

  Jiang's case quickly became a hot topic after it was posted on the Internet by his friend. He was sarcastically given the name "most capable civil servant" for his nine years of freeloading.
  上面报道中的freeloading就是指“吃空饷”,是指不上班但是照常领工资的行为。吃空饷是一种abuse of public resources(滥用公共资源)行为,其实质是power abusiveness(权力失范)。对该事件,江回应称自己九年来不上班是因为一直在on suspension(停职检查)中,而龙岩市建设局局长则声称发工资是考虑到江的domestic difficulties(家庭困难)。
  Freeload意为“吃白食,不劳而获”,名词freeloader则是“吃白食的人”,例如不装宽带,偷用别人无线网络信号的wi-fi freeloader(蹭网族)。类似的说法还有free rider(免费搭车者),指不付成本而坐享他人之利的人。
  4. Do you see any green in my eye?
      你以为我那么好骗吗?这个真的很有意思,为什么green 放在这句话里就表示好骗
  It's funny ?Because "green "in this sentence mean inexperience,so
  A social chameleon is an individual who has the ability to enter social situations and blend in by adopting or mimicking the social norms displayed by the other participants in the situation.
  A social chameleon will adopt and reflect the mood and sentiment of the situation and suppress their own. A chameleon will synthesise an opinion or position from observing those displayed by others in the situation, and forget that position when the social situation is left. The ultimate objective of the social chameleon is to blend into the social situation without disturbing that situation.
  本主题由 第八号当铺 于 昨天 19:16 加入精华
  pacific [paci和平,-fic形容词后缀,…的] 和平的,太平的,平静的
  pacify [paci和平,-fy动词后缀,使…的] 使和平,使平静,使平定,抚慰
  pacifier [见上,-er表示人] 平定者,平息者,抚慰者
  pacification [见上,-fication名词后缀,表示行为,情况] 平定,平息,绥靖,太平
  pacificator [见上,-ator者] 平定者
  pacifism [见上,-ism…主义] 和平主义,不抵抗主义
  pacifist [见上,-ist…主义者] 和平主义者,不抵抗主义者
  repacify [re-再,paciry平定] 再平定,再平息
  propel [pro-向前,pel推] 推进,推动
  propeller [见上,-er表示人或物] 推进者,推进器,螺旋桨
  propellent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 推进的;[-ent表示人或物] 推进物,推进者
  expel [ex-出,外,pel驱逐] 逐出,赶出,驱逐,开除
  expeller [见上,-er者] 逐出者,驱逐者
  expellee [见上,-ee被…的人] 被驱逐(出国)者
  expellable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可逐出的
  expellant [见上,-ant形容词后缀,…的] 赶出的,驱除的
  repel [re-回,pel逐;’逐回”] 击退,反击,抵抗,防
  repellence [见上,-ence表示性质] 反击性,抵抗性
  repellent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 击退的,击回的,排斥的;[-ent表示物] 防护剂,防水布
  dispel [dis-分散,pel驱] 驱散
  compel [com-加强意义,pel驱逐,驱使;’驱之使做某事”] 强迫,迫使
  compellable [见上,-able可…的] 可强迫的
  comperller [见上,-er者] 强迫他人者,驱使别人者
  impel [im-加强意义,pel推] 推动,激励
  impeller [见上,-er表示人或物] 推动者,推动器
  NPC deputy seeks advice from netizens on micro blog
  A deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) is asking netizens to post their advices on his micro blog for his proposals for the annual full session of the NPC, China Youth Daily reported.
  文中提到的就是时下最时髦的“微博问政”,也就是seek advice from netizens on micro blog(通过微博征集民意),或者post their advices on his micro blog(网友通过微博表达自己的意见建议)。“微博问政”已经成为今年两会的热点。
  微博指的就是micro blog,网友也习惯称其“围脖”。在微博上发贴就可以说成是micro-blogging。此外,photo blog(图片博客)、video blog(视频博客)、以及podcast(播客)也成为新媒体的代表。
  depend [de-下,pend悬挂;’挂在他物下面”→依附于另一物体”] 依靠,依赖
  dependent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 依靠的,依赖的,不独立的,从属的
  dependence [见上,-ence名词后缀] 依靠,依赖
  dependency [见上,-ency名词后缀] 依赖,从属,属地,属国
  dependable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可依赖的,可依靠的
  independent [in-不,depend依靠,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 独立的,自主的
  independence [见上,ence名词后缀,表示行为,情况] 独立,自主
  independency [见上,-ency=-ence] 独立,独立国
  interdepend [inter-相互,depend依赖] 互相依赖
  interdependence [见上,-ence名词后缀] 互相依赖
  interdependent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 互相依赖的
  pending [pend悬挂,ing形容词后缀,…的] 悬而未决的
  pendent [pend悬挂,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 悬空的,下垂的,悬而未决的;[-ent表示物] 悬垂物
  suspend [sus=sub下,pend悬,吊,挂,’挂起来”] 挂,悬,中止,暂停
  suspension [见上,-ion名词后缀,表示行为,情况] 悬挂,悬而不决,中止,暂停
  suspensive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 可悬挂的,可吊的
  append [ap-表示to,pend悬挂] 挂上,附加
  appendage [见上,-age名词后缀,表示物] 附加物,附属物
  impend [im-加强意义,pend悬挂] 悬挂;[悬在上面→悬在头上→事到临头] 即将发生,即将来临,逼近
  impending [ 见上,-ing形容词后缀,…的] 即将来临的,迫近的
  impendent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 悬挂的,即将发生的,逼近的
  dispense [dis-分散,pens称量;’分开称量物品的份量,进行分配”] 分配,分发,配发
  dispensary [见上, -ary表示场所,地点;’分配药品的地方”] 药房,配药处
  dispensation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 分配,分给,分配物
  dispenser [见上,-er表示人] 分配者,施与者,配药者,药剂师’[-er表示物] 分配器,配出器,自动售货机
  pensive [pen称量→衡量,权衡→思考,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 沉思的
  perpend [per-完全,十分,彻底,pend称量→衡量;’仔细称量”→仔细衡量”] 细思,思考,考虑
  ponder [pond→pend称量,-er动词后缀;称量→衡量,权衡→思量,思考] 深思,考虑,估量,衡量
  ponderable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可衡量的,可估量的
  (c) pend,pens=pay付钱,支出,花费
  expend [ex-出,pend付钱;’把钱付出”] 花费,消费,用款
  expenditure [见上,-ture=-ure表示行为或行为的结果] 支出,消费,花费
  expendable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可消费的
  expense [ex-出,pens付钱] 支出,花费,消费
  expensive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 花费的,花钱多的,昂贵的
  spend [s-为ex-或dis-的缩形,pend花费] 花钱,花费,消耗(时间)
  pension [pens付钱,-ion名词后缀,表示物;每年’付出的钱”] 年金,养老金,退休金
  pensioner [见上,-er者]领取养老金者
  Officials in Guangzhou will have to pay when they want to use their government cars for private purposes later this year.
