Combat Battle Fight war 这4个单词有什么区别?

看得明白如下这句话,这几个单词的区别也大致能搞清楚了:A fierce battle fought in close combat between troops in predetermined positions at a chosen time and place.
Fight: 是动词,名词。 (个人、群体或武装力量
之间的)争斗,搏斗,打斗,战斗,如:1. My little brothers are always fighting.我的小弟弟们总在打架。【动词】2. He got into a fight with a man in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个男人斗殴。【名词】3. There was a fight between supporters of the rival teams.参赛对双方的球迷们打起架来。【名词】4. He fought in World War II.他参加过第二次世界大战
。【动词】5. He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans.他参战了,后被美国人俘虏。【动词】
combat(通常用名词形式:尤指战争中的)战斗,搏斗;用作动词时,通常表述为“防止,减轻;与…作斗争,打击”的意思,也可以指与敌人进行“战斗;与…搏斗”,如:6. He was killed in combat.他在战斗中阵亡。【名词】7. We flew over 200 combat missions in the war.我们在战争中执行过两百多次战斗飞行任务。【名词】8. To combat inflation, the government raised interest rates.为了防止通货膨胀,政府提高了利率。【动词】9. Congress has criticised new government measures to combat crime.国会对政府打击犯罪的新措施提出了批评。【动词】10. They went all out to combat the drought.他们全力以赴和干旱作斗争. 【动词】
Battle:noun.(战争中武装力量之间的)战役, 战斗, 如:the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役
;verb.: (与…)斗争,(与…)搏斗, 如:11. They won the battle but lost the war.他们打赢了这一仗,但输掉了这场战争。【名词】12. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship.在海战中目标就是击沉敌船。【名词】13. Firefighters battled the flames.消防员与烈火搏斗。【动词】14. She had battled against cancer.她曾与癌症抗争。【动词】15. Doctors battled to save his life.医生奋力挽救他的生命。【动词】
War: 只有名词形式,“战争”, 如:16. Where were you living when war broke out?战争爆发时你住在哪儿?17. We are too young to have lived through the war.我们太年轻,没经历过那场战争。
到这里,估计你对这几个词汇已经有了一定的概念,现在我们把 fight, combat, battle混在一起用,如下:■fight与combat 一起用18. Now that she's old enough to fight, she's ready to prove her combat skills as well.现在,她到了足以战斗的年纪,也作好了证明自己战斗技巧的准备。19. "Graduates" fight for two weeks, then rotate out of combat areas for a rest period.学院毕业生打两星期仗,然后轮流从战地撤回休整20. Soldiers and Marines fight and occasionally die in brutal, close, and intimate tactical combat in cities.士兵们和海军陆战队队员们在残忍的,近距离的城市战术行动中战斗,有时甚至死亡。21. The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession抵制通货膨胀比抑制日益加剧的经济衰退更为重要。
■fight与battle 一起用22. This battle is our last chance, we must fight to a finish.这场战役是我们最后的机会, 我们必须战斗到底.23. They are ready to fight a decisive battle.他们做好决战的准备.24. Fight no battle unprepared; fight no battle you are not sure of winning.不打无准备之仗, 不打无把握之仗.25. People in big cities have to fight a battle against different kinds ofpollution.大城市的居民不得不与各种各样的污染斗争.26. The two men fought a battle over land and water rights.这两个男人为土地和水的使用权发生了争斗。
■battle 与combat 一起用27. Small probes would give the allied armies some combat experience before the main battle started.小规模的试探可以使盟军在大战开始之前获得一些战斗经验。
■fight, battle 与combat 一起用  A fierce battle fought in close combat between troops in predetermined positions at a chosen time and place.在预定的方位,所选定的时间和地点,两支军队短兵相接,爆发激战。注:【A fierce battle fought:一场激烈的战役开打;close combat:近距离的厮杀 】 是不是比“... 发生激烈的近距离的战斗战斗战斗”读起来舒畅很多?
公安局有人才啊,写得很生动!用英语怎么说呢?如下:No fighting,The loser would go to hospital; the winner would go to jail!不准打架,打输了住院,打赢了坐牢!

Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!■单词怎样才背得快啊?-像扫描仪哪样?【蓝色字体是链接,点击可进入】