I was not planning to write down all the details of how to get work visa, but today i notice my friend needs me to share. We submitted all papers to Auckland Immigration Center on July 12th,2012, and we received the work visa on Auguest 7th,2012. It takes about 25 days, for our midical report is "significant or abnormal". The immigration center sends medical report INZ1017 to the third party to check if we are health enough. In fact, we are quite good
We were applying for "Working towards residence in New Zealand", you also can check here http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/ .
First ,http://www.newzealandnow.govt.nz/working-in-nz/practical-info-visas/work-visas. Here we talk about who is qualified to apply "work to residence visa".I copy part of this wesite
Work to Residence visas
There are two main types of Work to Residence visa which enable you to work in New Zealand and then, after working in the job for at least 24 months, apply for a resident visa.
Work to Residence: Long Term Skill Shortage
If you have a permanent or long-term job offer in an occupation on the Long Term Skill Shortage List and your qualifications and experience match, you could apply for a Work to Residence Visa. You’ll need to meet the age, health and character requirements.
Read more about the Long Term Skill Shortage List Category.
Work to Residence: Accredited Employer
If you have a long-term or permanent job offer from an Immigration New Zealand accredited employer you could apply for a work to residence visa. You’ll need to meet the age, health and character requirements, and your job offer will need to meet certain requirements.
Read more about Accredited Employers.
It means, if your job type is not in Long Term Skill Shortage list, you must find "Accredited Employer" who employed you. If you can't meet the above two requiements, you can't apply work to Residece visa. Frankly speaking, my husband was applying work to residence visa(WTR) but later he got 5years Essential Skills work visas.
Second, let's find out who can apply for Essential Skills work visashttp://www.newzealandnow.govt.nz/working-in-nz/practical-info-visas/work-visas.. I still copy paragraphs from
Essential Skills work visas
These visas are meant for temporary stays. The duration of the visa depends on the term of your job offer and labour market conditions.
Is your job on a skill shortage list?
The Essential Skills in Demand Lists are Immigration New Zealand’s occupational skill shortage lists.
If you have a job offer in an occupation on one of the lists and your qualifications and experience match, you can apply for an Essential Skills work visa.
Your employer won’t need to provide evidence of attempting to recruit New Zealanders because Immigration New Zealand (INZ) reviews the lists regularly and has concluded that employers are unable to find enough people with these skills, qualifications, and experience in New Zealand.
What if the job is not on a skill shortage list?
Employers who have advertised the job in New Zealand and made genuine but unsuccessful efforts to find a suitable New Zealand citizen or resident for the position can look to recruit migrant workers. In this situation, you can apply for an essential skills work visa, and your employer will need to provide supporting information demonstrate their efforts to recruit New Zealanders first.
Will an essential skills work visa help if I want to apply for a resident visa?
Essential skills work visas are intended to fill temporary skill gaps, so they do not lead directly to a residence application.
However, if you have an Essential Skills work visa based on a skilled job, you may qualify for residence visa under the Skilled Migrant Category.
Read more about Essential Skills work visas.
I will not talk more about essential skills work visa from here, for I didn't prepare this one.
Third, Requirements for all Work to Residence visa applicants http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/caniworkinnz/
Please read the rubbish stuff on this website like below:
To enter New Zealand you must: ?be in good health and of good character, and ?have a passport that is valid for at least three months past the date you are to leave New Zealand, and ?be genuine in wanting to work in New Zealand, and ?have the right visa for your visit.
of course after you finish this website,they are not enough at all. Please note, in "good health" means Chinese have to sumbite INZ1007 medical and X-ray report, and you need to go the hospital which "accredited" by New Zealand govenment. "good character" means you have to summit Police Certificate showing that you are not committed any crime in the past or now.
My husband has got a job offer from a New Zealand employer, and his occupation is on the Long Term Skill Shortage List.So he is in Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Category. The requirements are here http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/caniworkinnz/ltssloccupationrequirements.htm. I copy the most important requirements here below and I will add remarks in red.
Requirements you must meet
In addition to meeting our requirements for health(INZ1007)and good character( Police Certificate)you will need to show us that: ?you have an offer of employment which meets our requirements (see below) (ask you boss to give your job offer) ?you are suitably qualified through either training or experience to do the job ( my husband prepared 2 labor contract of his former Chinese companies which notarized in Guangzhou, for the companies are all in guangzhou. frankly speaking we have on idea about how to show qualification of the job.That is all what we can do at that moment) ?you are either fully or provisionally registered – if your occupation requires registration in New Zealand(My husband is Software engineer which doesn't need to have registration before he work, his occupation is not in the registration list).
You should be under 53 years of age when you apply for the work visa. This is because you have to be under 56 years to be eligible for residence after two years.(Of course we are far to arrive 53 years old )
Requirements your job offer must meet
Offers of employment must meet certain minimum requirements. To be acceptable under this category, an offer of employment must be: ?in an occupation on the LTSSL (yes, software engineer is in the LTSSL ) ?genuine (i don't know what is this ) ?full time (on average, at least 30 hours a week) ) (you must ask you boss to write out this in your joboffer, it is very important ?for a term of at least two years).(you job offer requires to work in this company at least two years)
The offer of employment must be made by your employer on an Employer Supplementary Form – Work Visa Application (INZ 1113) PDF.()Someone from your New Zealand company should finished this form personally, not by ourself or any applicants
The offer must meet the requirements of New Zealand employment laws).(this is rubbish
Finally, you need to fill the form INZ1015 yourself, and give this together to the immigration center.
4. Proof shows which you are qualified the job(former labor contract with former company may help, but you can find more proof)
5.Police ertificate
6. Qualification of University(If not in the excemptions from assessment, please go to New Zealand Qualification Accessment center before you submit. Chinese notarization will not be acceted. My husband argued with the girl, for his University was in the excemption list but the girl from immigration center ask him to assess it.At last she admit she was wrong.)
7.2 years or 5 years, we were applying for 2 years work visa, but my husband found he is qualified for 5 years visa. So he write email to the immigration people. They he got 5 years visa.
The reason why we didn't get WTR visa is because my husband's major was mathematics which is not match with computer in the immigration people's opinion. They suggest we accept Essential Skills work visas. It doesn't matter which visa we get, as long as we can stay and live here. That's all.
For these Chinese whose English is not so good or too lazy to ready http://www.immigration.govt.nz/, I suggest you look for a good adviser or lawer who can speak both Chinese and English to help you. As all the documents including company and personal infirmation, I will not upload any samples.
1.INZ1007 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificate。我的这个体检是在奥克兰的做的,这里的医生很白痴,竟然说我曾经有病史现在已经愈合了,可是我曾经没有任何病史。我发的胸透图给广州医生和德国医生看,人家都说我没任何病史。好在我的工作签证顺利下来了,这个并无妨碍我拿到工作签证。其中我的新西兰的一位朋友依“德国医生”的身份跟体检我的这个“移民局体检处”还要求过他们重新修改我的体检报告,他们就是耍赖不干,明明是他们的错。这个“德国医生”带给我和杨某好多欢乐,而且在异国他乡能有朋友为我们“两勒插刀”的伸张正义,让我们倍感温暖,心里由衷的感激。最好那个体检中心在邮件承认了他们的错误,所以我就打印出邮件原文并同INZ1007一起提交给了移民局。
2.INZ 1146 Form for partners supporting partnership-based temporary entry applications.这个表格其实大部分是我老公填的,需要我老公签名的。我记得那天他大笔一挥签字了,我感觉到了他带给我的“福利”。