  文中的use government cars for private purposes就是指“公车私用”,也可以用private use of government vehicles来表示。Government vehicles/official cars就是指“公车”,是指由政府财政为各级党政机关及事业单位工作人员执行公务需要所配备的车辆。此外,广州市还将对公车配备Global Positioning Systems (GPS) devices(GPS跟踪系统)。
  当地官员需要pay for the use of official cars(有偿使用公车),这一政策不但能够reduce government spending(减少政府开支),同时还能ease traffic congestion(缓解交通拥堵)。
  1. Have at you!
  如果外国夫妇请你到家里吃饭,看着一桌丰盛的酒席,你问他们可以开始吃了吗,他们通常会说“Sure. Have at it.”(当然,吃吧)。当两个小孩子在相互追逐玩乐,互相打斗的时候,一个通常会主动碰了一下另一个,然后说“哈哈,打到你了!”,翻译过来就是“Have at you!”
  2. Good night, sleep tight.
  这句话大家可能都认识,但是如果我说“Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.”可能你就不太明白了。这句话通常都是家长对自己的小孩子说的话,其起源众说纷纭。不过这有点像儿时的童谣,很押韵,像:Good night, sleep tight/ Wake up bright/ In the morning light/ To do what's right/ With all your might.之类的。
  3. She is a has-been.
  有一次我在酒吧里谈论Britney Spears的时候,我朋友Tomas就说: “Well, Britney Spears is a has-been, Lady Gaga is hot nowadays.”(布兰妮早就过气了,Lady Gaga现在很火。),不过,我回了他一句“Well, it's better to be a has-been than a never-was.”(昙花一现也比默默无闻强啊!),他也不得不点头认可。
  这就是口语。恰当的用好简单词也能出奇制胜。像Something is off-key.(这事儿有些不对头/蹊跷。)、Mr.Know-it-all is humbled.(你这个“万事通”这回可砸牌子啦!)、Don't be such a goody-goody.(不要跟个老好人似的谁也不得罪。)等等。
  4. Mud in your eyes.
  我们在敬酒的时候都知道用“Bottoms up!”、“Cheers!”、“Here's a toast to you!”,其实还有一句就是“Here's mud in your eyes!”。这句话通常是在幽默轻松的环境来用的,多表示“祝你好运”。
  其实西方还有一句谚语和饮酒有关,那就是:Beer before liquor, you'll never be sicker; but liquor before beer and you are in the clear。字面翻译就是“喝完啤酒再喝白酒你就不会清醒,不过喝完白酒再喝啤酒你仍旧清醒”。从我个人的经验来看,I second that(我赞成这句话)。这句话也可以翻译成“由浅入深难,由深入浅易”或“由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难”。
  5. Do you respect me in the morning?
  这是我许多年前在三里屯酒吧和一个外国友人一边喝酒一边shoot the breeze(神侃)的时候他教给我的,至今我没用出去过,不过在电影里倒是遇到过几次。这种情况多发生在party或bar里,当一个男孩和一个女孩彼此hit it off(聊得来),到了最后,男孩子如果鼓足了勇气ask the girl to come to his house,这个女孩通常会问到这句话。因为她不希望是one night stand(一夜情)。这句话可以这样理解,就是:“你是认真的吗?”
  mircrophone [micro¬-微小,phon声音;’把微小声音放大的仪器”] 扩音器,麦克风,话筒
  telephone [tele远,phon声音;’由远处(通过电波)传来的声音”] 电话
  phone [telephone的缩略形式] 电话
  videophone [video电视,phone电话] 电视电话
  otophone [oto耳,phon声音] 助听器
  symphony [sym-共同→互相, phone声音,音响,-y名词后缀,表示事物] 交响乐
  symphonic [见上,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 交响乐的
  phonetic [phon声音→语音,-etic形容词后缀,…的] 语音的
  phonetics [见上,-ics,…学] 语音学
  phonetist [见上,-ist表示人] 语音学家
  electrophone [electro电,phon声音] 电子乐器
  stereophone [stereo立体,phon声音] 立体音响
  gramophone [gram写→记录,-o-,phon声音;’记录声音”的仪器] 留声机
  phonology [phon音→音韵,-o-,logy,…学] 音韵学
  euphonious [eu-优美,好,phon音,-ious形容词后缀,…的] 声音好听的
  cacophonous [caco恶,phon音,-ous形容词后缀,…的] 音调不和谐的
  phonic [phon声音,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 声音的,语音的
  phonics [phon声音,-ics…学] 声学
  aphonia [a-无,phon声音,-ia名词后缀] 失音(症)
  dysphonia [dys困难,phon声音→发音] 发音困难
  polyphone [poly-多,phon声音] 多音字母,多音符号
  megaphone [mega大,’把声音扩大”的仪器] 扩音器,喇叭筒
  compete [com-共同,pet追求;’共同追求”] 竞争,角逐,比赛
  competition [见上,-ition名词后缀,表示行为] 竞争,角逐,比赛
  competitive [见上,-itive形容词后缀,…的] 竞争的,比赛的
  competitor [见上,-itor表示人] 竞争者,比赛者
  appetite [ap-表示to向,pet追求→渴求,渴望] 欲望,食欲
  appetence [见上,-ence表示情况] 强烈的欲望,渴望
  appetent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 渴望的有欲望的
  appetizing [见上,-iz(e)+ing…的] 促进食欲的,开胃的
  petition [pet追求→请求,寻求,-ition表示行为] 申请,请求,请愿,请愿书
  petitionary [见上,-ary形容词后缀,…的] 请求的,申请的,请愿的
  petitioner [见上,-er者] 请求者,请愿者
  centripetal [centre中心,-i-,pet追求→趋向,-al形容词后缀,…的;’趋向中心的”] 向心的
  我买了。 I’ll take it.
