
一、喜欢背单词的情形是这样的:A. ban: 禁止; ( A1. Banned )B. bar: 禁止;    ( B1. barred  )C. forbid: 禁止D. prohibit: 禁止这样的情形是不是半懂不懂,模模糊糊呢?
好吧,再折磨一下小妹妹,请把 A B C D 填到如下句子的空格里:1. She has been _____ from driving for a year.她被禁止驾驶一年。2. Wayne has been _____ from the rugby club for starting a fight.韦恩
因为引发一场打斗被禁止进入橄榄球俱乐部。3. The doctor _____s him to smoke.医生禁止他吸烟。4. The government introduced a law to _____ tobacco commercials on TV.政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告.中英文对照的情况下都填不对?或者填对了,却是知其然不知其所以然?精彩解说见如下链接:forbid、ban、prohibit 有什么区别?
Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Pretty Boy
  I lie awake at night,  See things in black and white,  I've only got you inside my mind,  You know you have made me blind?
I lie awake and pray,that you will look my way,I have all this longing in my heart,I knew it right from the start.
****Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you,Like I never ever loved no one before you,Pretty pretty boy of mine,Just tell me you love me too.
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you,Oh my pretty pretty boy I do,Let
me inside,make me stay right beside you.****
I used to write your name,And put it in a frame,And sometime I think I hear you call,Right from my bedroom wall.
You stay a little while,And touch me with your smile,And what can I say to make you mine,To reach out for you in time.
Repeat ***Oh pretty boy pretty boy pretty boy,Say you love me too!
Repeat ****