why we sleep 为什么我们要睡觉


All of us will experience difficulty sleeping every now and then, which may last just one night or several. That is normal. There is usually an obvious cause, such as work stress or a flare-up in a social or romantic relationship. Once these things subside, though, the sleep difficulty usually goes away. Such acute sleep problems are generally not recognized as chronic insomnia, since clinical insomnia requires an ongoing duration of sleep difficulty, week after week after week.




你的睡眠类型(chronotype) 基本是由你的基因决定的。如果一个夜猫子早起,ta的前额皮质还在离线状态,是很有害的。

而我们的社会规范是strongly favor晨型人的,比如朝九晚五的制度。所以有些公司启用flexible work hours是正确的做法。只需要有一段core window for key interactions 比如12点到下午3点,要求大家都在线,其他时间,晨型人和夜型人可以自己安排时间。



  1. 生物钟(The 24-hour circadian rhythm of the suprachiasmatic nucleus)
  2. 睡眠压力(Increasing adenosine in the brain = an increasing desire to sleep. This is known as sleep pressure.)



咖啡因的半衰期是5-7小时,所以如果晚上7:30喝了咖啡,凌晨1:30身体里有还残留有50%的咖啡因。 每个人的基因不同,代谢咖啡因的速率也不同。年纪愈大,代谢也越慢。

可以自问一下 "Can you function optimally without caffeine before noon?" If the answer is “no,”, then you are most likely self-medicating your state of chronic sleep deprivation.



酒精确实会先让人兴奋,因为 the frontal lobe region of the human brain helps control our impulses and restrains our behavior. Alcohol immobilizes that part of our brain first. As a result, we “loosen up,” becoming less controlled and more extroverted.接下来,酒精才会让我们昏睡。


酒精会抑制REM (也就是做梦阶段)而这个阶段是很重要的。



睡觉是REM (rapid eye movement) 和NREM (non rapid eye movement)交错间隔组成的。清醒的时候,我们在接收信息;NREM的时候,我们在存储这些信息;REM的时候,我们在重组这些信息。

  • Wake state = reception (experiencing and constantly learning the world around you)
  • NERM sleep = reflection (storing and strengthening those raw ingredients of new facts and skills)
  • REM sleep = integration (interconnecting these raw ingredients with each other, with all past experiences, and in doing so, building and ever more accurate model of how the world works, including innovative insights and problem-solving abilities)

这个概念是最颠覆我的。因为前段时间我感觉一直在浅睡眠,每天做梦很多,起床很累。而且梦里面有各种各样的故事情节,起床后流泪失望的情绪也是过分强烈了一点。但作者说,把睡眠想象成电灯泡,电灯泡的主要功能是发光,heat是它的副产品,没有任何作用。梦也是一样 Dreams may simply be epiphenomena of no use or consequence. They are merely an unintended by-product of REM sleep.

弗洛伊德的梦的解析是伪科学 他说“dreams came from unconscious wishes that had not been fulfilled.”是站不住脚的。



  1. 提升我们的情绪和精神健康 像是一种overnight therapy
  2. 创造力地去重新思考、甚至解决白天的问题(作者举例门捷列夫在梦里想到了元素周期表)
REM-sleep takes the painful sting out of difficult, even traumatic, emotional episodes you have experienced during the day, offering emotional resolution when you awake the next morning. 

Concentrations of a key stress-related chemical called noradrenaline are completely shut off within your brain when you enter this dreaming sleep state. In fact, REM sleep is the only time during the 24-hour period when your brain is completely devoid of this anxiety-triggering molecule. 

所以作为overnight therpay 梦可以帮助我们记住遗忘

1.remember the details of those valuable, salient experiences, integrating them with existing knowledge and putting them into autobiographical perspective 

2. forget, or dissolve, the visceral, painful emotional charge that had previously been wrapped around those memories 



褪黑素(melatonin)是这么工作的: Instructed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the rise in melatonin begins soon after dusk, being released into the bloodstream from the pineal gland, an area situated deep in the back of your brain. Melatonin acts like a powerful bullhorn, shouting out a clear message to the brain and body: “it’s dark, it’s dark!” 

所以,吃褪黑素可以chemically induce the signaled timing of the sleep race,可以骗大脑说现在是睡觉时间了,但实际上睡眠质量该怎么样还是怎么样。


  • 减少咖啡因摄入(不要get addicted to coffee吧)
  • 控制酒精摄入(麻醉自己没什么卵用)
  • 不要看电子屏幕(LED蓝光非常影响生物钟)
  • 调整卧室温度(体温需要降低1度才可以入睡)
  • 按时入睡起床,甚至是在周末
  • 困了才去睡觉,不要夜间在沙发上睡
  • 睡前不要在床上醒着逗留,困了才去床上
  • 白天不要打瞌睡
  • 别焦虑(说起来还真是容易...)
  • 卧室不要挂钟(不然晚上check时间会焦虑)
  • 睡前不要运动(运动会提高体温1-2小时)

可以做「Sleep Journal」记录自己的睡觉习惯,分析类型。作者也说了 When it comes to the quantified self, it’s the old adage of “seeing is believing” that ensures longer-term adherence to healthy habits.每天吃了什么,运动了多少,心情如何,做了什么,结合每晚的睡眠情况,看看变量,总结调整。

另外一个朋友推荐了一个app叫sleep cycle 她睡前一个小时会带上blue blockers,还买了一个记录睡眠的oura ring看每天深睡浅睡。睡前喝一点蜂蜜水,早上醒来一个小时多吃点蛋白质 20-30g 连续几天发现就可以自然醒。她还推荐一个视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELqgIW9fiqY

朋友们 The brain can never recover all the sleep it has been deprived of. 但是我们可以每天努力 慢慢来。65%的美国人睡不到7-9小时 We are all in this together.

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