今天在图书馆阅读经济学人, 无意间读到一篇驳论文,在这篇文章中,作者对拜登总统的政绩和领导能力进行了有力的辩护,同时驳斥了对他年龄和 perceived (被认为的)弱点的批评。这篇文章运用了写议论文所必备的反驳(rebuttal) 还有 counter-argument策略,为雅思写作提供了极佳的参考范例。通过强有力的论据和逻辑推理,作者成功地对批评拜登总统的观点进行了有效地反驳,并展示了自己对问题的深入思考和辩证思维能力。
Go, Joe, go!
You criticised the lack of alternatives in the Democratic Party to Joe Biden (“Roadworthy in ’24?”, January 6th). In defence of the president, his administration has focused on policies that chime with ordinary Americans, such as lowering everyday expenses for families, achieving historic levels of employment, revitalising manufacturing, rescuing the economy during the pandemic and rebuilding infrastructure. He has expanded benefits for veterans, enacted laws to reduce gun violence, protected marriage rights, confirmed diverse federal judges, supported Ukraine against Russian aggression, executed counter-terrorism missions, provided student-debt relief, advanced racial justice, tackled climate change and improved health care.
We Democratic voters are a varied and splintered group who never really see eye to eye. We barely coalesced around Mr Biden in 2020, until we did. Mr Biden didn’t win a primary in 2020 until African-American voters backed him in South Carolina, a victory he rode all the way to the general election.
Don’t mistake our whining and complaints for anything more than just that; it is part of our democratic process. Yes, Mr Biden is much older than we would prefer, and a little unsteady on his feet, but so too was Franklin Roosevelt and look at what he accomplished. Mr Biden’s mind is as sharp as ever. The gaffes and stumbles are just part of who he is. He isn’t done yet. He is just getting started and we would be wise not to count him out. His critics will be eating crow yet again come November .(是的,拜登先生比我们喜欢的年龄要大得多,而且步履有些不稳,但富兰克林·罗斯福也是如此,看看他取得了什么成就。拜登先生的头脑仍然像以往一样敏锐。他的失言和失足只是他的一部分。他还没有完成。他才刚刚开始,我们最好不要轻视他。他的批评者将再次在十一月份吃下苦果)。
nigel sonariwoFounder and ceoNth-CommunicationsRockville, Maryland
在这篇文章中,counter argument(反驳论点)可以被理解为对于拜登总统的批评或质疑,而rebuttal(驳斥)则是作者对这些批评或质疑的回应和辩护。
Counter Argument:
同样在雅思写作中,counter argument(反驳论点)和rebuttal(驳斥)也是两个非常重要的概念,特别是在Argumentative Essay(辩论性文章)类型的写作中常常会用到。学会使用这个策略,对于目标考7 分8分9分的同学将会有着切实的帮助, 因为它展现了你有着复杂的思维,展现出你对于事物和问题全面的思考能力,凸显论点严密的逻辑,使得论证过程更加全面,更加客观和更具说服力。下面是对这两个概念的具体解释:
Counter Argument(反驳论点):反驳论点是指提出与自己观点相反或者相矛盾的观点或论据。在Argumentative Essay中,作者通常会先引出一个或多个可能存在的反对观点,以展示自己对问题的全面理解,并且为之后的反驳做铺垫。
Rebuttal(驳斥):驳斥是指对反驳论点进行回应和辩解,以证明自己的观点更为合理或者更具说服力。在Argumentative Essay中,作者需要通过提供证据、逻辑推理或者其他论证手段来驳倒反对观点,并巩固自己的立场。
Counter Argument:
Some argue that allowing students to use smartphones in the classroom could potentially enhance their learning efficiency, as they can easily access relevant information at any time.
However, this argument overlooks the detrimental effects of smartphone use on students' attention spans and overall academic performance. Research has consistently shown that prolonged smartphone usage leads to decreased levels of concentration and cognitive function. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who frequently use smartphones during class tend to perform worse on assessments compared to those who refrain from such distractions. Therefore, permitting smartphone use in classrooms may ultimately hinder rather than facilitate the learning process.
这一策略运用到雅思的大作文中,就是我们所说的concession 段,也就是让步论证段落,是指去考虑你的反方观点并去加以反驳,使用让步段落是对于雅思的opinion essay 是很重要的因为它体现了你思维的全面性,注意雅思大作文的让步段落只可出现在 “Opinion Essay”中, 也就是agree/disagree 这样的文体中。在提出让步后,需要再进行反驳。
A concession paragraph is the part of an essay that shows an awareness of opposing ideas. Making concessions is important because they show that you understand both sides of the issue. But you should never make a concession without following it with a refutation. A refutation is where you prove the counter-arguments wrong or, at the very least, explain why you do not agree with it.
下面我们以雅思考场真实题目为例,来看一下让步段落在 “agree/disagree”essay
To write a concession paragraph in “agree or disagree” essays, use this structure:
Introduction + paragraph 1 (the first reason) + paragraph 2 (the second reason) + concession paragraph + conclusion
Nowadays, the most important task is the protection of the environment for future generations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. Introduction 段落
These days, protecting the environment for future generations is widely recognized as the most crucial task. I strongly agree with this notion and assert that society must prioritize addressing environmental concerns.
2. Body paragraph 1
Firstly, the prioritization of environmental preservation is imperative due to the health risks associated with neglect. Cities with high levels of air pollution often expose their residents to increased risks of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory ailments such as asthma. Shockingly, over 8 million people worldwide die annually from breathing polluted air containing particles from fossil fuels. Failure to address environmental degradation will undoubtedly lead to a more severe health crisis for future generations.
3. Body paragraph 2
Moreover, treating environmental issues as a priority is essential for preventing the endangerment and extinction of wildlife species and averting a biodiversity crisis. Global populations of mammals, fish, birds, and reptiles have plummeted by nearly 70% since 1970, with approximately one million animal and plant species threatened with extinction. This decline is attributed to the deteriorating environment which has contributed to habitat loss, pollution and climate change. Prioritizing environmental concerns and implementing stricter policies can help restore habitats and ecosystems, mitigating the catastrophic effects of mass extinction.
4. Concession 段落
While some may argue that economic growth should take precedence over environmental concerns, this perspective fails to recognize the interconnectedness of environmental health and economic prosperity. A healthy environment is the foundation of a sustainable economy, providing essential resources and ecosystem services that underpin economic activity. Neglecting environmental protection can lead to long-term economic costs, including the depletion of natural resources, increased healthcare expenditures, and losses in ecosystem services.
5. Conclusion 段落
In conclusion, prioritizing environmental issues is essential as it is crucial for maintaining human health and preserving wildlife species. If governments prioritize this matter, future generations will lead happier and more prosperous lives.
*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师原创参考范文,仅供学习交流,未经允许严禁一切商业用途。扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确雅思备考方法,事半功倍!