
die, dead, death有什么区别?同学们在开始时可能会有点糊涂,其实非常容易区分,因为它们的词性不同:die 是动词,dead 是形容词,death 是名词
如:1. Her husband died suddenly last week. 她的丈夫上周猝死。2. Her husband's been dead a year now. 她的丈夫已经去世一年了。3. Her husband's death was a great blow to her. 她丈夫的死对她是很大的一击。
这几个词还可以组合起来用,如下:4. My mother's dead; she died in 1987. 我母亲不在了,她是1987年去世的。5. He died a slow and painful death. 他缓慢而痛苦地死去。6. Six more were announced dead, raising the death toll to at least 14. 又有六人被宣布死亡,至此,死亡人数已至少为14人。
我们来看看乔布斯怎么用这几个单词:7. Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life, because almost everything -all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. 记住人即将会死去,这是我人生中最重要的工具,它帮我作出重大决策!因为几乎所有事情--有外界的期望,所有的尊严,所有对困境或失败的恐惧, --在面对死亡时,这些事情都会烟消云散,只会留下真正重要的东西。
8. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. 记住人是会死的, 我确信这是避免我们去考虑有所损失的最佳办法。你都一无所有了,还有什么理由不跟随自己的内心走?
dead 还有名词,副词词性:名词时是“死人”的意思,副词时是“完全地, 非常”的意思,如下:9. The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6000. 仅那一次进攻就死伤达6 000人。10. You're dead right! 你完全正确!11. You were dead lucky to get that job. 你得到那份工作,真是太幸运了。
Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!●●秒记单词有办法,你的记忆力也是惊人的!【蓝色字体是链接,点击可进入】