  总共多少钱? How much is it all together?
  给你,这是100块钱。Here you are $100.
  这包括税吗? Is it include tax?
  我可以用支票支付吗? Can I pay by check?
  我没有零钱。 I don’t have small change.
  我的现金不够。 I don’t have enough cash.
  我会用分期付款分20个月付清。 I'll pay the money in 20 monthly installments.
  你多收我钱了。 You over charged me.
  你多找钱给我了。 You gave me too much change.
  请给我开张收据。 Please give me a receipt.
  能不能给我开张发票? Can you make out an invoice for me?
  A:Are you still interested in anything else, madam?
  B:No, I’d like to pay now. How much is the bill?
  A:It’s $103 in total.
  B:You over charged me. Where it is the extra $3 come from?
  A:Oh, it’s a charge for therap.
  B:Oh,right. Well, I don’t have enough cash here. Can you charge the rest to my credit card?
  B:Here you are,$100. And here is my credit card.
  A:Please wait a moment, and input your pin number, please.
  B:I don’t have a pin number.
  A:And just press enter.
  A:Please sign here.
  B:All right. Could you make out an invoice for me?
  A:No problem.
  形容一个人丰满,一定要用plump,你知道,美国人基本上都是大胖子,当你到一个美国人非常肥胖的时候,记住千万不要说fat这个词,因为这是个污辱性极强的一个单词。还有一个比fat还要恶劣的单词lard ass其中的lard表示猪油,而ass表示屁股,这个词表示“肥猪”的意思。因此当看一个人很胖的时候,你最好不要形容他胖,比如对男的,你可以说strong,当然还有一个更好的表达put some hair on your chest(在你的胸口上放点毛,西方女性喜欢的类型)粗壮的男子汉
   形容一个人瘦thin“瘦弱的”形容一个苗条用slender“苗条的”。其同义词slim除了“苗条的”意思外,还有“薄的”意思。还有一个单词lean作形容词“瘦的,无脂肪的”,如lean meat瘦肉,作动词“倾靠”,lean=learn(学习)- r(拼音,人)一个学习非常刻苦的人,学啊学,学啊学,最后都学到没有人样了,太瘦了,一阵风吹来,他就只能倾靠在墙上了lean against the wall。形容一个人瘦的最好的表达是as fit as a fiddle身体健康(尤其形容女性体形非常好)。
  Requiring employees to smile at customers may backfire because US researchers say fake smiling worsens mood and affects productivity.
    Brent Scott, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University, and former MSU doctoral student Christopher Barnes, studied a group of city bus drivers during a two-week period. They examined the effects of fake smiling and deep acting, or cultivating positive emotions by recalling pleasant memories.
    密歇根大学的管理学副教授布伦特 斯科特和前明尼苏达大学博士生克里斯托弗 巴恩斯对一组城市公交司机进行了为期两周的研究,以检验强颜欢笑,真诚微笑,和回忆快乐往昔、培养积极情绪这几种情绪处理方式的效果。
    "Employers may think that simply getting their employees to smile is good for the organization, but that's not necessarily the case," Scott says in a statement. "Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional exhaustion and withdrawal, and that's bad for the organization."
    The researchers found the findings were stronger for the female bus drivers.
    "Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their mood worsened even more than the men and they withdrew more from work," Scott says. "But they were helped more by deep acting, meaning their mood improved more and they withdrew less."
    Deep acting may help improve mood in the short-term, but Scott says it has been suggested that if people do this over a long period they start to feel inauthentic.
    The findings are published in the Academy of Management Journal.
  vt. 使习惯
  动词过去式: accustomed 动词过去分词: accustomed
  动词现在分词: accustoming 动词第三人称单数: accustoms
  familiarize vt. 使熟悉 acclimate v. 使习惯于新环境
  get used to 习惯于 addict vt.沉溺, 使 ......
  condition n.条件, 情况 ; v... get to know 增进(彼此间的)了解
  acclimatize v. 使 ... 适应新... become accustomed to vt. 习惯于
  adjust v.调整, 校准, 调节... adapt vt.改编, 使适应
  accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于 ; 养成 ... accustom to vt. 习惯于(养成 ....
  accustom to climate 气候适应
  动词 accustom :
  1. make psychologically or physically used (to something)
  同义词: habituate
  1.You must accustom yourself to getting up early.
  2.He had to accustom himself to the cold weather.
  3.He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend.
  The beautiful and dolorous memory那些美好而忧伤的记忆!
  First love,forever love 曾有一个人,爱我如生命!
  No matter what happens, I 'll always be there for you!不管发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边!
  In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.
  After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I'll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.
  He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son's classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging through the ruins.
  As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well-meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It's too late! They're all dead! You can't help! Go home! Come on, face reality, there's nothing you can do!"
  To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school's ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You're in danger. We'll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now?"
  The police came and said, "You're angry, anxious and it's over. You're endangering others. Go home. We'll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now?" No one helped.
  Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son's voice. He screamed his son's name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!?! It's me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you'd save me and when you saved me, they'd be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, you'll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What's going on in there? How is it?" the father asked.
  "There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We're scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you're here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us."
  "Come out, boy!"
  "No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you'll get me! No matter what happens, I know you'll always be there for me!"
