

我们来举例说明:1. 如果我们只有2000多的词汇时,阅读如下这段,肯定会比较痛苦的:    Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect,is the management to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team”. 简直就是不知所云啊!但是呢,如果看这么的一句,就不痛苦了,如下:   ●They don't blame the management. 他们不怪管理层2. 当我们有5000的词汇量时,看如下这2句,也不会有什么痛苦:   ● The management is not to be blamed for doing that way. 管理层那样去做不应受到责怪。    ● The management is not to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs”. 不应责怪管理层去歧视那些“怪咖”。
3. 当我们的词汇量上到8000时,看如下2句,也不会有什么不适,如下:   ● The management is not to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” in favor of the researchers who work well with the team. 青睐善于团队合作的研究员而去歧视那些“怪咖”,不应因此而责怪管理层。    ● If regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are desirable to the scientist,the management is not to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with the team. 如果科学家也欢迎标准模式的规律性与一致性,那么就不应去指责管理层歧视研究人员中的“怪咖”,而去青睐善于团队合作的思维较为常规的人。4. 随着词汇量的增加,及阅读量的扩大,看到如下这2句时,也会觉得自然而然啦:   ● if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, the management is not to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with the team. 如果就像科学家的论文所反映的那样欢迎标准模式的规律性与一致性,那么就不应去指责管理层歧视研究人员中的“怪咖”,而去青睐善于团队合作的思维较为常规的人。
   ● Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is the management to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team”. 如果就像科学家的论文所反映的那样欢迎标准模式的规律性与一致性,那么就不应去指责管理层歧视研究人员中的“怪咖”,而去青睐善于团队合作的思维较为常规的人。(嗯,这句有点爱舞文弄墨啦!)所以呢,我们在英语阅读的时候,要找到与自己适配的材料,这样去阅读,才会给我们带来乐趣。一般而言,一页A4纸的篇幅,5号字体,大概800至1000字,生词量不应超过5个,否则,我们就会感到阅读有困难!

如果有2000~3000的词汇,看Level 4 那段就不会痛苦,看得明明白白;Level 5 是在Level 4基础上的扩写,就像前面那条句子一样,增加了一些词汇,或者句型变换一下。带颜色的字体是两个级别在文字上的差异!我们继续看图示:

Level 6 和 Level 7 也是在前一级的基础上进行进一步的扩写,四个级别的文章,所表达的内容是大致差不多的,但是,如果我们的词汇量不够的话,直接看Level 7, 就有可能看得稀里糊涂!以上内容来自英语分级读物G-WASRIO,共计12册,涵盖“娱乐与八卦, 科学与技术,医学与健康,经济与金融,政治与军事,人文与环境,文化与旅游,生活,话题,教育,轶闻奇事,其他”等的新闻播报内容。每一篇文章都按易难程度分4个级别(中级),或3个级别(高级)写成,从易到难共计7个级别。详情见如下链接:G-WASRIO:心仪的英语分级读物
Brother Joe007 - 词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!