为什么worth作形容词从语法上这么难解释?be worth前后到底应该填哪类内容?

【为什么,有A is worth B.存在,有A is worth it.存在,有B is worth it.存在,却没有B is worth A存在?另外,对于动宾结构“Doing Sth”来说,为什么......】
●当worth是形容词时[名词前不可用,即不能作为定语用],句型结构是: to be worth+后接名词、代词、数字或动词的-ing形式( 其实就是介词的用法),表示“值多少钱的;值得,值得去做”的意思。如:1. The museum is certainly worth a visit.这家博物馆的确值得参观。(接名词)2. The job involves a lot of hard work but it's worth it .这工作需要花费很大力气,但是值得。(接代词)3. This car is worth about 4000 pounds.这辆车值大约 4000 英镑。(接数字)4. This idea is well worth considering.这个想法很值得考虑。(接动名词)
●当worth是名词时,常见的结构是:(金额、时间)+worth+of sth. 表示价值多少,或能用多长时间。5. The winner will receive ten pounds' worth of books.获胜者将得到价值10英镑的书籍。(金额)6. You've got three years' worth of research money to do what you want with.你有可维持3年的研究经费去做自己想做的事。(时间)【与时间连用表示的意思是“可维持…(时间)”】7. A good interview enables candidates to prove their worth.好的面试可以让求职者证明他们的价值。(价值)8. The team would have need of a driver of his worth.这支队伍需要一位他这样技术水平的司机。(体现出价值))
Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Breaking My Heart

I'm on the floor counting one minute more,no one to break the silence,staring into the night all alone,but that's alright,it's the feeling deep inside; 
***I don't like there is no excuse,my friend,for breaking my heart,breaking my heart again,this is where our journey ends,you breaking my heart again;***  
here in my bed counting the words you've said,they linger in the shadows,coming home late at night drunk again,but that's all right,it's the look in your eyes.
(repeat *** )
···there is no excuse,my friend,for breaking my heart,breaking my heart again,this is where our journey ends,you breaking my heart again···
(repeat ··· )