A Deadly Wife 致命的老婆

有些小朋友搞不清complete 与 finish的区别,如下:A. completeB. finish现在把 A B 填到如下的空格里吧:She's just _____ ed a master's degree in Law.Have you not _____ ed speaking?该怎么选?虽然这两个单词在刚接触英语不久就学到,好像要区分清楚也是不大容易的!好,我们先来看个故事:
A Deadly Wife 致命的老婆
A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office. After his checkup,the doctor called the wife into his office alone.一个女士陪她老公去看医生。检查完后,医生请她单独进入办公室。
He said,“Your husband is suffering from a very severe disease,combined with horrible stress. If you don't do the following,your husband will surely die.”医生说,“你老公患有非常严重的疾病,伴随着高度的精神压力,如果不采取如下措施,他肯定会没命的”。
●“Each morning,fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant,and make sure he is in a good mood.    每天早上,为他做一份健康早餐,保持愉快,让他心情靓靓;●For lunch make him a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially nice meal for him.   午餐要营养丰富,晚餐更要精心准备;●Don't burden him with chores,as he probably had a hard day.   别拿家务活烦他,他可能辛苦了一天啦;●Don't discuss your problems with him,it will only make his stress worse.  别谈论你自己的麻烦事,这样只会让他的精神压力加重;●And most importantly,satisfy his every whim. If you can do this for the next ten months to a year,I think your husband will regain his health completely.”   而更加重要的是,要让他的每个古怪念头都得到满足。如果你这样坚持做了十个月至一年的时间,我想你老公会彻底恢复健康的!”On the way home,the husband asked his wife. “What did the doctor say?”在回家的路上, 这位家伙问他老婆,“医生说了些啥呢?”
“You're going to die,”she replied.“他说你快要死了。”她答道。
complete , finish都是多义词, 不仅仅是"完成”的意思。
complete, finish这两个单词,很多人都知道它们用作动词,其实complete还可以作为形容词,finished是finish过去式,也是一个单独的词汇,作为形容词。
一、这两个词汇都作为动词时,均含“完成”的意思。这两个词在很多情况下可以通用,如:1. The writer has completed / finished his novel.    这个作家已经写完了他的小说。2. The pupil completed / finished his homework early in the morning.    这学生一大早就把家庭作业
区别情况:Complete “圆满结束,彻底完成,竣工”,后面要接且只能接名词或代词,通常用来表示完成某个计划、理想、事业、工程、建筑、书籍及作品等,强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,如:3. She's just completed a master's degree in Law.    她刚读完法律硕士学位。4. The project should be completed within a year.    这项工程必须在一年之内做完。【常用被动语态

Finish “完成,结束”,普通用词,强调的是把事情“做完”了,不太在乎过程及结果,如下情况不能用complete 替代:●后接动名词时,如:5. Have you not finished speaking?   你还没讲完吗?
时,如:6. He didn't finish in time.   他没有及时完成。
●其他表示“完成学业,精细的工作,吃东西等”,在被动结构中表达“做完了, 完了或没希望了”等时,7. He finished school in 1991.    他1991年从学校毕业。8. The wood-work is beautifully finished.    这件木器做得很精细。9. Finish a meal 吃完饭 (比较 complete a meal 做好一顿饭);Finish a book 读完一本书 (complete a book 写完一本书)10. Now that the highway is finished, the shopping centre should thrive.    由于这条公路已经竣工, 那个商业中心一定会兴隆起来.
二、形容词时:complete和finishedcomplete “完成, 结束;(用以强调)完全的,彻底的; 齐全的;完整的" 等意思,如:11. Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year.      办公大楼工程将于年底竣工。12. We were in complete agreement.      我们意见完全一致。13. I've collected the complete set.     我收集了全套。
Finished 完成;完蛋,失败,垮台14. I won't be finished for another hour.     我还得一小时以后才能完成。15. Their marriage was finished.      他们的婚姻完蛋了。
2012年,在伦敦举行的语言大赛中,圭亚那选手Samsunder Balgobin在回答比赛中最后一道问题“你如何用一种容易让人理解的方式解释complete与finish的区别”时,给出了他的答案:
16. When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE.      娶对老婆,你这一生就完整了/美满了。[complete形容词]
17. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED.      娶错老婆,你这一生就完蛋了。[finished形容词]
18. And when your wife catches you with another woman, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED.    让你老婆逮到你跟另一女人在一起时,你就彻底地完蛋了。
19. and when your wife likes shopping so much you are FINISHED COMPLETELY.     而当你的老婆是个购物狂时,那你也会失败得很彻底。【在这里completely前置后置都差不多】全场致以热烈的掌声!

语言学习要遵循如下规律,■语言学习要从听开始,这样才能打通语音与文字之间的连接; ■语言学习要以句子为单位进行输入输出,而非单词!这样去学,才能掌握单词的用法,这样去学,英语就会变得简单起来! ■语言属于类运动型知识,仅仅背单词,看看书,刷刷题是远远不够的,需要去训练才能掌握!这跟弹钢琴的道理是一样的,看看书,看看乐谱就会弹钢琴?详细论述见如下链接(蓝色字体是链接):
1. 英语训练指南:词不离句-用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
2. 秒记单词有办法,你的记忆力也是惊人的!