Debugging CSS - DevTools

Sometimes when writing CSS you will encounter an issue where your CSS doesn't seem to be doing what you except.

Perhaps you believe  that a certain selector should match an element, but noting happens, or a box is a different size than you excepted.

This article will give you guidance on how to go about debugging a CSS problem, and show you how the DevTools included in all modern browsers can help you to find out what is going on.


  • 快捷键Ctrl + Shift + I
    • Internet Explorer and Edge: F12
    • macOS: + + I
  • 菜单:
    • Firefox: Menu ➤ Web Developer ➤ Toggle Tools, or Tools ➤ Web Developer ➤ Toggle Tools
    • Chrome: More tools ➤ Developer tools
    • Safari: Develop ➤ Show Web Inspector. If you can't see the Develop menu, go to Safari ➤ Preferences ➤ Advanced, and check the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox. 
    • Opera: Developer ➤ Developer tools


Take a step back from the problem

Any coding problem can be frustrating, especially CSS problems because you often don't get an error message to search for online to help with finding a solution. If you are becoming frustrated, take a step away from the issue for a while — go for a walk, grab a drink, chat to a co-worker, or work on some other thing for a while. Sometimes the solution magically appears when you stop thinking about the problem, and even if not, working on it when feeling refreshed will be much easier.

Browsers expect your CSS and HTML to be correctly written, however browsers are also very forgiving and will try their best to display your webpages even if you have errors in the markup or stylesheet. If you have mistakes in your code the browser needs to make a guess at what you meant, and it might make a different decision to what you had in mind. In addition, two different browsers might cope with the problem in two different ways. A good first step therefore is to run your HTML and CSS through a validator, to pick up and fix any errors.

比如:  shape-outside
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