(The practice of "limited wars" was one of the chief means by which the British Empire would rule the postwar world. With the death of Franklin Roosevelt, British puppet Truman launched such a war in Korea. Under British direction, Truman's Korean War would not be fought to win freedom for the Korean people and establish a united Korean republic, but to establish perpetual conflict in the region (something they have succeeded in doing, as today's events show) “您对麦克阿瑟将军本人如何评价?”基姆准将讨教道。 “首先他是一位伟大的军事家,反帝斗士,亚洲人民从法西斯魔掌下解放的功臣之一。”戴靖远不吝对昔日美国英雄的评价,但随即说:“不过自从朝鲜战争开始,世界就改变了对麦克阿瑟将军的看法,这主要是美国舆论的转变。尽管世界都认定麦克阿瑟将军主张对华使用原子弹,以结束朝鲜战争,但这种疯狂,我们的首长并不相信。事实正如麦克阿瑟的空军司令,乔治.肯尼将军曾经说过的那样:一旦德军投降,日本将迅速倒下。1945年7月,麦克阿瑟将军告诉肯尼,华盛顿计划入侵日本是在1945年11月1日,被称为‘奥林匹克行动’,但是麦帅理智地认为这绝不会发生,他们必须在九月投降,只要切断石油供应,日本帝国就已经结束。可是,就在麦克阿瑟积极准备这一行两个星期前,他接到通知,杜鲁门总统要用原子弹结束战争。这件事让人看到了麦克阿瑟将军对常规战争手段的自信,也表明他对美国政策的制定丝毫不起作用。倘若说麦帅要用原子弹轰击中国,那当初他就一定会进言轰击日本,可他宁愿再牺牲一些美国海军陆战队士兵也不愿那种悲剧在日本上演。
所以,我们相信,麦克阿瑟将军乐于用原子弹结束战争是华盛顿设下的圈套,故意造他的谣,好让麦克阿瑟将军迅速成为英国和北约反对的靶子,这种舆论的后果是,他会迅速下台。” MacArthur's Air Force chief, Gen. George Kenney, wrote that once the Germans had surrendered, the Japanese would quickly follow; "their pride" would not have let them surrender first. Kenney reported that when he was in Washington, the consensus was that the Japanese would fight on for two more years. In July 1945, MacArthur told Kenney that the plan to invade Japan by Nov. 1, 1945, called "Operation Olympic," would never take place; they would surrender by September.
Kenney said that MacArthur made that prediction two weeks before they were informed that the atomic bomb would be used. He wrote that the Japanese were sending out peace feelers several months before Hiroshima, especially to the Russians, who didn't want to end the war. MacArthur saw that, cut off the oil supplies needed to wage war, Japan was finished. 戴靖远的分析充满了理性。就连基姆准将也对此十分震惊,这种悖逆舆论的判断,其实倒很符合麦克阿瑟将军自负自傲的性格,他不是那种被人说胆小鬼的将军,这从1930年代评判军人抚恤金事件和征服墨西哥事件,都能看得出他的强硬和霸气。 戴靖远继续说:“麦克阿瑟将军向来主张闪电战,这种战法其实早于希特勒。”戴靖远举例说,“早在1917年麦克阿瑟担任第四十二步兵师参谋长时期,就用闪电战术打击过德国人,后来他的彩虹师战士们都熟悉麦克阿瑟准将的打法。”
“是的,要用原子弹结束朝鲜战争真是荒谬,”基姆激动地评价,“实际上,这与麦克阿瑟将军派我为代表与中共志愿军前线指挥官会晤是极端矛盾的。” “是的,将军。”戴靖远肯定地说,“我有充足的证据证明麦克阿瑟将军一直反对使用原子弹。我记得那是二战后,麦克阿瑟将军在一次评价打败日本人的演说中说,从军事的角度来看,原子弹的使用是完全没有必要的,他事先完全没有被告知美国将使用原子弹,直到广岛被轰炸前不久才知晓。如果他的意见得到重视,他将保证日本将会在原子弹爆炸前投降,而那时候日本的皇帝将作为战俘被捕获而不是主动投降。让麦克阿瑟将军震惊的是,麦克阿瑟将军得知波茨坦公告,居然是通过商业电台,可见华盛顿对他根本不信任,他永远也进不去决策圈。(Years later, MacArthur said that the use of atomic bombs "was completely unnecessary from a military point of view." He had not been informed of the bomb's existence or planned use until shortly before the Hiroshima attack. If his opinion had been sought, he would have guaranteed that the Japanese would have surrendered before the bombs were dropped, and that the Emperor would be retained. He learned of the demanded terms for surrender, the Potsdam Declaration, over commercial radio.)
。MacArthur would later learn that the denial of aid from Washington was because the British were controlling Truman. Three weeks later, what he did get, was a visit by Truman's personal envoy, Averell Harriman. When he met Harriman, MacArthur writes that he learned that there was no U.S. policy for the Far East, and "that foreign influences, especially those of Great Britain, were very powerful in Washington; that there was no apparent interest in mounting an offensive against the Communists, that we were content to block their moves, but not to initiate any counter-moves...."
By the end of July, the North Koreans had seized all of South Korea except for the southeast corner of the peninsula. Truman appointed MacArthur commander of all UN and international forces. MacArthur, without authorization from Washington, ordered an immediate bombing of the North Korean capital Pyongyang. Later. MacArthur wrote that he never considered himself as UN commander, but as the Supreme Commander of the Asian Pacific forces of the U.S. Army.
The press let loose with an attack on the appointment of MacArthur. The New York Times wrote he was acting as "a sovereign power in his own right," and that "his planes attacked the North Korean capital before Truman authorized any such actions." It was the beginning of an unrelenting press attack. 基姆准将闻听非常激动,他差不多已经被戴靖远的新冷战论说服了,而且麦克阿瑟将军成为媒体的靶子也是事实,中共没有夸大。“戴先生,刚才您说,杜勒斯与纳粹财团有关联,这对战后的冷战格局有何影响?”