  今天我们要学的词是prime time。 Prime time, 是黄金时段的意思。 "A prime time soap opera," 指黄金时段的肥皂剧。"A prime time news anchor," 是黄金时段的新闻主播。"The interview will be broadcast during prime time," 采访定在黄金时段播出。"Reality shows are replacing comedies in prime time," 真人秀正日益取代黄金时段的搞笑片。"A CBS prime time Democratic debate was canceled," 美国哥伦比亚广播公司安排在黄金时段的一次民主党候选人辩论会被取消了。好的,今天我们学习的词是prime time...
   home-made product自制的产品
   home computer家用电脑
   home cooking家常菜
   例:Are these cars made for the home market of for export? 这些汽车是为了国内市场消费还是出口呢?
   homesickness“思乡病”,其形容词为homesick“思乡病”,例:He was homesick for China.他非常思念中国
  think outside the box 跳出固定思维/创新思维
  When you're asked to think outside the box, you should think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking. Think outside the box,顾名思义为“在盒子外面进行思考”。
  追根溯源,这个短语来自于一个游戏(nine dots puzzle),在一个正方形内平均分配的9个点,需要一个直线把它们都连起来——如果思考只限制于在正方形内,就无法做到。Think outside the box由此用来形容“新颖的,充满创意的,富有智慧的构想”。
  1. You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box. 除非你跳出固定思维,否则你不会想出好点子来的。
  2. We should think outside the box to solve the problem. 我们应该用创意思维来解决这个问题。
  let the cat out of the bag
  1. I bought a nice wrist(n.手腕) watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag--I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away.
  2. It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing(v.解雇) him. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends.
  picture [pict绘,-ure名词后缀] 绘画,图画,画像;图片
  picturesque [见上,-esque形容词后缀,如…的] 如画的
  pictograph [pict绘→图形,-o-,graph写→文字] 象形文字
  pictographic [见上,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 象形文字的
  depict [de-加强意义,pict绘] 描绘,描述
  depicture [见上] 描绘,描述
  pictorial [pict画,-or,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 绘画的,图片的;[转为名词] 画报
  pictorialize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 用图画表示
  Thehusbeenis the insignificant other, the husband that has given up all sense of individuality and independence to keep his wife happy.Husbeen(暂译为“过气老公”)指在家中没有地位,放弃全部个性和独立地位来取悦妻子的丈夫。
  The husbeen is the man for whom those wedding bells have well and truly tolled, a man who mistook his independence for handing in all of his individuality.对这些丈夫来说,婚礼的钟声曾经清晰地敲响过,他们只是误以为独立就是将全部个人意志拱手相让。
  For example:
  We know who wears the pants in that relationship, John is such a husbeen.我们都知道那段关系中谁说了算,约翰真的是个“过气老公”。
  Hello,everyone,welcome to my blog,I hope you can say something about
  your idea.welcome again
  植树节Arbor Day / Planting Trees Day
  植树节(Arbor Day) -3月12日
  植树日Tree-planting date
  You may have heard of Arbor Day at school.
  Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation, celebrates trees and promotes planting.
  In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days.
  Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.
  In China, Arbor Day is on March 12.
  Spring is the prime time for planting trees
  今天我们要学的词是box office。 Box office, 是票房的意思。成龙和李连杰首度联袂出演的武打片《功夫之王》在北美上映第一个周末,票房高居榜首, "The Forbidden Kingdom topped the U.S. box office on its opening weekend." 路透社说,"Jackie Chan and Jet Li have conquered the North American box office," 成龙和李连杰征服了北美票房。纽约时报说,"The Forbidden Kingdom showed box office muscle<" 《功夫之王》展现了票房实力。娱乐周刊说,"The Forbidden Kingdom ruled the box office this weekend," 《功夫之王》控制了票房。好的,今天我们学习的词是box office...
  1. Her parents wanted nothing more than to marry her off to a doctor.
  2. Because of her beauty she has managed to marry above her.
  3. He married beneath himself, but he is happy.
  4. Sally wanted some time to consider Sam's proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, "Marry in haste, and repent at leisure."
  5. She was able to marry her way out of poverty.
  6. She tried everthing to marry into money.
  7. Many girls want to marry into the purple.
  8. He wishes one day he could marry a fortune that can help him in the career.
  9. They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.
  10. Cyber love, one-night stand, speed dating and flash marriage have been common in big cities.
  China started the second wave of free pre-pregnancy physical examinations in 120 pilot counties in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions on Thursday.
  在上文中,pre-pregnancy physical examination就是“孕前健康检查”。孕前检查是指夫妻准备生育之前到医院进行身体检查,以保证生育出健康的婴儿,从而实现优生。而pre-natal physical examination(产前检查)产前检查是怀孕之后对孕妇和胎儿所作的临床检查。
  实施国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目是为了降低birth defect(出生缺陷)。此外,国家也提倡进行premarital check-up(婚前检查),但是我国禁止gender testing of fetuses(胎儿性别鉴定)和 prenatal gender selection(产前性别选择)。
  What's attitude toward those plain dealers老实人?
  In every workplace,there are many kind of people,someone are aggressive,they always want to show off and bully other weak guys,most of people hate and are in fear of them,while some others appear too honest ,they usually work the hardest but become victims of those bully.So what's your attitude toward them?
  puzzlement or choice,what will u do?
  somebody says it is better to take postgraduate entrance exams to accept deeper education because you can get a better job than graduates.but some others say the work experience is still important,when some graduates are having deeper education,the graduates have worked in the society for two or three years,maybe after efforts they can reach the level which the postgraduate can arrive at.the most important thing is that the graduates have two more years working expriences than postgraduate.which choice is better?
  生活习语:a plain Jane 不起眼的女人
  Jane 在英文中是很常见的女名,所以,a plain Jane 表示“不起眼的女人。”
  A: I wonder how Sarah and Mat are.
  B: Don't you know they've already broken up?
  A: I'm not surprised. She's a plain Jane.
  B: And he's so handsome.
  生活习语:a nine days' wonder 一闪即逝的人或物
  wonder 作名字讲意思指“奇迹”或“奇观”。习语a nine days' wonder 的字面意思是“一个只持续了九天的奇迹”,喻指“轰动一时即被遗忘的人或物”,有时和“a flash in the pan”同意。
  A: John seems to be in high cotton. He may well become a big shot.
  B: I bet my bottom dollar that he won't. He's no more than a nine days' wonder.
  A:What's your idea?
  B: Many people like him got a flying start but soon disappeared.
