Rails关联表查询-A Closer Look at N + 1
Dealing with Aggregations
But how about if we need to show aggregated information from multiple associated records? For example, say a User has many Post records and we want everyone’s total post count:
# app/models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :posts end # app/models/post.rb class Post < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user end
Let’s see how this performs with includes:
logger.debug('with includes') User.all.limit(50).includes(:posts).each do |user| user.posts.count end with includes User Load (2.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 50]] Post Load (2.1ms) SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, $43, $44, $45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50) ORDER BY "posts"."created_at" ASC [["user_id", 1066737858], ["user_id", 1066737857], ["user_id", 1066737853], ["user_id", 1066737852], ["user_id", 1066737851], ["user_id", 1066737850], ["user_id", 1066737849], ["user_id", 1066737848], ["user_id", 1066737847], ["user_id", 1066737846], ["user_id", 1066737845], ["user_id", 1066737844], ["user_id", 1066737843], ["user_id", 1066737842], ["user_id", 1066737841], ["user_id", 1066737840], ["user_id", 1066737839], ["user_id", 1066737838], ["user_id", 1066737837], ["user_id", 1066737836], ["user_id", 1066737835], ["user_id", 1066737834], ["user_id", 1066737833], ["user_id", 1066737832], ["user_id", 1066737831], ["user_id", 1066737830], ["user_id", 1066737829], ["user_id", 1066737828], ["user_id", 1066737827], ["user_id", 1066737826], ["user_id", 1066737825], ["user_id", 1066737824], ["user_id", 1066737823], ["user_id", 1066737822], ["user_id", 1066737821], ["user_id", 1066737820], ["user_id", 1066737819], ["user_id", 1066737818], ["user_id", 1066737817], ["user_id", 1066737816], ["user_id", 1066737815], ["user_id", 1066737814], ["user_id", 1066737813], ["user_id", 1066737812], ["user_id", 1066737811], ["user_id", 1066737810], ["user_id", 1066737809], ["user_id", 1066737808], ["user_id", 1066737807], ["user_id", 1066737806]] Post Count (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 1066737858]] Post Count (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 1066737857]] Post Count (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 1066737853]] Post Count (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 1066737852]] Post Count (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 1066737851]] ...
So what’s happening here? As it turns out, eager-loading with includes doesn’t help when the query involves aggregate functions like count. ActiveRecord can’t anticipate aggregations, so each call to count does another computation in the database engine, again resulting in an N + 1 scenario.
Since the associations are already in memory however, you can simply use #size, which performs the computation in Ruby. This is discussed more in ActiveRecord Optimisation: Utilising .exists?, .any? and .size.
User.all.limit(50).includes(:posts).each do |user| user.posts.size end
For many use cases this will be good enough, but although it’s faster than the N + 1 scenario, it’s still loading a lot of data that ends up unused just to do a simple count.
SQL-fu Workarounds
Rails’ built-in tools have limits, but we still have options for optimisation if you don’t mind some manual SQL.
# app/models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :posts def self.with_post_count left_outer_joins(:posts) .group('users.id') .select('users.*, COUNT(posts.user_id) AS post_count') end end
We can manually eager-load what we need with this with_post_count class method. Basically it performs a join with the posts table, groups posts with the same user_id, counts posts within each group, and makes the result available as post_count. Using left_outer_joins instead of joins (which performs an INNER JOIN by default) means we include users that don’t have associated posts.
Class methods can be invoked like ActiveRecord scopes. Note that instead of user.posts.count, we just call user.post_count directly:
logger.debug('with join') User.all.limit(50).with_post_count.each do |user| user.post_count end with join User Load (13.3ms) SELECT users.*, COUNT(posts.user_id) AS post_count FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id" GROUP BY "users"."id" ORDER BY "users"."created_at" DESC LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 50]]
That’s looking way better. Now we’re down to a single query!
Some care is needed when composing queries like this. For one thing, the manual select provides post_count like an attribute, but it only exists on this relation and cannot be used like normal attributes, such as in where, having, or order clauses. Nor can it be assigned a value like virtual attributes.
Also, class methods on ActiveRecord classes may behave similarly to scopes, but there are key differences. Scopes are guaranteed to return an ActiveRecord::Relation on which further scopes can be invoked, so scope calls can be chained safely. This isn’t always true for class methods.
Let’s say we want to count user DMs in addition to posts.
