
【这道题是这样的,请选择正确的答案。Mount Everest is _____ the highest mountain in the world.A.easily   B.quickly   C.rapidly请告诉我正确答案和解析,谢谢】

这是出题老师故意设计的语言陷阱,easily, quickly, rapidly 都有“迅速地”的意思,但easily有个习惯用法,easily the best, nicest, highest,biggest, etc. 表示“无疑,肯定”,是“最好的,最开心的,最高的, 最大的”意思。后面的quickly, rapidly两个选择是用来混淆视听的!
easily, quickly, rapidly 有什么区别呢?
Easily: 迅速地;频繁地(比正常情况更快,更多地发生等), 如:1. He had always cried very easily.他总是动不动就哭鼻子。2. I get bored easily.我易生厌倦。3. They have nightmares, they startle easily.他们做噩梦,经常从梦中惊醒。
Quickly(较短的时间)迅速地,很快地,如:4. The children finished their breakfast quickly so that they could go out to play.孩子们很快就吃完了早餐,以便能出去玩耍。
Rapidly(通常用以描述某段时间内事情的进展)迅速地,迅捷地,飞速的,如:5. I am rapidly going off him.我会很快离开他的。6. Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded.一辆装有化学品的卡车爆炸后,火势迅速蔓延。

专题论述如下(蓝色字体是链接):1、英语训练指南(深度好文)  Brother Joe007 - 词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语
有没有什么可以快速记住英语单词和句子的方法?Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Love Is All Around-Wet Wet Wet 

I feel it in my fingers,I feel it in my toes,Love is all around me,And so the feeling grows.
It's written on the wind,It's everywhere I go,Oh yes it is,So if you really love me,Come on and let it show.You know I love you, I always will,My mind's made up by the way that I feel,There's no beginning, there'll be no end,Cause on my love,You can depend.
I see your face before me,As I lay on my bed,I kinda get to thinking,Of all the things you said,(Oh yes I did) You gave your promise to me,And I gave mine to you,I'll need someone beside me,In everything I do.(Oh yes I do) 
You know I love you, I always will,My mind's made up by the way that I feel,There's no beginning, there'll be no end,Cause on my love,You can depend.
It's written on the wind,It's everywhere I go,Oh yes it is,So if you really love me(love me, love me),Come on and let it show.
Come on and let it show… …