  May I see your ticket and passport, please?
  ★ passport n. 护照
  Do I have to write down all the things I have to declare?
  ★ declare v. 申报(纳税品等)
  ● write down“写下”
  Can my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos?
  ■“luggage ”指“行李”,主要用于英式英语,美式英语一般用
  ■ 这里“up to”的意思是“高达,多达”。
  How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted?
  ○ How much hand luggage am I allowed?
  ★ permit v. 允许
  ★ carry-on a. 可随身携带的,手提的
  ■ ● hand luggage“(搭乘飞机时的)手提行李”
  我有件行李要托运。I have a piece of baggage to check.
  ○ I'd like to check this item of luggage. 我要托运这件行李。
  ■ ■“check”在此处的意思是“(行李)寄存,托运”。
  我想要靠窗的座位。I’d like a window seat.
  ○ Can I have an aisle seat, please? 请给我靠道旁的座位好吗?
  ■ ★ aisle n. 走廊,过道
  办理登机手续 第1节 乘飞机 第1章 交通出行
  飞机准点吗?Is the plane on time?
  ○ How long is the flight delayed? 航班晚点多长时间?
  ■ ★ delay v. 耽搁,延迟,推迟
  什么时候起飞?What’s the departure time?
  ○ What’s the arrival time? 何时抵达?
  ○ When does the plane get there/here? 飞机何时抵达那/这里?
  ■ ★ arrival n. 到达,抵达
  我们什么时候开始登机啊?When will we begin boarding?
  ○ We will begin boarding soon. 我们很快就要登机了。
  ■ ★ board v. 上(船、飞机等)
  我应该去哪个登机口?Which boarding gate should I go to?
  ○ Which gate is for the flight to New York? 哪个登机口是去往纽约的?
  Checking In
  Clerk:May I see your ticket and passport, please?
  Cindy:Sure! Here they are.
  Clerk:Any luggage?
  Cindy:Just this suitcase.
  Clerk:Your backpack is very big and today's flight is quite full. I'm afraid that you will have to check your backpack too.
  Cindy:No problem. Can I have an aisle seat, please?
  Clerk:Yes. I will give you an aisle seat in the center row. Here you are, your ticket, passport and boarding pass. Please board the plane at Gate 15.
  Cindy:Thank you very much.
  Clerk:You're welcome. Have a nice flight?!
  Cindy:Are there any in-flight movies on this trip?
  Clerk:Yes, there are. Please ask your flight attendant? when you board; I don’t have that information here.
  “Have a nice flight!”在特定场景下可以译为“祝您旅途愉快”,但大家一定要清楚,这里指的“旅途”务必是“飞行旅途”,因为 “flight”意为“航空旅行”。在本段对话中,Clerk也可以对Cindy说“Have a nice trip!”。
  “in-flight movies”表示“飞机上的电影”。其中,“in-flight”可以解释为“provided during a plane journey”,意思是“坐飞机提供的,航班上提供的”,为复合形容词,可修饰名词。例如:“in-flight entertainment”(飞机上的娱乐活动),“in-flight phone(飞机上的电话),“in-flight meals”(飞机上的餐饭)。
  “flight attendant”指的是“空乘人员”.此外“ steward ”也可以表示“乘务员”,若要强调是“女乘务员”,则要用 “stewardess”。
  单 词
  suitcase n. 手提箱
  row n. 排,行
  in-flight a. 在航班上提供的
  attendant n. 服务员
  information n. 信息,情报
  Learn a word
  今天我们要学的词是put on hold。 Put something on hold, 是指暂停一件事情的进行。
  她表示,"She will put her star career on hold to become France's first lady."
  "The study was put on hold by the National Institutes of Health."
  好的,今天我们学习的词是put on hold...
    A scientist has created a formula to calculate the worth of planet Earth and has valued it at three thousand trillion pounds.
    Astrophysicist Greg Laughlin came up with the figure by calculating the sum of the planet’s age, size, temperature, mass and other vital statistics – and Earth came out as the most expensive.
    Mars was only valued at ?10,000, while Venus is said to be worth less than a penny.
    There are about 1,235 other planets in the universe, most of which weren’t given a high price tag because of their inhospitable climates.
    Professor Laughlin from the University of California-Santa Cruz invented the equation, which he used to evaluate the discoveries made by Nasa’s ?600 million Kepler spacecraft .
    The planet-hunting spacecraft went into orbit two years ago and a year later Laughlin decided to create price tags for the terrestrial planets that Keplar was set to discover.
    At the time, the exoplanet Gilese 581 c was considered the most Earth-like world known to scientists,but the equation only valued it at ?100, while KOI 326.01 is said to be worth ?150,000.
    当时,一颗名为Gilese 581c的行星被认为是与地球物理环境机器相似的行星,但通过教授的方程式,其估价只有100英镑,而另一颗名为KOI326.01行星的价值则高达15万英镑。
    The older the star, the more value it has because it has had the chance to mature, the mass is then taken into account and generally if it’s around the same size as Earth it is thought of as a good size for supporting life.
    Laughlin also took into account the amount of energy the star creates and whether its temperatures could also support life.
    The professor concluded that planets with a value of ?60 million or more are worth studying but the ones worth less aren’t.
    He also said: ‘The formula makes you realise just how precious Earth is and I hope it will help us as a society safeguard what we have.
  请上车。Get in,please.
  我来帮你拿行李。 Let me heip you with your luggage.
  请从这边上车。 Please step in from this side.
  您去哪儿? Where to?
  您能给我指路吗? Can you give me directions?
  在哪儿? Where is that?
  我能看下地址吗? May I have a look at the address?
  请系好安全带。 Please buckle up.
  Greeting the Passenger
  M: Where to?
  W: A.A one drive.
  M: One drive? I haven't never heard of it. Can you give me directions?
  W: I'm not really sure. But I think it is on the other side of the town.
  M: Could it be new built or old outside?
  W: Possibly. My friend just did move to a new house.
  M: Well,let me check my map to be sure. One drive, you're right. It's on the other side of the town.
  W: How long will it take?
  M: By twenty minutes.
  W: Ah,I just remembered. Could you stop at the flower shop over there? I need to buy some flowers.