# app/models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :posts has_many :direct_messages def self.with_post_count left_outer_joins(:posts) .group('users.id') .select('users.*, COUNT(posts.user_id) AS post_count') end def self.with_message_count left_outer_joins(:direct_messages) .group('users.id') .select('users.*, COUNT(direct_messages.user_id) AS message_count') end end
When chained, the query looks like this:
logger.debug('with chained joins') User.all.limit(50).with_post_count.with_message_count.each do |user| user.post_count user.message_count end with chained joins User Load (28.5ms) SELECT users.*, COUNT(posts.user_id) AS post_count, users.*, COUNT(direct_messages.user_id) AS message_count FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "direct_messages" ON "direct_messages"."user_id" = "users"."id" GROUP BY "users"."id" LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 50]]
We end up with a single query, but although ActiveRecord and the database accept it without errors, it gives incorrect results. In this case, the generated query ends up with two COUNT calls on separately joined tables but a single GROUP BY. Each COUNT is effectively called on the Cartesian product of the joined tables, giving much higher results. Let’s look at the results for a single user:
User.where(id: 5623) .with_post_count.with_message_count.each do |user| puts 'Expected:' puts user.posts.count puts user.direct_messages.count puts puts 'Results:' puts user.post_count puts user.message_count end
Expected: 20 223 Results: 4460 4460
Using Subqueries
The class methods above work correctly when called individually. The problem is in the way their results are combined when chained.
We can write another query that reuses our class methods in subqueries with their own GROUP BY and COUNT, and then joins results afterwards.
# app/models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord def self.with_post_and_message_count select('users.*, post_count, message_count') .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN (%s) AS a ON users.id = a.id' % with_post_count.to_sql) .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN (%s) AS b ON users.id = b.id' % with_message_count.to_sql) end end
Now let’s run the same test:
User.where(id: 5623) .with_post_and_message_count.each do |user| puts 'Expected:' puts user.posts.count puts user.direct_messages.count puts puts 'Results:' puts user.post_count puts user.message_count end Expected: 20 223 Results: 20 223
This gives us correct results, but it’s not as intuitive as chaining, and we end up with yet another unchainable class method.
If we really want safe chaining and don’t mind maintaining SQL, we can do away with joins and just use subqueries for the class methods in the first place:
Expected: # app/models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord def self.with_subquery_post_count select <<~SQL users.*, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE posts.user_id = users.id ) AS post_count SQL end def self.with_subquery_message_count select <<~SQL users.*, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM direct_messages WHERE direct_messages.user_id = users.id ) AS message_count SQL end end
Writing the methods this way allows us to chain them directly and still produce a single database call:
logger.debug('with subqueries') User.all.limit(50) .with_subquery_post_count .with_subquery_message_count.each do |user| user.post_count user.message_count end with subqueries User Load (6.0ms) SELECT users.*, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE posts.user_id = users.id ) AS post_count , users.*, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM direct_messages WHERE direct_messages.user_id = users.id ) AS message_count FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."created_at" DESC LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 50]]
Conclusion and Benchmarks
Each of the solutions above offers pros and cons. I encourage readers to explore the tradeoffs and choose an approach that works for your use case and constraints.
For those who prioritise performance, here’s a comparison using Ruby’s Benchmark library and the benchmark-memory gem:
def run_benchmarks(bm) bm.report('N + 1') do User.all.each do |user| user.posts.count user.direct_messages.count end end bm.report('includes and size') do User.all.includes(:posts, :direct_messages).each do |user| user.posts.size user.direct_messages.size end end bm.report('with joins') do User.all.with_post_and_message_count.each do |user| user.post_count user.message_count end end bm.report('with subqueries') do User.all .with_subquery_post_count .with_subquery_message_count.each do |user| user.post_count user.message_count end end end puts 'Runtime' Benchmark.bm(20) { |bm| run_benchmarks(bm) } puts 'Memory use' Benchmark.memory { |bm| run_benchmarks(bm) } Runtime user system total real N + 1 1.087636 0.119499 1.207135 ( 1.892550) includes and size 0.241659 0.010494 0.252153 ( 0.288259) with joins 0.036628 0.001048 0.037676 ( 0.056034) with subqueries 0.062692 0.002064 0.064756 ( 0.092025) Memory use N + 1 94.345M memsize ( 398.231k retained) 1.424M objects ( 3.149k retained) 50.000 strings ( 50.000 retained) includes and size 33.337M memsize ( 14.207M retained) 413.804k objects ( 108.024k retained) 50.000 strings ( 50.000 retained) with joins 6.378M memsize ( 4.659M retained) 55.897k objects ( 30.903k retained) 50.000 strings ( 50.000 retained) with subqueries 8.144M memsize ( 4.642M retained) 68.278k objects ( 30.776k retained) 50.000 strings ( 50.000 retained)
As you can see, eager-loading and using #size is much faster than the N + 1 scenario, and computing counts in the database performs even better by an order of magnitude and uses much less memory. Optimising queries for specific use cases can result in significant performance gains, which directly translate to lower operational costs.
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