
of what the chancellor of the exchequer said was, frankly, smoke and mirrors.
先说单词,句子里面有两个单词长一点:chancellor 和exchequer.Chancellor: 这个单词里面有:an + cell(细胞)+or;Exchequer: 它里面有个 cheque(支票)。
再来看句子怎么拆成“串”来记.1. Much of 这串是非常常用的2. the chancellor of the exchequer 财政部长3. what the chancellor of the exchequer said 刚学英语就接触到的最基本的句型4. smoke and mirrors(烟雾与镜子)骗局,忽悠。
smiled. 他笑了。然后是:主语+谓语+宾语(谁做什么);再然后是:主谓宾补定状表结构。
复杂的句子结构,通常就是对各种句子成分进行修饰,把修饰的词汇或语句拿掉就会得到一个简单的句子结构。见如下(带★号的句子是重复的,斜体字是后一句对前一句添加的文字,这样看起来比较方便,容易比较):1. They don't blame the management. (读大班时说的)他们不怪管理层2. The management is not to be blamed for doing that way. (读小学时写的)管理层那样去做不应受到责怪。3. The management is not to be blamed for discriminating against the
“oddballs”. (读初中时写的)不应责怪管理层去歧视那些“怪咖”。★The management is not to be blamed for
discriminating against the “oddballs”4. The management is not to be blamed for discriminating against the
“oddballs” in favor of the researchers who work well with the team. (读高中时写的)青睐善于团队合作的研究员而去歧视那些“怪咖”,不应因此而责怪管理层。★The management is not to be blamed for
discriminating against the “oddballs” in favor of the researchers who work well
with the team.5. If regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are desirable
to the scientist,the management is not to be
blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in
favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with
the team. (读大学时写的)如果科学家也欢迎标准模式的规律性与一致性,那么就不应去指责管理层歧视研究人员中的“怪咖”,而去青睐善于团队合作的思维较为常规的人。★If regularity and conformity to a
standard pattern are desirable to the scientist,the management is not to be
blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of
more conventional thinkers who work well with the team.6. if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable
to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to
reflect, the management is not to be blamed for discriminating
against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers
who work well with the team. (读研究生时写的)如果就像科学家的论文所反映的那样欢迎标准模式的规律性与一致性,那么就不应去指责管理层歧视研究人员中的“怪咖”,而去青睐善于团队合作的思维较为常规的人。7. Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as
desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to
reflect, is the management to be blamed for
discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more
conventional thinkers who “work well with the team”. (律师写的?我草!)如果就像科学家的论文所反映的那样欢迎标准模式的规律性与一致性,那么就不应去指责管理层歧视研究人员中的“怪咖”,而去青睐善于团队合作的思维较为常规的人。●看来有时还真不能怪同学们不够努力,而是这个世界有不少人喜欢舞文弄墨,更有的出题老师,一旦见到这样的句子就见猎心喜,仰天奸笑几声:哈!哈!哈!看你们怎么死?
●更多的论述见如下链接(必读)【蓝色字体是链接,点击可进入】:Brother Joe007- 词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!