。。。。。。。。。。。。坐标隔这么远!!!怎么认识!! - - 我不是那种大江南北四处留情的人啊 - - 虽然我爱喝酒。。。
I can't agree more that cant hurt people who care about me
Lol strange taste.right? Hah
Talk to a nasty drunker And Improve your English.
For god sake. 龙舌兰半打??? 你说的应该是预调酒!
-_- seriously? Lime? How could you.....
-。- serious? i will be the one of them? = =
-。- Bree...
我看过。。。哈哈 有点像!!!
ke yi!!!!! ni xiang yao wo fan yi shen me !!!
不过 = = 半打 有点多了 是纯的吗
wo ming ming shuo de shi pin yin a
= = cheers. mate.
i've been drinking for whole afternoon..
how could u do that ....
= =
i cant stop drinking for even one day,
= = ying yu gai zen me jiao!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tequila boom boom 就不是纯的啊= =
有没有温柔点的方法= =
= = there's no difference about gender= =
alcohol is colorblind= =
-.- 我就是求戒酒啊 不能太暴力!!!
酒精 烟草各种上瘾啊
=.= what a horrible story....
我很认真的看了你的回复的每个字 确实说得非常有道理 = = 我可能是看英剧看得太多了 所以喜欢用mate - -我以前喜欢用 dude和pal... 有瘾真的是件无可奈何的事情 当你发现没有东西可以依靠的时候 只能依靠一些有瘾的东西来kill the time..而且当你领悟过来反省过来之后 又发现太难戒掉了
-。- 我是个很严肃的人。。我不约!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wo shuo bang zi ni shuo gou !