
(ll. 277-284) So said the Son of Cronos; but Hera answered him: `Son of Cronos, neither the might of Athena nor of Ares can avail to deliver the Frogs from utter destruction. Rather, come and let us all go to help them, or else let loose your weapon, the great and formidable Titan-killer with which you killed Capaneus, that doughty man, and great Enceladus and the wild tribes of Giants; ay, let it loose, for so the most valiant will be slain.'
(ll. 285-293) So said Hera: and the Son of Cronos cast a lurid thunderbolt: first he thundered and made great Olympus shake, and the cast the thunderbolt, the awful weapon of Zeus, tossing it lightly forth. Thus he frightened them all, Frogs and Mice alike, hurling his bolt upon them. Yet even so the army of the Mice did not relax, but hoped still more to destroy the brood of warrior Frogs. Only, the Son of Cronos, on Olympus, pitied the Frogs and then straightway sent them helpers.

(ll. 294-303) So there came suddenly warriors with mailed backs and curving claws, crooked beasts that walked sideways, nut- cracker-jawed, shell-hided: bony they were, flat-backed, with glistening shoulders and bandy legs and stretching arms and eyes that looked behind them. They had also eight legs and two feelers -- persistent creatures who are called crabs. These nipped off the tails and paws and feet of the Mice with their jaws, while spears only beat on them. Of these the Mice were all afraid and no longer stood up to them, but turned and fled. Already the sun was set, and so came the end of the one-day war.
(1) Lines 42-52 are intrusive; the list of vegetables which the Mouse cannot eat must follow immediately after the various dishes of which he does eat.
(2) lit. `those unable to swim'.
(3) This may be a parody of Orion's threat in Hesiod, "Astronomy", frag. 4.
(ll. 252-259) And when Leeky saw him fallen forward, but still half alive, he pressed through those who fought in front and hurled a sharp reed at him; but the point of the spear was stayed and did not break his shield. Then noble Rueful, like Ares himself, struck his flawless head-piece made of four pots -- he only among the Frogs showed prowess in the throng. But when he saw the other rush at him, he did not stay to meet the stout- hearted hero but dived down to the depths of the lake.
【 食菜蛙见他趴下,奄奄一息就剩下半条命,便穿过重重的激战者,对准他长枪一投,不料矛头停住了去势,没有冲破坚盾相阻。他陷入高贵的懊恼,仿佛自己是战神阿瑞斯化身,拍打着用四样容器打造成的华美帽盔——只有在蛙群之中,才能充分显示其不凡威武。当他发现有另一只鼠,正朝他这个方向猛冲,便不肯留下一会这位勇士,反而跳水下潜,赶紧藏去湖底深处。】
(ll. 260-271) Now there was one among the Mice, Slice-snatcher, who excelled the rest, dear son of Gnawer the son of blameless Bread-stealer. He went to his house and bade his son take part in the war. This warrior threatened to destroy the race of Frogs utterly (3), and splitting a chestnut-husk into two parts along the joint, put the two hollow pieces as armour on his paws: then straightway the Frogs were dismayed and all rushed down to the lake, and he would have made good his boast -- for he had great strength -- had not the Son of Cronos, the Father of men and gods, been quick to mark the thing and pitied the Frogs as they were perishing. He shook his head, and uttered this word:
【 老鼠当中有一成员,唤作抢饼鼠,难有匹敌。他是无可指摘的盗粮鼠之孙,啃啮鼠的爱子。现在他跑回了家中,吩咐儿子参战。这勇士发出可怕的威胁,要将蛙军摧毁团灭,还把栗子壳沿纹一切两半,两截壳套爪上做成护手。青蛙们见此景惊慌失措,纷纷跳湖以求自保。他于是开始吹嘘自己,力大无穷难逢敌手,若无克洛诺斯之子出手,这夸下的海口怕已兑现。人与神之父,立即关注到此事,对垂死挣扎的青蛙心生怜悯,他摇摇头,说了这样一段话:】
(ll. 272-276) `Dear, dear, how fearful a deed do my eyes behold! Slice-snatcher makes no small panic rushing to and fro among the Frogs by the lake. Let us then make all haste and send warlike Pallas or even Ares, for they will stop his fighting, strong though he is.'
【 “哎哟天呐,多么可怕,眼前的景象我不忍目睹!抢饼鼠在湖边蛙群横冲直撞,制造恐慌惊起无数。我们赶紧派出骁勇善战的帕拉斯,或许还要加上阿瑞斯。尽管那鼠战力强大,他们也将制止他。”】
(ll. 277-284) So said the Son of Cronos; but Hera answered him: `Son of Cronos, neither the might of Athena nor of Ares can avail to deliver the Frogs from utter destruction. Rather, come and let us all go to help them, or else let loose your weapon, the great and formidable Titan-killer with which you killed Capaneus, that doughty man, and great Enceladus and the wild tribes of Giants; ay, let it loose, for so the most valiant will be slain.'
【 听他说完,赫拉答道:“克洛诺斯之子,无论是雅典娜还是阿瑞斯,都不能让青蛙免于毁灭的命运,不如让我们一起去帮助他们。释放你的武器吧,你那把威力无穷的泰坦屠戮者,你用它杀死了卡帕纽斯,凶悍又强大的恩科拉多斯和野蛮的巨人部落;只要给它以自由,最勇猛的敌人也将被毁灭。”】
(ll. 285-293) So said Hera: and the Son of Cronos cast a lurid thunderbolt: first he thundered and made great Olympus shake, and the cast the thunderbolt, the awful weapon of Zeus, tossing it lightly forth. Thus he frightened them all, Frogs and Mice alike, hurling his bolt upon them. Yet even so the army of the Mice did not relax, but hoped still more to destroy the brood of warrior Frogs. Only, the Son of Cronos, on Olympus, pitied the Frogs and then straightway sent them helpers.
【 赫拉说完上述的话,克洛诺斯之子便把恐怖的霹雳降下,先是雷声隆隆作响,接着整个奥林匹斯地动山摇,然后宙斯轻轻抬手一甩,那可怕的武器闪电便这样落地。不管是老鼠还是青蛙,都被吓得魂不附体,因为两边俱在闪电攻击的距离。即便如此,鼠兵们也不打算放弃,摧毁蛙军的愿望反而更为迫切。奥林匹斯山上的克洛诺斯之子,觉得青蛙实在可怜,便为他们送来一群援军。】
(ll. 294-303) So there came suddenly warriors with mailed backs and curving claws, crooked beasts that walked sideways, nut- cracker-jawed, shell-hided: bony they were, flat-backed, with glistening shoulders and bandy legs and stretching arms and eyes that looked behind them. They had also eight legs and two feelers -- persistent creatures who are called crabs. These nipped off the tails and paws and feet of the Mice with their jaws, while spears only beat on them. Of these the Mice were all afraid and no longer stood up to them, but turned and fled. Already the sun was set, and so came the end of the one-day war.
(2)Lines 42-52 are intrusive; the list of vegetables which the Mouse cannot eat must follow immediately after the various dishes of which he does eat.
(2) lit. `those unable to swim'.
(3) This may be a parody of Orion's threat in Hesiod, "Astronomy", frag. 4.