
The Stimulus room controller handles Enter button click. It gets the user's local audio and video and feeds them into the local video element. It also starts Action Cable subscriptions specific to the current room: one for communicating WebRTC messages: the Signaller; and one for clients to ping others: the RoomSubscription. Once connected, the room channel broadcasts the presence of this new client. Each connected client then "greets" this newcomer by calling the greet action on the room channel and specifying to and from fields.

Stimulus room 控制器处理 enter 按钮点击。
它得到用户的local audio和video,并加入到本地的video元素element中。
它也启动对当前room  的 Action Cable订阅: 一个WebRTC消息:Signaller;  and one for clients 去ping其它的clients:RoomSubscription.
一旦连接上了,这个room channel 广播这个新客户的存在。
每一个连接client "greets" 新来的,通过在room频道上调用greet动作,指定去和来的field。

The greet action broadcasts specifically to the newcomer, a Turbo Stream update which appends a media element representing the remote client. It's important we do this first so that it's ready for incoming streams. The medium controller messages the room controller to notify that it has been added. This begins the WebRTC negotiation to form a connection between the two clients.

这个greet动作广播给新来的。一个Turbo Stream更新会追加一个media元素表示远程的client。 这个表示为新进来的streams做好了准备。
Medium控制器通知 room 控制器去 通知 已经增加了。

The WebRTC negotiation is quite complex, and even though things are required to happen in a particular order, responses are triggered asynchronously, making it tricky to get right. This is where the WebRTC Perfect Negotiation pattern comes in. We won't go into it too much here, as it's covered well elsewhere; but for the purpose of this description, (deep breath), Session Description Protocol (SDP) descriptions and Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) candidates are exchanged over the Signaller. The negotiation is "perfect" as it ensures that the RTCPeerConnection is in the correct state for setting descriptions, and avoids collision errors by having one client be "polite" and other "impolite"—the polite one backs down in the case of a collision. Anyway, the code for this has been mostly lifted from the spec and handled by the Signaller/WebrtcNegotiation. When creating the negotition, the room controller listens for track events on the RTCPeerConnection, so it can start streaming from the remote client.

WebRTC协商非常复杂,即使事情需要按照特定的顺序发生,响应也会异步触发,因此很难正确处理。这就是WebRTC Perfect Negotiation模式的由来。我们在这里不做过多的讨论,因为其他地方也有介绍;但是为了本描述的目的,会话描述协议(SDP)描述和交互式连接建立(ICE)候选通过信令器交换。协商是“完美的”,

Once the negotiation has been created, the newcomer client notifies the other client by reciprocating the greeting i.e. calling greet on the room channel. This triggers the same process as above on the other client: appending a media element via a Turbo Stream update, and starting a WebRTC negotiation. This time though, instead of a greeting (which would be very polite, but awkward and endless!), the client starts streaming to the other client, by adding media tracks to the connection. This kicks off the complex exchange of SDP descriptions and ICE candidates, and once either is received by the newcomer, it can start the streaming process from its own stream to the other client. Now all clients are streaming to and from each other.

Finally, when a client disconnects from the room channel, a Turbo Stream update removes the media element from the screen. The media controller broadcasts its removal so the room controller can clean up.

To summarise the flow:

  1. A newcomer broadcasts its presence to others in the room
  2. The connected clients greet this newcomer letting them know their ID
  3. A Turbo Stream update creates a video element on the newcomer's screen for each greeting it receives
  4. The newcomer creates a WebRTC negotiation and sends a greeting back to each of the other clients
  5. Turbo Stream updates create video elements on each of the other clients' screens
  6. WebRTC negotiations are created by each of the other clients, and they start streaming to the newcomer
  7. Reacting to negotiation activity (SDP descriptions and ICE candidate exchanges), the newcomer starts streaming to other clients




Turbo Stream更新会在新人的屏幕上为其收到的每个问候创建一个视频元素


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