  M: OK.
  tailor-made V.S. off-the-rack
  tailor-made 与off-the-rack相反,也可以说是customer-made——为顾客量体裁衣所定制的衣服。
  -You coat fits you perfectly. Where did you get it?
  -Really? It’s just something off-the rack.
  I need to get a custom-made tuxedo for my wedding.
  1.bring somebody back to earth 使某人回到现实中来,使某人心情变坏
  After a wonderful holiday, losing her wallet brought her back to earth with a bump(n.撞击).
  2.down--to--earth 务实的,实际的
  Even though she’s a star, She’s still friendly and down—to—earth.
  3.on earth 到底,表示强调和吃惊
  Where on earth have you been?
  团购——group -buying
  1.Being a team leader means a lot of work, so group-buying websites have sprung up, serving as agents(n.代理商) between buyers and sellers and receiving a commission(n.佣金) from the sale.
  2.These group-buying sites represent an effective, no-strings blessing(adj.无条件的) in tough economic times.
  Stage fright or performance anxiety is the anxiety, fear, or persistent phobia which may be aroused in an individual by the requirement to perform in front of an audience, whether actually or potentially (for example, when performing before a camera). Such anxiety may precede or accompany participation in any activity involving public self-presentation.
  Stage fright(或者performance anxiety)指某人因为想到要在观众面前表演而感觉紧张、害怕或持续恐慌的情绪,也就是“怯场”,这里所说的观众可能是真实存在的,也有可能是潜在的(比如通过镜头观赏的人们)。这种紧张情绪会在任何需要公开表演活动中出现,有时是之前紧张,有时是伴随着整个活动过程。
  Quite often, stage fright arises in a mere anticipation of a performance, often a long time ahead. It has numerous manifestations: fluttering or pounding heart, tremor in the hands and legs, diarrhea, facial nerve tics, dry mouth.
  plenty [plen满→丰足,-ty表示情况,状态] 丰富,充足,大量
  plentiful [见上,-ful形容词后缀,…的] 丰富的,充足的,大量的
  plenitude [plen满,全,-itude表示情况,状态] 丰富,充足,完全,充分
  plenary [plen全,-ary形容词后缀,…的] 完全的,全部的,全体的
  plenum [plen满,全,-um表示抽象名词] 充满,充实,全体会议
  plenipotentiary [plen全,-i-,potent权力,权能,-i-,-ary表示人] 全权大使;[-ary形容词后缀,…的] 有全权的
  plenilune [plen满,-i-,lun月亮] 满月,望月.月满之时
  deplenish [de-非,相反,plen满,充满,-ish动词后缀,做…事;’与充满相反”的动作] 倒空,弄空,使空
  replenish [re-再,plen满,-ish动词后缀,使…] (再)填满,(再)装满
  replenisher [见上,-er者] (再)装满者,补充者
  What do you want in a Man?" or "What do you want in a girl?" is often the question to the boy or girl who is seeking for his/her partner.When you are young your standards are set very high, however, as you age, you will have to lower your standards a bit and a bit and a bit.... The following joke is absolutely hilarious yet brutally true.
  Age 22 - 22岁时
  What I Want in a Man - Original List
  2. Charming
  3. Financially successful
  4. A caring listener
  5. Witty
  6. In good shape
  7. Dresses with style
  8. Appreciates finer things
  9. Full of thoughtful surprises
  10. An imaginative, romantic lover.
  我理想的男友标准 - 原版
  1. 英俊
  Age 32 - 32岁时
  What I Want in a Man - Revised List
  1. Nice looking (prefer hair on his head)
  2. Opens car doors, holds chairs
  3. Has enough money for a nice dinner
  4. Listens more than talks
  5. Laughs at my jokes
  6. Carries bags of groceries with ease
  7. Owns at least one tie
  8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
  9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
  10. Seeks romance at least once a week. 我理想的男友标准 - 修订版
  Age 42 - 42岁时
  What I Want in a Man - Revised List
  1. Not too ugly (bald head OK)
  2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
  3. Works steady -- splurges on dinner out occasionally
  4. Nods head when I'm talking
  5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
  6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
  7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
  8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
  9. Remembers to put the toilet seat down
  10. Shaves most weekends. 我理想的男友标准 - 修订版
  Age 52 - 52岁时
  What I Want in a Man - Revised List
  1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
  2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public
  3. Doesn't borrow money too often
  4. Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting
  5. Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times
  6. Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends
  7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
  8. Appreciates a good TV dinner
  9. Remembers my name on occasion
  10. Shaves some weekends.
  我理想的男友标准 - 修订版
  Age 62 - 62岁时
  What I Want in a Man-Revised List
  1. Doesn't scare small children
  2. Remembers where bathroom is
  3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep
  4. Only snores lightly when asleep
  5. Remembers why he's laughing
  6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
  7. Usually wears clothes
  8. Likes soft foods
  9. Remembers where he left his teeth
  10. Remembers that it's the weekend. 我理想的男友标准-修订版
  6. 行动自如
  Age 72 - 72岁时
  What I Want in a Man-Revised List
  1. Breathing
  2. Doesn't miss the toilet
  complicate [com-加强意义,plic重叠,重复→多层,复杂,-ate动词后缀] 使复杂,变复杂;[-ate形容词后缀,…的] 复杂的
  complication [见上,-ation名词后缀] 复杂,混乱,纠纷
  complicated [见上,-ed形容词后缀,…的] 复杂的,难解的
  complicacy [见上,-acy名词后缀] 复杂,复杂性,复杂的事物
  explicate [ex-出,plic折叠→包藏→深藏→深度;’揭出深奥之处”,’tk unfold the meaning of”] 解释,说明
  explicable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可解释的,可说明的
  explication [见上,-ation名词后缀] 解释,说明
  explicatory [见上,-atory形容词后缀,…的] 解释的,说明的
  supplicate [sup-下,plic折,-ate动词后缀;’向下折]→折下腰→弯下身→曲膝而求] 退求,哀求
  supplication [见上,-ation名词后缀] 恳求,哀求
  supplicatory [见上,-atory形容词后缀,…的] 恳求的,哀求的
  implicate [im-=in-内,plic=fold,-ate动词后缀;’to fold in”] 含有…意思;使卷入,使牵连
  implication [见上,-ation名词后缀] 含蓄,牵连
  duplicate [du双,二,plic重叠,重复,-ate使…] 使成双,复制,复写;[-ate形容词后缀,…的] 二重的,二倍的,复制的;[转为名词] 复制品
  duplication [见上,-ation名词后缀] 成双,成倍,复制,复制品
  duplicity [见上,-ity表示性质] 二重性,表里不一,口是心非
  multiplicate [multi-多,plic重叠,-ate,形容词后缀,…的] 多重的,多倍的,多样的
  multiplicity [见上,-ity表示性质] 多重性,多倍,多样,复杂
  1. nail down
  从字面上看,nail down意思是“钉下去”或者“钉牢”。如果把什么东西往下钉在地板上的话,那它的位置就固定不变,成了定局,可以引申为“敲定”,例如:
  I nailed down a contract to sell a thousand cars. The customer signed all the papers and I've already faxed them back to you.
