
Type Selector
Type,class and ID selectors
  1. universal selector :asterisk(*), Using the universal selector to make your selectors easier to read

article *:first-child {
  font-weight: bold;

Class Selector
h1.highlight {
    background-color: pink;
h1[class="highlight"] {
    font-style: italic;
.notebox.danger {
  border-color: red;
  font-weight: bold;
ID Selector
#one {
    background-color: yellow;

h1#heading {
    color: rebeccapurple;

Warning: Using the same ID multiple times in a document may appear to work for styling purposes, but don't do this. It results in invalid code, and will cause strange behavior in many places.

Attribute selectors
a[title] { }

a[href="https://example.com"] { }

[attr~=value]value相等,value=开头到空格,比如: “triangle star" 里面的triangle
Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value is exactly value, or contains value in its (space separated) list of values.

[attr|=value] value相等,value=开头到-(连字符)比如: triangle-border 里面的triangle
Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value is exactly value or begins with value immediately followed by a hyphen.

[attr^=value]  选中以value开头的
Matches elements with an attr attribute (whose name is the value in square brackets), whose value begins with value.

[attr$=value] | li[class$="-box"] | 选中以value结束的
Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value ends with value.

[attr*=value] | li[class*="box"] | 选中以包含value的
Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value contains value anywhere within the string.

css是区分大小写的,如果要忽略ignore大小写,那么在匹配的后面加上 i  = ignore忽略的意思,如下:
li[class^="a" i] {
    color: red;

Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements 伪类和伪元素

p:first-child { } last-child nth-child only-child invalid required optional valid
a:hover { }   
一个冒号表示伪类,A pseudo-class is a selector that selects elements that are in a specific state, 给元素本身加上特性(特别状态);
比如:第一个元素、光标移动上面的时候, 所有伪类的行为方式都是相同的。它们的目标是处于特定状态的文档的某个部分,其行为就像您在HTML中添加了一个类一样

p::first-line { }  双冒号表示伪元素, 一般选中或修辞的是元素下面的子元素
a: link visited hover focus


child combinator
article > p

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