Homerica: The Battle of Frogs and Micetranslated by Hugh G. Evelyn-White[1914] (ll. 1-8) Here I begin: and first I pray the choir of the Muses to come down from Helicon into my heart to aid the lay which I have newly written in tablets upon my knee. Fain would I sound in all men's ears that awful strife, that clamorous deed of war, and tell how the Mice proved their valour on the Frogs and rivalled the exploits of the Giants, those earth-born men, as the tale was told among mortals. Thus did the war begin. (ll. 9-12) One day a thirsty Mouse who had escaped the ferret, dangerous foe, set his soft muzzle to the lake's brink and revelled in the sweet water. There a loud-voiced pond-larker spied him: and uttered such words as these. 【此部分大意:我来就此开场:恭请赫利孔山上的缪斯女神们降临凡尘,进入我的心,助我在膝上的书写板上写下新的诗篇。我会让所有的人乐意倾听,可怕的纷争与喧嚣的战事,诉说老鼠在青蛙身上如何证明了他们的英勇,讲述他们如何争着利用土生的巨人,就像人们所说的那样,战争开始。 一日,一只口渴的老鼠摆脱了雪貂这危险敌人的追捕,将软乎乎的吻部探向湖水,于湖水的甜美痛快畅饮。一只声音洪亮的池中云雀盯着他,说出这样的话语】 未完待续
(ll. 13-23) `Stranger, who are you? Whence come you to this shore, and who is he who begot you? Tell me all this truly and let me not find you lying. For if I find you worthy to be my friend, I will take you to my house and give you many noble gifts such as men give to their guests. I am the king Puff-jaw, and am honoured in all the pond, being ruler of the Frogs continually. The father that brought me up was Mud-man who mated with Waterlady by the banks of Eridanus. I see, indeed, that you are well-looking and stouter than the ordinary, a sceptred king and a warrior in fight; but, come, make haste and tell me your descent.' 【此部分大意:“陌生的客人啊你是谁?何处来到此岸上?谁把你生把你养?快把实情告诉我,莫让我发现你撒谎。我若觉得你可结交,请你去我家中坐,大把贵礼奉上,像人类招待客人送礼那样。我名唤作长下巴王,一池之主,蛙族永远的统治者。生我之父是泥土,他在爱斯达努斯河畔与水流结合,瞧你相貌堂堂,身强力壮,是持杖国王,还是作战勇士,快和我说你家世。”】’ 今天再来一小段吧,未完待续
(ll. 24-55) Then Crumb-snatcher answered him and said: `Why do you ask my race, which is well-known amongst all, both men and gods and the birds of heaven? Crumb-snatcher am I called, and I am the son of Bread-nibbler -- he was my stout-hearted father -- and my mother was Quern-licker, the daughter of Ham-gnawer the king: she bare me in the mouse-hole and nourished me with food, figs and nuts and dainties of all kinds. But how are you to make me your friend, who am altogether different in nature? For you get your living in the water, but I am used to each such foods as men have: I never miss the thrice-kneaded loaf in its neat, round basket, or the thin-wrapped cake full of sesame and cheese, or the slice of ham, or liver vested in white fat, or cheese just curdled from sweet milk, or delicious honey-cake which even the blessed gods long for, or any of all those cates which cooks make for the feasts of mortal men, larding their pots and pans with spices of all kinds. In battle I have never flinched from the cruel onset, but plunged straight into the fray and fought among the foremost. I fear not man though he has a big body, but run along his bed and bite the tip of his toe and nibble at his heel; and the man feels no hurt and his sweet sleep is not broken by my biting. But there are two things I fear above all else the whole world over, the hawk and the ferret -- for these bring great grief on me -- and the piteous trap wherein is treacherous death. Most of all I fear the ferret of the keener sort which follows you still even when you dive down your hole. (1) In gnaw no radishes and cabbages and pumpkins, nor feed on green leeks and parsley; for these are food for you who live in the lake.' 