
Every day, millions of people from all over the world share one great desire that  could change their lives forever:

step 1: get a reason to do it .
You need to get a pretty good reason to learn any language.

Because there will be days you won't feel like studying.
Learning a language is a process that requires time, energy, effort, willingness, patience, persistence and a lot of willpower.

It's not simple to achieve.
You'r not gonna get it overnight.
You gotta be committed and get rid of this mentality of learning fast and learning easy. There is no such thing!

I said in this video that you would learn for free, but I didn't say it would be with  no sacrifices.

Being diffcult isn't the same of being impossible. You can totally succeed!

In order to do that, you should have a reason to voercome laziness and lack of confidence.
The process cannot rely exclusively on your mood!

Step 2: set a goal and make a plan

Turn a dream into a goal. Don't confuse the dreams for goals.
Dreams are pure desire. It's something that you want when you're thinking about the future.

A goal is when you start to think about how you're gonna do ti to achieve this dream.
How can i make this come ture.

This is the tough part of the process for those who can't spend money to learn a language(不能花钱学习的人来说这是最困难-艰难的部分)

You're not paying to acquire their knowledge. They can't transfer it to you. You're paying for their method.

But since you can't afford for any of their methods, you gotta build your own method.

I had no clue of how would I do to learn English. But I was willing to do everything that I could to find out. Because I knew there were enough free resources out there to help me get through it . And here I am! It wasn't easy, but it was definitely worth it!

You know, we have a lot of apps , techniques, websites, YouTube videos, audio books, textbooks, and everything else that could help you.

You have literally tons of information out there on the Internet.

You just gotta pick the best ones for you. All of them could be helpful and they're all for free.

You just gotta try as much variation as possible and see what works best for you.

But there is no just one single method that works for everybody.

Stop being lazy and make your own study plan, do your research and find out!

Step 3: be consistent and stop comparing yourself with others.

Humans are terrible to get through things they can't get to control and learning a language is a process that never ends actually.

This is a process and you are going to improve each and every day.

The language must be your part of life. Just be patient.

You're not dumb. You're not stupid.

Just keep studying and sooner or later, you're gonna notice your progress.

Step 4: Try immersion. 尝试沉浸

Prioritize the target language, prioritize the language you're trying to learn
only if you can get at least 50% of the conversations and you can guess what is going on from the context.  Don't try to do that if you're a beginner.  Just do that ,if you are in a more intermediate level.

Step 5: Use the language for real.

The number one reason that most people fail when it comes to learning a language is this:  They just study a language instead of using the language.

That's something no one told me, but it's very important. I had to learn this by myself, but it was life-changing for me. When I started to use the language for real. I could notice that my progress leveled up much faster  . It's quite obvious, but people don't get it.

get to live real situations , the just got afraid and can't understand what the other people are saying and don't know how to speak.

You should be always pursing your dreams and trying your best to achieve them.
Keep studying, keep believing, you can do it ! I believe in you, but you gotta believe in yourself!
阅读量: 554