. Parents
may have to pay for expensive childcare fees.   Japan's Prime MinisterShinzo Abe shut the country's schools after a meeting of Japan's
anti-virus task force. He saidthe next two weeks are criticalto control the spread of COVID-19. He wants to "stem the risk of many children and teachers becoming infected through gathering for long hours every day". The government said it would urge public services
and privatecompanies to make it easier for people to take time off work to look after their children. An angry mother said: "I wonder
if the government thinks it is OK to leave children at home alonefor long hours."
She asked: "What's the point of closing schools if parents are still
commuting in packed trains in which passengers may have COVID-19?"
这是神马东东?这是G-WASRIO [dʒi:-wəzriə]英语学习资料,就这样教我们一步步地去作文!G-WASRIO 于2023年6月份上线,共计12册,涵盖“娱乐与八卦, 科学与技术,医学与健康,经济与金融,政治与军事,人文与环境,文化与旅游,生活,话题,教育,轶闻奇事及其他”等的新闻播报内容。每一篇文章都按易难程度分4个级别(中级),或3个级别(高级)写成,从易到难有7个级别,共计1528篇文章,字数100万字。这是一套难得的教我们如何写作文英语资料,详情参考如下(如下是链接):G-WASRIO,心仪英语分级读物 
