
- How quick we can you turn out one of these engines?
- we make one a day,the most counter intuitive thing is making the rocket out of steel propably, we used 3 outer series stainless steel. 每天造一台,用300系列不锈钢制造火箭
- Is that something you patent?
- No, we don't really patent things.
- Oh really?
- I don't care about patents.
- oh, okay.
- And tesla that we open source to all our patent, anyone can use them. Patents are for the weak.
- Yeah, you share they go. 你开放了专利。
- And you know the problems like patents are generally used as a blocking technique. They're like using like land mines in warfare right. We don't want to drop the mines. True competitive advantage on tech front more about your rates of innovation  degree with slowing others down .  So that don't actually help advance things, they just stop others from following you and most patents are BS.

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