
active vocabulary:常用词汇passive vocabulary:不常用词汇词频高的就是常用单词,我们直接去训练就可以见效,不过并不是去背单词书,而是以句子为单位一句一句来,通过听,复述及默写的方式进行。如下图:
*仔细看表,前面4级2600词,就覆盖了普通英语文章的95%。这些单词是极高频词,即active vocabulary 常用词汇(就是所谓的“主动词汇,积极词汇”)。我们再来看具体文本:
Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Under a violet moon-Blackmore's Night
Dancing to the feel of the drum,Leave this world behind,We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves,Under a violet moon.Tudor Rose with her hair in curls,Will make you turn and stare,Try to steal a kiss at the bridge,Under a violet moon*** Raise your hats and your glasses too,We will dance the whole night through,We're going back to a time we knew,Under a violet moon.***Cheers to the Knights and days of old,The beggars and the thieves,living in an enchanted wood,Under a violet moon.Fortuneteller, what do you see?Future in a card,Share your secrets, tell them to me, Under a violet moon.Repeat *** Repeat ***Close your eyes,And lose yourself in a medieval mood,Taste the treasures and sing the tunes,Under a violet moon.This my delight on a shiny
night,The seasons of a year,To keep the lanterns burning bright,Under a violet moon.Repeat ***