begineer guitar e minor chord

index finger on the second fret of the second string down
middle finger on the  second fret of the third string down

this chord is called  e minor(e 小调)

pluck each note down.

there's gaps here so the strings are ringing out.

some chords called minor  == sad sounding
some chords called major  == happy sound

a suspended two :
a major  :  second fret D, second fret G, second fret B  ,,,strum  down, 不要弹到E string, 从A String开始,这是比较官方的。 a string is the  starting point

sausage finger like me       ,jam them in there

A suspended 2 , 是用来embellishment装饰 A major的, 可以和A major切换来弹。
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