
这两个词汇容易混淆的地方体现在如下3个方面:一、表达物品“易碎的,易损的”时候,fragile, delicate是可以通用的,如:1. She kept all the delicate china teacups in a box. 她把易碎的瓷杯都保存在一只盒子里。2. Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate. 珊瑚虽然看上去坚固,其实很容易碎。3. They carefully packed the fragile china into cartons. 他们小心地将易碎瓷器装入纸箱.4. The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile. (不再打斗的)和解的爬行动物
二、表达“纤美的,精细的”时候,Delicate侧重在局部, fragile侧重在整体(如说一个人的手,脚,耳朵,鼻子等纤美精细时,用delicate; 说一个人样貌纤美娇小玲珑时,用fragile)5. He had delicate hands. 他有一双纤细的手。6. She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles. 她身材苗条,手腕和脚踝纤美精致。7. Young children have delicate skin. 小孩水嫩的皮肤.8. The haircut emphasised her fragile beauty. 鲜明的发型使她益发娇美。9. The woman's fragile face broke into a smile.容颜娇美的女子粲然一笑。10. She looked pretty and rather fragile, dressed in black velvet. 她穿着黑色的天鹅绒礼服,看上去娇小美丽。11. Sarah looked slender-waisted, fragile and very beautiful. 萨拉

三、表达“虚弱的”时候: 如是饥饿,酗酒,年龄等因素导致身体虚弱,像要生病似的,用fragile; 如是平时身体素质本来就差,且容易生病的,用delicate, 用中文“孱弱”表达应是恰当的。12. He felt irritated and strangely fragile, as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu. 他感到恼火和莫名其妙的虚弱,仿佛经历了一场重感冒,正在康复。13. Her father is now 86 and in fragile health.她的父亲现在86岁,身体虚弱。14. I'm feeling a bit fragile after last night (= not well, perhaps because of drinking too much alcohol).昨夜以后我觉得身子有点发虚(可能是纵酒所致)。15. Paul was rather a delicate boy, subject to bronchitis. 保罗是个相当娇弱的孩子, 容易患支气管炎.16. She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable. 她身体孱弱,心理上也不够稳定。17. Her delicate constitution disinclined her from such an arduous job. 她纤弱的体质使得她不想担任如此艰巨的工作.
●其他用法Fragile: 脆弱的,不牢固的(经济, 关系,联盟等);不确定的(协议等), 如:1. The economy remains extremely fragile.经济仍然极其脆弱。2. It has highlighted, too, the sometimes fragile relationship between teams, players and their sponsors. 这种情况同时突显出,球队、球员和赞助商之间有时脆弱的关系。3. The incident ruptures a recent and fragile ceasefire. 这次事件使最近达成的脆弱的停火协议破裂。
Delicate: 精密的(机件),精细的(手术),(颜色、味道、气味)色香味美时,如:4. The delicate handicraft works will not bear rough handling. 精致的手工艺品经不起粗鲁的摆弄.5. The delicate surgical operation took five hours.这精细的外科手术花了五个小时。6. The rooms were decorated in delicate pastel shades. 房间都装修得色彩柔和.7. If you put in too much pepper, you'll mask the delicate flavour of the sauce. 你如果放太多的胡椒,会掩盖调味汁的美味。8. This soap has a delicate, flower-like fragrance. 这种肥皂有一股花一般的芳香.
类似的词汇还有:Weak,faint,frail,feeble, puny等,更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘’(链接在“大杀器”的评论区里,或百度一下“词不离句”)。

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