
“跑”有各种形式,如下:Run跑,奔跑,如:1. I had to run to catch the bus.我不得不跑着去赶公共汽车。
Trot(通常指马或骑手,但有时也指步行者)小跑,如:2. The children from the local riding school came trotting down the lane
Gallop(通常指马或骑手,但有时也指奔跑的人)飞奔,疾驰,如:3. The horse galloped across the field towards us.那匹马穿过田野,朝我们飞跑而来。
Jog(尤指为了锻炼而)慢跑,如:4. I jogged around the track a couple of times to warm up for the race.我为赛跑热身围着跑道慢跑了几圈。
Rush (常因匆忙而)迅速移动,飞奔,如:5. She rushed into my office waving a message that had just come through on the fax.她急忙跑进我的办公室,手里挥着一份刚发来的传真

Sprint (尤指短距离)疾跑,猛冲,如:6. She came around the final bend and sprinted for the finishing line.她转过最后一道弯,冲向重点线。
Leg it(非正式)逃跑,开溜,如:7. Here come the cops – quick, legs it!警察来啦,快跑啊!
●我们要注意语言的表述习惯,在英语句子里面有时没有“跑”的单词,不等于在汉语表述时就不能用“跑”来表述,如下:8. Alan will be out of there like a shot if you ask him to help with the washing up.如果你让艾伦
帮你洗碗的话,他会立刻跑掉的。9. Caroline was elated when she completed her first marathon.卡罗琳
第一次跑完马拉松时,感到欢欣鼓舞。10. She's out playing tennis when she should be revising for her history exam.她本该温习功课准备历史考试,可她却跑出去打网球。



Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Top of the world

 such a feelin's comin' over me,  there is wonder in most everything i see,  not a cloud in the sky,  got the sun in my eyes,  and i won't be surprised if it's a dream.
everything i want the world to be,is now coming true especially for me,and the reason is clear,it's because you are here,you're the nearest thing to heaven that i've
***I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on
creation,and the only explanation i can find,is the love that i've found ever since you've
been around,your love put me at the top of the world.***
something in the wind has
learned my name,and it's tellin' me that things are not the
same,in the leaves on the trees and the touch of the
breeze,there's a pleasin' sense of happiness for me,
there is only one wish on my mind,when this day is through i hope that i will
find,that tomorrow will be just the same for you and
me,all i need will be mine if you are here,
Repeat ***Repeat ***