雅思写作不过7 竟然是源于这个错误

在雅思写作7分的评分标准中,  有一条是这样写的:
“Uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation”

 使用客观的语言(Using objective language)
Academic writing presents and evaluates issues and arrives at an objective position; a position that focuses on and is informed by research and reasoning rather than personal feelings and opinions.
Personal pronouns, especially ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘we’ are usually avoided, as these are often associated with subjective views that are influenced by personal preferences or biases.
诸如像‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘we’这样的第一和第二人称代词是需要雅思正文当中避免使用的(第1段和最后一段用“I” 表明立场的时候除外),因为第一和第二人称代词往往与主观偏见联系在一起。
You can demonstrate that climate change is a real phenomenon by studying alterations in Antarctic ice layers.
学术风格(Using the topic as the subject):
Alterations in Antarctic ice layers demonstrate that climate change is a real phenomenon.
学术风格 (使用被动语态):
The reality of climate change can be demonstrated by studying alterations in Antarctic ice layers.
学术风格 (Using ‘it’ as an empty subject)  :
It can be demonstrated that climate change is a real phenomenon by studying alterations in Antarctic ice layers.

使用正式的语言(Using formal language)
总体来说,在这方面你需要避免以下语言 :
a. colloquial words and expressions(口语式的词和表达); ""stuff", "a lot of", "thing", "sort of”
b. abbreviated forms(缩写): "can't", "doesn't", "shouldn't"
Informal: The authors don’t provide evidence for their claim.
Formal: The authors do not provide evidence for their claim. 
c. two word verbs(动词短语): "put off", "bring up"
Informal: Teachers have to put up with lots of bad kids. 
Formal: Teachers have to endure many cases of bad behaviour.
d. asking questions (问句)
Informal: So racists should be punished more, shouldn’t they?
Formal: In conclusion, I am in favour of stricter punishments for hate speech.
e. using “etc”, “so forth”“so on”. 

使用精确的语言(Using precise  language)
In academic writing you need to be precise when you use information, dates or figures. Do not use "a lot of people" when you can say "50 million people”.
另外还需要使用精确的动词,英文中有些动词比如 ‘do’, ‘make’, ‘put’, ‘keep’, ‘have’ and ‘get’是有着广泛的意思的 比如get 一词根据不同的语境可以有不同的意思:
Receive (get an email)
Obtain (get a better view)
Bring (get a bucket and mop)
Buy (get a new shirt)
Arrive (get there at 7pm)
If you use the single verb that expresses exactly what you mean by ‘get’, your writing will be more precise.
The researchers got results from a large participant group.
The researchers obtained results from a large participant group.

"hedging words" 在学术英文里讲的是当你在主张观点,解释数据、举例、作结论的时候,一种可以帮助你的句子读起来不要这么武断、主观的语言机制。一句话,“hedging” 讲的是严谨的表达,不要把话说的太直接、太饱满。
(1) Leading a sedentary lifestyle causes chronic health conditions. 
要是这么说的话,很容易被挑出毛病,所以就算信心度破 100%, 通常句子还是会这样写:
(2) Leading a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to a range of chronic health conditions. 
例句 (1) 用的是现在式,表示100%会发生的事实或真理。例句 (2) 的 can contribute to 就是 hedging words,用来表示「可能,我不敢说百分之百是」。
中国学生在面对学术英文时,常被告知要做到「批判性思考」但却没有学到如何安置hedging words 在文章里,以致他们的论述读起来不是过度普遍化的概论(over-generalization) 就是过度主张 (sweeping claims)。
那么下面有五种 hedging devices 可以让你的论述多一份谨慎的态度(caution):
1. 情态助动词: modal verbs (would, could, may, might)
Eg. This discrepancy could be attributed to…
2. 副词: adverbs (possibly, perhaps, probably, apparently, evidently, presumably, relatively; occasionally, sometimes, generally, usually, often, seldom)
Eg. The number of patients will probably increase..............
Acceptance rates are generally high...........
3. 形容词: adjectives (likely, probable, uncertain, doubtful)
Eg. It is likely that the experimental group…
4. 中性动词: impersonal verb forms (it seems that, it appears, it suggests, it is generally agreed that)
Eg. It appears that outstanding managers are rather rare.
5. 量化词:Use a quantifier (e.g. some, few,many, much (also expression one of)
Eg. Inflation is one of  the causes of…

*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师
超过10年的教学经验,曾多次创下帮学生40课时内达到雅思8分和7.5分的高分记录,擅长帮学生搭建高分句型结构、满分素材,强雅思写作批改,直击失分点,英国名校圣安德鲁斯大学(英国卫报排名第二; 威廉王子母校) 英语教育MBA 双硕士科班出身,有着深厚的英语语言教学以及写作功底,TESOL 资格证书 TESl Canada 资格认证;