  2. as hard as nails
  As hard as nails字面意思是“像钉子一样硬”。如果一个人像钉子一样硬的话,那人想必既顽固强硬又无情无义,是个相当难相处的人。例如:
  They offered me a good job at that company but I hear that the boss is as hard as nails: one little mistake and you're out on the street the next day looking for a new job。
  3. another nail in your coffin
  You really ought to stop smoking. Every cigarette you light up is another nail in your coffin.
  这里的another nail in your coffin相当于中文的“催命符”,意思是有害健康、危及生命的东西。实际上人们给香烟起的绰号就是coffin nail。
  4. hit the nail on the head
  木工敲钉子得正敲在它扁平的顶上,才能钉得恰到好处。所以hit the nail on the head用来表示“说话行事恰到好处、正中要害或者十分中肯”。例如:
  Your analysis really hit the nail on the head.
  Some parents think the application process for the online guardianshipis too complicated.
  文中的online guardianship就是指“网游监护”,全称为Parents' Guardian Project for Minors Playing Online Games(家长网游监护工程),这里的online其实是指online/cyber games(网游,网络游戏)。家长在申请监护时,要提供证件证明自己是guardian(监护人)。必要时还可以封闭孩子的gaming account(游戏账号),采取一些coercive measures(强制措施)。
  Guardianship意思是“监护、监护权”,比如legal guardianship(合法监护权)。目前,不少under-age children(未成年人)染上Internet addicts(网瘾),甚至参与online gambling(网络赌博),的确需要家长进行适当监护和引导
  Nice guy syndrome basically describes a guy who will listen to his female friend's every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend.
  All their female friends will continue to go out with mindless, stupid men who treat them badly, and hurt them over and over again, never even considering the nice guy, because he is “such a good friend”.
    1. That'll be the day。
    这句话表示的意思类似于“That's impossible!”或者“It can't be true!”,说话人在说这句话时表达的是一种强烈的否定。
    2. How about that!
    很多人理解这句话的意思就是“what do you think of it?(你觉得怎么样?)”。其实,“how about it”的意思才是“你觉得怎么样”。当你听到一些令人难以置信或难以理解的事时你就可以说“Wow, how about that”,翻译过来就是“竟然会有这种事!”或“真是令人难以置信!”。当然,这句话也可以在肯定对方的建议或事情时使用,表示“那可太好了,太棒了”。
    3. What a day!
    这句话在不同的情境下含义不同。比如你在单位折腾了一天,累得要死,回家把自己往床上一扔,然后意味深长的说what a day! 意思就是“这一天把我累的!”。再有,如果你早上摔了一跤,中午吃饭时又丢了钱包。总之,倒霉的事都赶到一天了,你也可以用这句话来表示“What a day! Just my luck!”(今天真倒霉!就这命了!)还有,如果你向女朋友求婚成功,晚上回家前又捡了一个iPhone4,你也可以说“What a day!”(今天真是太走运了!)。这句话还可以改成what a night!/What a weekend!/What a man!等等。
    4. What's your story, morning glory?
    先说一下,morning glory就是“牵牛花”。如果你看一个熟人从远处走来,一脸的笑容,你就可以说这句话,翻译过来就是“这是有什么好事啊,看你高兴的!”说话的感觉是轻松幽默的。
    5. If I tell you, I'd have to kill you。
    6. I need it like a hole in my head。
    7. He is a real go-better。
    这句话里go-better是个关键词,表示越来越好。英语里表达“成功”就是get there,所以口语里说“now we are getting somewhere”表达的意思就是“看来我们的谈话(努力,尝试等等)有了进展。”鼓励别人时也可以说You are going places。(你会成功的。)
    8. That's all there's to it。
    它表达的就是“事情大概就是这样”。其实类似这样的句子很多,单词都是小学生都认识,可是真正能恰到好处的用出来的人却寥寥无几。比如:I don’t know what came over me。(我不知道自己哪根筋不对。)等等。
    9. She doesn't like this a little。
    这句话应该翻译成“她可不仅是喜欢而已”。英语中有很多有否定词但含义却截然不同的表达。比如I'm not a little cold。(我很冷)、It is a good father that knows his son。(再好的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子)、No wisdom like silence。(智者寡言)、That's the last thing I want to do。(我最不愿意做那件事)等等。
    10. Nice guys finish last。
    你有没有发现,生活中总是有一群人,人品差不说,长相也属于“龙飞凤舞”型。可是人家的女朋友就是比你的漂亮;还有就是平时花钱大手大脚,可是一买彩票就中大奖,这种“狗屎运”的人比比皆是。而自己呢,努力了,拼搏了,奋斗了,结果总是不如人意。这种情况就可以用这句“nice guys finish last”来形容了,这句话中有点“好人不得志”或“好人难做”的味道。
  第一个是:like a shot。上次提到shot这个词最普通的意思是开枪射击,而名词shot可以指子弹。人人知道出膛的子弹速度有多快,所以like a shot一定有“象子弹一样飞快”的意思。 好,我们听个例子。
  例句-1:You ought to see Pete when he hears me open the door of the fridge. He's there like a shot, almost before the light goes on inside the fridge. And he gives me this sad look like he hasn't had anything to eat for a week and is starving.
