Value和worth 有什么区别?

有些同学们对这两个词的印象往往是:value: 价值worth: 价值这种印象对英语学习是没有多少帮助的!
一、当作为动词时(worth没有动词词性),value:“给…估价(在需要给出具体金额时, value 后面经常搭配介词 at 和一个金额)”;   重视,尊重,如:  1. My house is valued
at 300,000 pounds.    我的房子被估价为30 万英镑。(被动语态)  2. I value your
views on this matter.    我很重视你对这件事的看法。
二、当作为形容词时(value没有形容词词性),worth 当作介词使用,此时worth后不能带of 。worth表达的是“值多少钱“(通常出现在动词 to be 的后面);” 值得,值得去做“,如:  3. This car is worth about 4000 pounds.   这辆车值大约4000 英镑。  4. It was a long climb to
the top of the mountain, but it was worth it for the view.    虽然需要登很久才能到达山顶,但是能看到那样的美景,这一切都是值得的。  5. It’s worth
remembering that the last day for application is next Tuesday.    值得记住的是,下周二是递交申请的最后一天。
Value: 作为名词时,表示“(商品的)价值,如下:   6. The
winner will receive a prize to the value of £1000.       获胜者将得到价值为1000英镑的奖项。   7. The
value of his investment has risen by more than
$50,000.       他投入的资本已经增值了5万多美元。
Worth 表示形式通常是:ten dollars', £40, etc. worth of sth 价值(十元、40英镑等)的东西 (worth作为名词时,后面才会带“of” ).   8. The
winner will receive ten pounds' worth of books.       获胜者将得到价值十英镑的书籍。   9. I
went and bought about six dollars' worth of potato chips.       我去买了大约6美元的薯条。
● 如是这样的句式:a week's, month's, etc. worth of sth.表示的意思是 “能用(一个星期、一个月等)的东西” 或“可维持…一个星期,一个月等”, 如:   10.
You've got three years' worth of research money to do what you want
with.          有可维持3年的研究经费去做自己想做的事。
四、比较value和worth   11.
The winner will receive a prize to the value of £10.        获胜者将得到价值为10英镑的奖项。(表述的是“可通过交易得到10英镑”)    12.
The winner will receive ten pounds' worth of a prize.          获胜者将得到价值为(大约)10英镑的奖项。(如果通过交易,大概可获得10英镑,但可能高于或低于10英镑)
●这两条句子很像,但是worth与value并不能替换!●还是感到有点模糊吧?这里用中文来理解,或许更容易些,value 指的是 “价值(是多少);worth指的是 ”值得(多少)【中文的“值得”是动词,而worth是名词】,是人的感觉!10 dollars’ worth of sth. 这东西值得10美元。(是人的感觉,这东西值得10美元,但未必就是10美元。)Sth. to the value of 10 dollars 这东西价值为10美元。(就是10美元。)
五、两个单词一起用,就可以体会到其中的区别啦。    13. Lots of assets are no longer worth book value.          许多资产已低于账面价值。(worth是形容词,value名词)  14. Mass refrigeration would provide an added value worth $160 billion per year by 2017.         到2017年,民用制冷业可提供的附加值平均每年会有1600亿美元。(Worth后置定语,形容词;value名词)    15. Its value is worth discussing.       关于其价值,是一个值得分析的问题。(worth是形容词,value名词)    16. Its brand value --worth just over$ 245 billion -increased by 7% from 2016.        它的品牌价值,超过2.45万亿,较2016年增长了7%.      17. One day, this may double in value and be worth half what I paid for it.        说不定某天它价格会翻倍,能达到我当时买价的一半。     18. And those are attitudes worth valuing and protecting.         那是值得珍视和保护的态度。(worth形容词,valuing 动名词)
Brother Joe007-词不离句:用自带的大杀器去学习英语!
Golden Oldie-怀旧金曲
Without You  -Nilsson

No, I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving,But I guess that's just the way the story goes,You always smile,but in your eyes Your sorrow shows,Yes, it shows.
 No, I can't forget tomorrow, When I think of all my sorrow, When I had you there but then I let you go, And now it's only fair that I should let you know, What you should know.
*** I can't live, if living is without you, I can't live, I can't give anymore;I can't live, if living is without you,I can't live, I can't give anymore. ***
Well, I can't forget this evening or your face
as you were leaving,But I guess that's just the way the story goes,You always smile,
But in your eyes, your sorrow shows,Yes, it shows.