【此部分大意:面包头的打劫者,于是应声答道:“我的家族还用问,人间神界与飞鸟,大名鼎鼎谁不知晓?我名唤面包头的打劫者,强大的面包块啃食者之子。母为磨盘上的舔食者,她便是火腿咬嚼王的王女,藏我于鼠穴喂养,无花果坚果等美味各种各样。我如何与你为友,咱们种类可有本质上的不同。我已惯享人类的每种食品,洁净篮子里三次糅合的白面包绝不放过,或者来点撒芝麻涂奶酪的饼干,火腿肉、白色肥油肝,甜牛奶凝的新奶酪,有福的众神都渴求的蜂蜜糕,凡人盛宴中的一切佳肴,食具盛放撒上各种香料。沙场之上,我从不因对方的残酷进攻就退缩,总是直奔战斗,奋战在重要战线。我不畏惧人类,虽然他们块头巨大。我敢在人的床上撒欢奔跑,咬咬他们的脚趾头,啃啃他们的脚后跟。他们甚至不会察觉到我,甜蜜好眠不会因此中断。全世界唯有两样东西我害怕,雄鹰还有雪貂,因为他们曾带给我巨大的悲痛,令我陷入恐怖的陷阱,充满诡诈的死亡。” 其中最怕的就是雪貂的敏锐,即使潜入洞穴,它依然能紧追而来。还有,我可不碰萝卜、白菜和南瓜,还有青葱与欧芹,那是你们这些湖中居民的专属美食。】 待续
(ll. 82-92) Then suddenly a water-snake appeared, a horrid sight for both alike, and held his neck upright above the water. And when he saw it, Puff-jaw dived at once, and never thought how helpless a friend he would leave perishing; but down to the bottom of the lake he went, and escaped black death. But the Mouse, so deserted, at once fell on his back, in the water. He wrung his paws and squeaked in agony of death: many times he sank beneath the water and many times he rose up again kicking. But he could not escape his doom, for his wet fur weighed him down heavily. Then at the last, as he was dying, he uttered these words. (ll. 93-98) `Ah, Puff-jaw, you shall not go unpunished for this treachery! You threw me, a castaway, off your body as from a rock. Vile coward! On land you would not have been the better man, boxing, or wrestling, or running; but now you have tricked me and cast me in the water. Heaven has an avenging eye, and surely the host of Mice will punish you and not let you escape.' 【此部分大意: 突然之间一条水蛇出现,高昂的头颈直立在湖面,两位赶路者魂飞魄散。长下巴一见,一个猛子潜下,把无助的朋友抛之脑后,不曾想过他会否因此毙命;直到他深入湖底,逃过了死亡的黑暗。而那只被遗弃的老鼠,四脚朝天仰倒在水里,挣扎于死神带来的痛苦下。他数次沉没,又数次蹬腿儿浮起,却难逃厄运,只因那吸足了水的毛皮这样沉重,把他生生拖垮。在生命的最后一刻,他说: “啊,长下巴,这次背叛后你休想逍遥法外,你丢下我,这个被抛弃者,从你身体上扔下去,就像把什么推下了石山。卑鄙的胆小鬼!如果是在陆地,你不会更强,无论是拳击、摔跤还是跑步。偏现在我上了你的当,被丢在这水里。老天有眼会记着这笔账要算,鼠族大军必严惩你,你插翅难逃。”】 待续
(ll. 132-138) So the Mice armed themselves. But when the Frogs were aware of it, they rose up out of the water and coming together to one place gathered a council of grievous war. And while they were asking whence the quarrel arose, and what the cause of this anger, a herald drew near bearing a wand in his paws, Pot-visitor the son of great-hearted Cheese-carver. He brought the grim message of war, speaking thus: 【此部分大意:于是老鼠们披挂完毕。青蛙们得知此讯,纷纷从水里跃出,聚集在一起,紧急召开战前动员大会。他们打听战争从何而起,敌意为何产生,正在此时,一位手持节杖的使者向他们走来,这位好心的奶酪雕刻鼠之子,带来了残酷的战争通牒,他说:】 (ll. 139-143) `Frogs, the Mice have sent me with their threats against you, and bid you arm yourselves for war and battle; for they have seen Crumb-snatcher in the water whom your king Puff- jaw slew. Fight, then, as many of you as are warriors among the Frogs.' 【此部分大意;小跳蛙们,鼠族大军派我前来,传达他们的怒火与战斗的意志。拿好你们武器,准备作战。因为有人目睹了你们的国王长下巴在水中谋杀了面包头的打劫者,一决生死吧,希望蛙族中的勇士如你们站在这的一样多。】 (ll. 144-146) With these words he explained the matter. So when this blameless speech came to their ears, the proud Frogs were disturbed in their hearts and began to blame Puff-jaw. But he rose up and said: (ll. 147-159) `Friends, I killed no Mouse, nor did I see one perishing. Surely he was drowned while playing by the lake and imitating the swimming of the Frogs, and now these wretches blame me who am guiltless. Come then; let us take counsel how we may utterly destroy the wily Mice. Moreover, I will tell you what I think to be the best. Let us all gird on our armour and take our stand on the very brink of the lake, where the ground breaks down sheer: then when they come out and charge upon us, let each seize by the crest the Mouse who attacks him, and cast them with their helmets into the lake; for so we shall drown these dry-hobs (2) in the water, and merrily set up here a trophy of victory over the slaughtered Mice.' 【此部分大意:他解释完这事的前因后果,无可指摘的理由让每只蛙听得分明。傲慢的青蛙们感到不安,指责长下巴招来祸患。长下巴于是起身辩道:各位朋友且慢批评,我不曾谋杀一只老鼠,也未见任何一场死亡。无疑是他在湖边戏耍,模仿我们蛙泳却不幸溺亡。如今那些可怜虫将事故一推,栽赃归罪在无辜的我头上。来,我们商量个主意,彻底摧毁狡诈的鼠辈。而且,我将贡献一条绝妙的、经过深思熟虑的巧计,我们武装好,便站在湖岸边缘,那边的土地特别,松软易陷。一旦对方向我们发动进攻,咱们就各自抓住自己的对手,连同他们沉重的头盔,一起投到深深的湖里。这样,这群干巴巴的蛮族就会被淹死,等歼敌以后,我们就可以兴高采烈地立起胜利的奖杯。】
(ll. 160-167) By this speech he persuaded them to arm themselves. They covered their shins with leaves of mallows, and had breastplates made of fine green beet-leaves, and cabbage-leaves, skilfully fashioned, for shields. Each one was equipped with a long, pointed rush for a spear, and smooth snail-shells to cover their heads. Then they stood in close-locked ranks upon the high bank, waving their spears, and were filled, each of them, with courage. 【大意:一番演讲效果非凡,伙伴们被说服,戎装以待。 锦葵叶被取来包裹小腿,漂亮的甜菜叶甘蓝菜巧妙改造,胸铠和盾牌都已备好,诸位战士持起锋锐长矛,最后再把光滑的蜗牛壳顶在头上。庞大的军团队形紧密,列阵于高岸,利刃齐挥,个个勇气满怀。】 (ll. 168-173) Now Zeus called the gods to starry heaven and showed them the martial throng and the stout warriors so many and so great, all bearing long spears; for they were as the host of the Centaurs and the Giants. Then he asked with a sly smile; `Who of the deathless gods will help the Frogs and who the Mice?' And he said to Athena; (ll. 174-176) `My daughter, will you go aid the Mice? For they all frolic about your temple continually, delighting in the fat of sacrifice and in all kinds of food.' 【大意:宙斯当即召唤众神,一起登上繁星密布的夜空,要他们观看大军作战,伟大的英豪密集登场,兵戈交错,推来抵去,如人马族和巨人们相争。他面带微笑,神色狡黠,问:“哪方能获得不死之神的支持,是蛙还是鼠?” 他又对雅典娜说道:“我的千金,你可愿帮那些老鼠?因他们时常嬉戏流连在你的神殿四周,沉醉于油脂和各色祭祀的美味中。”】 (ll. 177-196) So then said the son of Cronos. But Athena answered him: `I would never go to help the Mice when they are hard pressed, for they have done me much mischief, spoiling my garlands and my lamps too, to get the oil. And this thing that they have done vexes my heart exceedingly: they have eaten holes in my sacred robe, which I wove painfully spinning a fine woof on a fine warp, and made it full of holes. And now the money-lender is at me and charges me interest which is a bitter thing for immortals. For I borrowed to do my weaving, and have nothing with which to repay. Yet even so I will not help the Frogs; for they also are not considerable: once, when I was returning early from war, I was very tired, and though I wanted to sleep, they would not let me even doze a little for their outcry; and so I lay sleepless with a headache until cock-crow. No, gods, let us refrain from helping these hosts, or one of us may get wounded with a sharp spear; for they fight hand to hand, even if a god comes against them. Let us rather all amuse ourselves watching the fight from heaven.' 