Rails Guide

  1. migration
  2. validations
  3. callbacks
  4. associations
  5. query interface

  1. layouts and rendering
  2. helpers ,form helpers

  1. rails routing from the outside in

Digging Deeper
  1.  i18n
  2. test
  3. securing
  4. debugging
  5. configuring
  6. command line
  7. asset pipeline
  8. JavaScript
  9. initialization
  10. autoloading and reloading constants
  11. caching
  12. instrumentation, measure events (!!!)仪器;仪表;仪器仪表;检测;插装  provide hooks
  13. PostgreSQL
  14. Multiple Databases

Extending Rails
  1. plugins
  2. rails on rack
  3. generators & templates
  4. engines
  5. threading and core execution

Release Notes
  1. Upgrading Ruby on Rails

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