
restrict限制,约束(使之不超过需要的范围,如大小、规模等);或约束,限制(活动或行为),如:1. Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。2. The government imprisoned dissidents
, forbade travel, and restricted the press.政府囚禁了持不同政见者,禁止出游,并且限制了新闻自由。
),如:3. I couldn't restrain myself any longer and burst out laughing.我再也忍不住,突然大笑起来。4. The prisoner had to be restrained by the police.警察只好强行制住囚犯。
Constrain: 限制,限定,约束(受体力或道德
约束,或所处环境所限),如:5. Women are too often constrained by family commitments
 and by low expectations.女性往往受到家庭责任和低期望值
的束缚。6. Agricultural development is considerably constrained by climate.农业发展在相当程度上受气候

Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Donnie-ace of base

Donnie's got a secret and you know it, he was yours, in the summertime, yeah,about ten years ago, he promised you to stay forever live with you,it's so bittersweet now,when you know what you lost;
*** Donnie was the boy you always wanted by
your side,Donnie was the boy your girlfriends fell for
one by one,Donnie was the boy you always wanted day and
night,but Donnie had a girlfriend tender, sexy, sweet
and blonde,in the summer time, yeah,in the summer time life was easy,on the beach you had him long ago; *** 
Donnie was the boy you always wanted by your
side,Donnie was the boy your girlfriends fell for
one by one,Donnie was the boy you always wanted day and
night,but Donnie had a girlfriend tender, sexy, sweet
and blonde,he's always on your mind,the season changes years went by,but that chapter of love stays unfinished for
you,keep on dancing through your new life,maybe, make a move,make him see you again,as the flower you are.
(repeat ***  )
in the summer time, yeah,in the summer time life was easy,on the beach you had him long ago,Donnie was the boy you always wanted by your