【克洛诺斯之子说完上述的话,雅典娜应声做了回答:“我绝不提供帮助,给陷入困境中的老鼠,他们多次对我捣乱,毁损花环还打破油灯偷油。这样的行为已使我很是懊恼,还要啃食我的衣袍,在上面凿窟窿,我辛辛苦苦纺纱织布,经纬细致,美丽精巧,他们一通乱搞,密密麻麻布满破洞。最近债主跑来找我要账,就算是神仙也会觉得头疼,因为我借债进行纺织,却拿不出成品可偿还债务。即便如此我也不想去帮助青蛙,因为他们也不得我看重。有一次我从战场回来,疲惫不堪想要休息,他们拼命叫喊一会也不让我睡眠,搞得我头疼欲裂却清醒无比,直到公鸡啼叫清晨到来。诸神啊,我们别去帮这些军队,避免我们中的某位被刀兵所伤害,因为即使有神加入作战,他们也会团结一心死战不退。我们还是待在天上吧,不妨自娱自乐看个热闹。】
(ll. 202-223) First Loud-croaker wounded Lickman in the belly, right through the midriff. Down fell he on his face and soiled his soft fur in the dust: he fell with a thud and his armour clashed about him. Next Troglodyte shot at the son of Mudman, and drove the strong spear deep into his breast; so he fell, and black death seized him and his spirit flitted forth from his mouth. Then Beety struck Pot-visitor to the heart and killed him, and Bread-nibbler hit Loud-crier in the belly, so that he fell on his face and his spirit flitted forth from his limbs. Now when Pond-larker saw Loud-crier perishing, he struck in quickly and wounded Troglodyte in his soft neck with a rock like a mill-stone, so that darkness veiled his eyes. Thereat Ocimides was seized with grief, and struck out with his sharp reed and did not draw his spear back to him again, but felled his enemy there and then. And Lickman shot at him with a bright spear and hit him unerringly in the midriff. And as he marked Cabbage-eater running away, he fell on the steep bank, yet even so did not cease fighting but smote that other so that he fell and did not rise again; and the lake was dyed with red blood as he lay outstretched along the shore, pierced through the guts and shining flanks. Also he slew Cheese-eater on the very brink.... 【大意:大嗓蛙首先发起进攻,对准舔舐鼠的肚子就是一击,正好把他刺个对穿,对方俯身扑到,柔软的毛皮满是尘土,这一跤可跌得真重,盔甲碰撞周身铿然作响。第二个行动的是穴居鼠,他瞄准泥巴蛙的儿子丢出了投枪,有力的矛尖深贯后者的胸膛,转眼灵魂出窍,被死神的黑手带走。水果蛙猛击钻锅鼠的心脏,一拳便让他命丧黄泉。面包块的啃食鼠狠揍大嗓蛙的腹部,那蛙跌倒在地,生命从无力的四肢上飞出。池塘快活蛙见大嗓蛙丧命,动作迅速展开反击,举起一块磨盘似的石头,直接命中穴居鼠的脖颈,那个地方柔软脆弱,疼得他眼前一片漆黑。捷足蛙十分发愁,他用锐利的芦苇枪打败了对手,却没有来得及把它抽回,还好他的敌人已经死亡。舔舐鼠趁机向他投出寒光闪闪的长矛,准确无误地贯穿小腹,当他留意到食菜蛙在逃跑,脚下一绊跌倒在陡坡上,即便如此他也没放弃攻击,追打另一个敌人,直到他再不能爬起。当死者摊开四肢躺在湖畔,肚子和两肋已被刺穿,血液流入了湖水,染得湖面一片鲜红。】 待续
(ll. 224-251) But Reedy took to flight when he saw Ham-nibbler, and fled, plunging into the lake and throwing away his shield. Then blameless Pot-visitor killed Brewer and Water-larked killed the lord Ham-nibbler, striking him on the head with a pebble, so that his brains flowed out at his nostrils and the earth was bespattered with blood. Faultless Muck-coucher sprang upon Lick- platter and killed him with his spear and brought darkness upon his eyes: and Leeky saw it, and dragged Lick-platter by the foot, though he was dead, and choked him in the lake. But Crumb- snatcher was fighting to avenge his dead comrades, and hit Leeky before he reached the land; and he fell forward at the blow and his soul went down to Hades. And seeing this, the Cabbage- climber took a clod of mud and hurled it at the Mouse, plastering all his forehead and nearly blinding him. Thereat Crumb-snatcher was enraged and caught up in his strong hand a huge stone that