第三个自豪的战斗:Battle to Defend Height 1211

The battle to defend Height 1211 during the Korean War was one of the fiercest battles in the war.
The height situated in the east of Kangwon Province was a major strongpoint of the Korean People's Army. The U.S. made desperate efforts to conquer the height at any cost.
From the first day of the attack, the Americans hurled huge troops and combat technical equipment into the battle for the height, showered 30,000-40,000 shells and bombs on the height and made scores of wavy attacks in a day.
Rocks were broken, trees uprooted, soil burned and the height lowered by the heavy bombing and shelling of the U.S.
The defenders threw down rocks and fought a hand-to-hand fight with the enemy when they ran out of ammunition.
The battle continued day and night.
One day in September 1951, President Kim Il Sung rang up the army corps commander on the front line and told him to take good care of soldiers
because they were all priceless treasures of the country.
Moved by his care, the soldiers of the People's Army pledged to defend the height of their fatherland at the cost of their lives. They silenced enemy pillboxes with their chest, jumped into enemy soldiers with a bundle of grenades and linked communications line with their body. The civilians carried food, cartridges and shells to the height and repaired roads and bridges despite a shower of bullets.
Thus, the height was defended with credit.
During the battle, tens of thousands of American-led U.N. troops were killed or taken prisoner, more than 40 enemy planes were shot down and some 60 tanks and large quantities of weapons and combat technical equipment were captured or destroyed.
They called the height "heart-break ridge" as it hurt their minds when they saw it. They also called its valley "trap valley" as it allowed no intruder to escape alive.