
雅思写作的开篇对整篇文章的印象和结构都有重要影响。一个引人入胜的开篇不仅能够吸引阅卷官的注意力,而且有助于为后续的论述打下良好的基础。好的开篇可以展示你的写作技巧、表达清晰的观点,并确保你的文章具有逻辑性和连贯性。今天我将以探讨性议论文(discussion essay)为切入点,挑战雅思写作开篇的高峰。

题目: Some people believe that team sports are very important for children to succeed in their career, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The issue of whether team sports are crucial for children’s success in their careers has been hotly debated with proponents maintaining that they are vital in order to build a brilliant career, while detractors claim that they are an unjustifiable hindrance to children’s future career enhancement. This essay will examine the contrasting viewpoints surrounding the impact of team work on children’s career development before reaching an informed decision.

Opinion is divided as to whether team sports have a significant impact on children’s success in their careers: some people maintain that they are vital in order to build a brilliant career, while others argue that they are an unjustifiable hindrance to children’s future career enhancement. I am of the former opinion and feel that team sports play a pivotal role in shaping not only a child's physical well-being but also in cultivating valuable skills and qualities that are indispensable for a successful career.
…..important for/to…. 的学术语言:
…..have a significant impact on…..
….play a crucial role in …..
….indicative/predicative of…….
Eg. Team sports have a significant impact on children’s success in their careers.

作者*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师
超过10年的教学经验,曾多次创下帮学生40课时内达到雅思8分和7.5分的高分记录,擅长帮学生搭建高分句型结构、满分素材,强雅思写作批改,直击失分点,英国名校圣安德鲁斯大学(英国卫报排名第二; 威廉王子母校) 英语语言教育硕士,加拿大维多利亚大学MBA毕业,有着深厚的英语语言教学以及写作功底,TESOL 资格证书 TESl Canada 资格认证;扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