lay upon the ground, a heavy burden for the soil: with that he hit Cabbage-climber below the knee and splintered his whole right shin, hurling him on his back in the dust. But Croakperson kept him off, and rushing at the Mouse in turn, hit him in the middle of the belly and drove the whole reed-spear into him, and as he drew the spear back to him with his strong hand, all his foe's bowels gushed out upon the ground. And when Troglodyte saw the deed, as he was limping away from the fight on the river bank, he shrank back sorely moved, and leaped into a trench to escape sheer death. Then Bread-nibbler hit Puff-jaw on the toes -- he came up at the last from the lake and was greatly distressed.... 【(接上段的最后一句,当时漏掉这句译了:)奶酪吞噬鼠也命丧他手…… 本段大意:芦苇蛙看见火腿啃食鼠拔腿就逃,丢下盾牌纵身入湖。访罐鼠不留破绽,直取泡汤蛙的性命。水嬉蛙用鹅卵石袭杀,火腿啃食鼠脑袋中石而陨落,脑浆从死者鼻下长流,血溅大地一片鲜红。卧泥蛙完美地一跳,跃身至扫盘鼠上方,长矛穿心而过,黑暗蒙上了他的双眼。尽管濒临死亡,食菜蛙见此还是上前,拖起扫盘鼠的双足,让他在水里面彻底断气。抢粮鼠为伤亡的战友复仇,趁食菜蛙返陆之前袭击他,食菜蛙面朝前倒下,灵魂被呼出,直接堕入了地狱。攀菜蛙捞起一大块泥巴,朝着这只老鼠脱手而出,一下子糊住了他的面部,差点让他彻底失明。抢粮鼠勃然大怒,强壮的手臂举起一块大石——对于土地来说这是个沉重的负担——砸在攀菜蛙的膝盖之下,整个右胫骨断裂开来,他失足跌倒带起尘土飞扬。呱呱蛙的儿子转身阻止,他朝着老鼠直冲上来,一枪直刺怒龙穿腹,芦苇枪连同枪杆整根没入,当他手臂带起有力地回抽,拉出的内脏散落一地。穴居鼠目睹这血腥的一幕,一拐一瘸地脱身对岸的战斗,他难受地后撤跳入壕沟,躲避死亡来保住自己的性命。面包块的啃食鼠对上了鼓下巴蛙,重伤了敌人的脚趾,带来痛楚不堪,这成了他最后一次离湖上岸……】 待续
(ll. 252-259) And when Leeky saw him fallen forward, but still half alive, he pressed through those who fought in front and hurled a sharp reed at him; but the point of the spear was stayed and did not break his shield. Then noble Rueful, like Ares himself, struck his flawless head-piece made of four pots -- he only among the Frogs showed prowess in the throng. But when he saw the other rush at him, he did not stay to meet the stout- hearted hero but dived down to the depths of the lake. 【大意:食菜蛙见他趴下,奄奄一息就剩下半条命,便穿过重重的激战者,对准他长枪一投,不料矛头停住了去势,没有冲破坚盾相阻。他陷入高贵的懊恼,仿佛自己是战神阿瑞斯化身,拍打着用四样容器打造成的华美帽盔——只有在蛙群之中,才能充分显示其不凡威武。当他发现有另一只鼠,正朝他这个方向猛冲,便不肯留下一会这勇士,反而跳水下潜,一溜烟跑去湖底深处。】
(ll. 260-271) Now there was one among the Mice, Slice-snatcher, who excelled the rest, dear son of Gnawer the son of blameless Bread-stealer. He went to his house and bade his son take part in the war. This warrior threatened to destroy the race of Frogs utterly (3), and splitting a chestnut-husk into two parts along the joint, put the two hollow pieces as armour on his paws: then straightway the Frogs were dismayed and all rushed down to the lake, and he would have made good his boast -- for he had great strength -- had not the Son of Cronos, the Father of men and gods, been quick to mark the thing and pitied the Frogs as they were perishing. He shook his head, and uttered this word: 【大意:老鼠当中,有一成员,唤作抢饼者,难有匹敌。他是无可指摘的盗粮鼠之孙,啃啮鼠的爱子。现在他跑回了家中,吩咐儿子参战。这勇士发出可怕的威胁,要将蛙军摧毁团灭,还把栗子壳沿纹一切两半,两截壳套爪上做成拳套。青蛙们见此景惊慌失措,纷纷跳湖以求自保。他开始吹嘘自己,力大无穷,若无克洛诺斯之子,这夸下的海口怕已兑现。人与神之父,立即关注到此事,对垂死挣扎的青蛙心生怜悯,他摇摇头,说了这样一段话:】 (ll. 272-276) `Dear, dear, how fearful a deed do my eyes behold! Slice-snatcher makes no small panic rushing to and fro among the Frogs by the lake. Let us then make all haste and send warlike Pallas or even Ares, for they will stop his fighting, strong though he is.' 【大意:“哎哟天呐,多么可怕,眼前的景象我不忍目睹!抢饼者在湖边蛙群横冲直撞,制造恐慌惊起无数。我们赶紧派出骁勇善战的帕拉斯,或许还要加上阿瑞斯。尽管那鼠战力强大,他们也将阻止他。”】 -------------------------------- 调整修改了好几次,我已经尽力了。 待续