Anthropic AI 幕僚长:未来三年可能是我最后一次工作「展望无人值守的未来社会」

你准备好面对工作的终结了吗,Anthropic幕僚长Avital Balwit最近写了一篇文章,分享了她对人工智能的发展对未来工作的影响,作为世界最前沿的人工智能公司参谋所思所想

                                                                                                                   — Avital Balwit

I work at a frontier AI company. With every iteration of our model, I am confronted with something more capable and general than before. At this stage, it can competently generate cogent content on a wide range of topics. It can summarize and analyze texts passably well. As someone who at one point made money as a freelance writer and prided myself on my ability to write large amounts of content quickly, a skill which—like cutting blocks of ice from a frozen pond—is arguably obsolete, I find it hard not to notice these advances. Freelance writing was always an oversubscribed skillset, and the introduction of language models has further intensified competition.
The general reaction to language models among knowledge workers is one of denial. They grasp at the ever diminishing number of places where such models still struggle, rather than noticing the ever-growing range of tasks where they have reached or passed human level. Many will point out that AI systems are not yet writing award-winning books, let alone patenting inventions. But most of us also don’t do these things.
The economically and politically relevant comparison on most tasks is not whether the language model is better than the best human, it is whether they are better than the human who would otherwise do that task. This makes the objection that AI systems are not yet coding long sequences or doing more than fairly basic math on their own a more relevant one. But these systems will continue to improve at all cognitive tasks. The shared goal of the field of artificial intelligence is to create a system that can do anything. I expect us to soon reach it. If I’m right, how should we think about the coming obsolescence of work?
It is worth noting up front that even today, work is far from the only way to participate in society. Nevertheless, it has proven to be the best way to transfer wealth and resources; it provides personal goods like social connection, status, and meaning; and it offers social goods like political stability.
Given this, should we meet the possibility of its loss with sadness, fear, joy, or hope? The overall economic effects of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are difficult to forecast, and here I will focus on the question of how people will feel without work—whether they will, or can, be happy. There are obviously other vital questions, like how people will be able to meet their material needs. Many have examined this question, with no final answer yet adopted as official policy for this contingency by any government. I am instead going to do something that may feel like cheating. I will go ahead and assume that people can meet their financial needs through universal basic income or other transfers and will solely concentrate on the question of whether people can and will be happy—or at least as happy as they are now—without work.
The Obsolescence of Knowledge Work I expect AI to get much better than it is today. Research on AI systems has shown that they predictably improve given better algorithms, more and better quality data, and more computational power. Labs are in the process of further scaling up their clusters—the groupings of computers that the algorithms run on. Machine learning is a young field, with an enormous amount of “low hanging fruit” in terms of discoveries, meaning that researchers continuously find improvements to the algorithms of these AI systems. While an enormous amount of data has already been fed through them, there is still more to be found and it can also be generated by the systems themselves. So, given the “scaling laws”, we can reasonably foresee that these systems will keep getting better—at least until these inputs run out.
And at what rate will they get better? Language models are not, for the most part, continuously improving. They get better in discontinuous jumps. A rough analogy to the current LLM process is that making a new model is like baking a cake. You figure out your data and algorithms—like mixing the batter—and then you pretrain the model, that is, run it on a large number of computers for several months—like putting it in the oven—and then at the end you do some “post training”—like frosting and decorating the cake. Post training can adjust the model in certain ways, often to make it more harmless or honest, or to make it particularly good at some specific skill or use case—but most of what matters for the model’s capabilities, at least right now, is the underlying “cake,” and this can’t be easily adjusted without starting over and baking something new. So when it comes to the rate of progress, when models seem to plateau, you should actually assume that that just means that the next model is in the oven but hasn’t come out yet.
Many expect AI to eventually be able to do every economically useful task. I think it’s reasonable to say this will happen sooner rather than later, and it’s not obvious how the current economic system or a replacement would function in a world where this happens. I have no special insight into this matter, though, and many people have written on this. Instead, I will focus on the question of what we should hope for when work becomes unnecessary and whether people will be happy under such conditions.‍
A starting point is that many people without jobs are not particularly happy. The rise of what we call “deaths of despair”—suicides, drug overdoses, and deaths from alcoholism—are notably prominent among working-age men who find themselves unemployed. In many parts of the United States, such deaths are the leading cause of death among men under the age of 50. The impacts of job loss or not finding work also correlate with other negative outcomes: more people live alone, more people experience long-term health issues, and more people report depression and anxiety.
For many people, work is an essential source of meaning and structure. We derive self-esteem, social ties, and purpose from work, and its absence can lead to a loss of these benefits. However, it is important to note that not all work is equally fulfilling or meaningful. Many jobs are mundane, repetitive, and devoid of any deep sense of purpose. The challenge then becomes figuring out how to provide individuals with the benefits of work—such as purpose, social connection, and structure—without the necessity of traditional employment.
There are some potential solutions. One possibility is the idea of a “post-work” society where people engage in activities that are intrinsically rewarding rather than economically necessary. This could include volunteering, artistic pursuits, education, and other forms of personal development. Another possibility is the creation of new forms of work that are less tied to economic necessity and more to personal fulfillment. However, transitioning to such a society will likely require significant cultural, social, and policy changes.
Moreover, we must consider the importance of providing people with the means to meet their basic needs in the absence of traditional work. Universal basic income (UBI) is one proposed solution that aims to ensure everyone has a baseline level of financial security. There are also proposals for more robust social safety nets and public services that can help mitigate the impacts of job loss.
In conclusion, the obsolescence of work due to advances in AI presents both challenges and opportunities. While the loss of traditional employment could lead to negative social and psychological outcomes, it also opens the door to rethinking the role of work in our lives and exploring new ways to achieve personal and societal well-being. Addressing these challenges will require a multifaceted approach that includes economic, social, and policy interventions. With thoughtful planning and a willingness to adapt, we can navigate this transition in a way that enhances human happiness and fulfillment.
