worth 与 worthy 有什么区别?

一、搭配习惯:   后面跟名词、代词、动名词时, be worth可直接跟, be worthy 则要要加介词of才行;没有“to be worth of ” 的结构,因为这个时候worth就当“介词”用,没有必要再多个“of” 。【 当worth 为名词时,后面就可以跟“ of ”,很多同学就在这里混淆啦,见上一篇“ be worth sth 和 be worth of sth之间的区别是什么?” (蓝色字体是链接)】,举例如下:
to be worth: 1. That ring must be worth a fortune.     那枚戒指肯定要值好多钱。【名词】2. It isn't worthmuch.    这不值多少钱。【代词】3. He's decided to get a look at the house and
see if it might be worth buying.    他决定去瞧瞧那座房子,看是否值得买下。【动名词】
to be worthy of:4. The Minister says the idea is worthy of consideration     部长说这个想法值得考虑。【名词】5. Inall respects he is more than worthy of you.     就各方面来说,他配你绰绰有余。【代词】6. This suggestion is worthy of being
considered.    这个建议值得考虑。【动名词】
二、后面接不定式时, be worthy 可以接不定式, 而 be worth 则不能 (worth都当介词用啦,当然不能接不定式了!)。 7. This suggestion is worthy
to be considered.       这个建议值得考虑。
三、Worthy可以作为定语使用,但是这个时候表达的意思是“值得尊敬的,可敬 的“;worth 不可以作为前置定语用,但可以作为后置定语使用,如:9. He is a worthy gentleman.     他是位值得尊敬的绅士。10. His mother inherited a farm worth 15,000 dollars a year. (后置定语)      他母亲继承了一处年产值为 1.5万美元的农场。
一句多译,如: 他的建议值得考虑。(通过一句多译, 用心体会其中的用法)1. His suggestion is worth our consideration. (worth后面不能跟of,worth在这里就是介词啦!)2. It is worth considering his suggestion.(worth作介词用法哦) 3. His suggestion is worthy of consideration. ( worthy后面要跟of)4. His suggestion is worthy to be considered. (worthy 后面可接不定时,worth后面不行)5. His suggestion is worthy of being considered. (后接动名词,worth后面没有of, 但worthy后面要有of )
Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Take My Breath Away

Watching every motion in my foolish lover's
game,On this endless ocean finally
lovers know no shame,Turning and returning to some secret places inside,Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say,Take my breath away,take my breath away. 
Watching I keep waiting still anticipating love,Never hesitating to become the fated one,Turning and returning to some secret places inside,Watching
in slow motion as you turn to me and say,My love, take my breath away.
Through the hourglass I saw you,In time you slipped away,When the mirror crashed I called you and turn to hear you say,If only for today I am unafraid ,Take my breath away, take my breath away.Watching every motion in this foolish lover's game,Haunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames,Turning and returning to some secret places inside,Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say,Take my breath away, My love, take my breath away.