希望自己背单词能够过目不忘,能永远记住,如果能像扫描仪那样就更好!好吧,我们来看看一些简单的例句:1. You should know better than to behave like that.2. Leave the papers as they are.3. She timed her arrival for shortly after 3. ‘I hope we're not too early. ’‘You couldn't have timed it better! ’4. This is too large a helping for me.5. We planned the day down to the last detail.稍微有一点点基础的同学,或者说具有1000词汇的同学,上面这几条句子都没有生词,可是能全部看懂吗?并不是故意要为难同学们,这些都是很常用的表述。
●【故意使坏的话,会问这句是啥意思:Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is management to be blamed for discriminating against the “oddballs” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team”】(蓝色字体是链接,点击进入)
在考试的时候,一旦碰到如下这样的选项就傻了眼:A. Free:免费的B. complimentary: 免费的C. on the house: 免费的D. unpaid: 免费的请把 A B C D 填到如下句子的空格里:1. These drinks are________.2. You can't expect people to work for _______.3. The _______ volunteers do the work because they love it.4. We're offering a fabulous ______ gift with each copy you buy.5. He had __________ tickets to take his wife to see the movie.然后心里狂骂出题老师变态,竟然这样来为难大家,还是人不?精彩解说见如下链接(蓝色字体是链接,点击进入):gratis和free有什么区别?
所以我们面对单词最主要的问题不是记住那个拼写,而是通过对单词的学习来掌握英语的表述习惯!要做到“词不离句”,做到“听得懂,说得出,写得出句子来”,这样才是真的懂,这样才是王道! 通过这样的训练,单词的拼写自然就会记住。
Brother Joe007:词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
前面例句表述的意思如下:1. You should know better than to behave like that. 你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。2. Leave the papers as they are. 别去动那些文件。3. She timed her arrival for shortly after 3. 她定在 3 点钟刚过到达。‘I hope we're not too early. ’“我希望我们没有到得太早。 ”‘You couldn't have timed it better! ’ “你们来的时间再合适不过了。 ”4. This is too large a helping for me. 这一份太多,我吃不了。5. We planned the day down to the last detail. 我们极为详细地安排了这一天的日程。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS:分享一个视频“语言与大脑如何构建连接”,来自网友YJango的制作,如下:
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
La Isla Bonita-Madonna
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro,Just like I'd never gone,I knew the song,A young girl with eyes like the desert,It all seems like yesterday, not far away.
** *Tropical the island breeze,All of nature wild and free,This is where I long to be,La Isla Bonita.
And when the Samba played,The sun would set so high,Ring through my ears and sting my eyes,Your Spanish lullaby.***
I fell in love with San Pedro,Warm wind carried on the sea,he called to me,Tedijo te amo(Tediso te amo),I prayed that the days would last,they went so fast.
Repeat ***
I want to be where the sun warms the sky,When it's time for siesta you can watch them go
by,Beautiful faces no cares in this world,Where a girl loves a boy and a boy loves a girl.
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro,It all seems like yesterday, not far away.
Repeat ***Repeat ***Repeat ***