140组考研英语同义词 | 广泛的:Wide,Broad,Extensive,Large-scale


🚩wide是“大量的,广泛的,范围广的,包容的”,柯林斯解释为You use wide to describe something that includes a large number of different things or people.。
The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes.这本小册子提供了很多宾馆、公寓、度假屋供选择。
The proposed constitution gives him much wider powers than his predecessor. 宪法提案赋予他比前任大得多的权力。
a major event which brought together a wide range of interest groups. 使广泛的利益群体联合起来的重要事件
🚩broad是“广泛的,涉及面广的,涉及各类人或物的”,柯林斯解释为You use broad to describe something that includes a large number of different things or people.。
A broad range of issues was discussed. 讨论涉及了范围十分广泛的一系列议题。
a broad coalition of workers, peasants, students and middle class professionals工人、农民、学生和中产阶级职业人士的广泛联盟
broad不能这么用。比如,不能说a broad audience,也不能说a broad circle of friends;不能说The festival attracts people from a broad area.。broad较多指影响到很多人,比如可以说have a broad appeal,to attract broad support。
Broad也可以用来形容知识面广,如broad experience/ knowledge。
🚩extensive用法比较正式,是指“包含大量信息的,广泛的,全面的,保罗万象的”,柯林斯解释为Something that is extensive covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items.。它还可以指“区域广大的,广阔的”,柯林斯解释为Something that is extensive covers or includes a large physical area.。
Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph.《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。
the extensive research into public attitudes to science针对公众科学观的广泛调查
The facilities available are very extensive. 可使用的设施非常多。
an extensive tour of Latin America在拉丁美洲广泛游历
When built, the palace and its grounds were more extensive than the city itself. 建成时,宫殿及其庭园比城市本身面积还要大
🚩large-scale用来“形容行动或者事件,大规模的,大范围的,大型的,表示非常广泛的区域,或者涉及到很多人或物”,柯林斯解释为A large-scale action or event happens over a very wide area or involves a lot of people or things.
a large scale military operation大规模的军事行动
🚩wide-ranging用法比较正式,表示“覆盖面广的,内容广泛的,涉及或者影响到大量不同的事或物”,柯林斯解释为If you describe something as wide-ranging, you mean it deals with or affects a great variety of different things.。
a wide-ranging debate about the party's goals关于该政党目标宗旨的广泛争论
a package of wide-ranging economic reforms内容广泛的一揽子经济改革方案
The aims of the redesign are wide-ranging but simple. 重新设计的目的是多方面的,但又是简单的。
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