  显然这里的习惯用语like a shot用来描绘象子弹出膛一样飞快地行动。这个习惯用语沿用至今有两百来年 了。它最初用于火器枪支开始被广泛使用的年代。
  今天要学的第二个习惯用语是:call the shots。 Call,个词最普通的意思是呼唤。这个习惯用语起源于五十多年前,根据专家的推测call the shots最早出现在二次世界大战期间部队的打靶场,成千上万的新兵在那里接受射击训练。他们对着五十米外或者更远处的靶子开火,当新兵练习射击的时候。
  另外有一名士兵负责用望远镜观察靶子,然后告诉打枪的新兵他击中了目标的什么部位,以便指导新兵改进技能。这就是call the shots当年的出典。
  好,我们通过下面的例子来试着琢磨call the shot这个习惯用语如今在实际应用中是什么意思吧。说话的人要告诉我们:当他公司的经理得病必须住院几星期的时候,公司在人事方面作出了什么安排。
  例句-2:When our boss, Ms. Philips, had to go to the hospital she asked Joe Greene to take over and call the shots. So he's making all of the business decisions, running the company and supervising all the rest of us in our daily work.
  他们的领导Philips女士在去住院时要求Joe Greene接管业务,也就是说Joe要作出一切业务决策,经营公司并且指导所有其他人员的日常工作。
  可见这里call the shots作为习惯用语就是掌管、作主并发号施令的意思。有时我们也说call the shot, shot不带 s,作单数。这时它的意思是作出一个决定,或者在某一件事情上作主。
  例句-3:For once I called the shot and we went to New York instead of Florida, where she thought we ought to go.
  Called the shot这个习惯用语意思是在某一件事上作了主。
  今天要学的第三个习惯用语是: parting shot。 Parting在这里的意思是离别,parting shot这个习惯用语带有负面意义。其实它刚开始被应用的时候由另一个词组成: Parthian shot。 Parthian指两千多年前居住在伊朗的帕提亚人,他们精于作战,帕提亚骑兵惯用的战术是佯作退却,然而却突然返身向麻痹大意的追兵射出雨点般的回马箭。这伤人的厉害招数被人们转用来指临走时说的尖刻话或者表示的敌意姿态。
  实中文里也有类似的说法:杀回马枪。约莫从十九世纪晚期开始,人们把Parthian shot说成了parting shot, 随后以讹传讹,parting shot被普遍应用。
  我们来听个例子。这个人要告诉我们他被解雇后跟老板大吵一场,出出胸中的怨气,请特别注意他话里的习惯用语parting shot:
  例句-4:If I was losing my job anyhow, at least I had the pleasure of telling my boss what I really thought of him. My parting shot was 'Never again will I work for a guy as stupid and lazy as you are - I'm glad to be getting out of this place!'
  显然这里的习惯用语parting shot意思是临走说的伤人的尖刻话
  今天我们要学的词是standstill。 Standstill, 是停顿的意思。 "China came to a standstill on Monday to mourn victims of the earthquake," 星期一,中国全国默哀,悼念四川大地震的死难者。 "A police chase caused an hours-long traffic standstill on a major highway," 警察的追捕行动让一条主要高速公路上的车辆陷入了好几个小时的停顿。 "The tourist town was brought to a standstill by roadwork this weekend," 这个旅游小镇上周末因为修路,一切活动都陷入了停顿。好的,今天我们学习的词是standstill...
  Nice guy syndrome basically describes a guy who will listen to his female friend's every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend.
  All their female friends will continue to go out with mindless, stupid men who treat them badly, and hurt them over and over again, never even considering the nice guy, because he is “such a good friend”.
  Do what you love and love what you do. You’ll be happier for it, trust me. I promise you will never look back.
  The Earth could be on the brink of the sixth mass extinction in history, claim scientists.
    They believe that the steep decline in populations of many animal species, from frogs and fish to tigers, is as fast as any of the last five extinctions in the past 540 million years.
    The study, written by scientists from University of California, will be published in the journal Nature.
    "If currently threatened species - those officially classed as critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable - actually went extinct, and that rate of extinction continued, the sixth mass extinction could arrive within as little as 3 to 22 centuries," said Professor Anthony Barnosky.
    Nevertheless, Prof Barnosky said it was not too late to save these critically endangered mammals and other such species.
    That would require dealing with a perfect storm of threats, including habitat fragmentation, invasive species, disease and global warming.
    Biologists estimate that within the past 500 years, at least 80 mammal species have gone extinct out of a starting total of 5,570 species.  
  Have (got) somebody's name on it
  1.Tom took Jerry’s place and got killed. It should have been him---that bullet had his name on it.
  2.You should come around for Lunch tomorrow! I’ve got a steak here with your name on it!
  1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)
  Silence. (沉默)
  2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)
  Your age. (你的年龄)
  3. What's the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?)
  The river bank。(河岸)
  A puzzled expression 困惑的表情
  Get a bit puzzled 变的有一些困惑
  2.Confused 显得困惑
  He left his audience thoroughly confused.
  She was very confused about her feelings.
  3.Bewildered 困惑,感到不知所措
  He was rather bewildered at seeing her there.
  1.Have a good brain for something 在某一方面很有头脑
  She has a good brain for mathematics. 她很有数学头脑。
  2.Keep your brain ticking over 开动脑筋
  It’s important to keep your brain ticking over. 经常开动脑筋很重要。
  3.The brain drain 人才流失
  Should the brain drain be stopped by restrictions? 人才流失现象应该加以限制吗?
  4.Have( got) somebody/something on the brain 总是惦记着某人或者某事
  You’ve got work on the brain! 你满脑子想的都是工作。
  1.Have a good brain for something 在某一方面很有头脑
  She has a good brain for mathematics. 她很有数学头脑。
  2.Keep your brain ticking over 开动脑筋
  It’s important to keep your brain ticking over. 经常开动脑筋很重要。
  3.The brain drain 人才流失
  Should the brain drain be stopped by restrictions? 人才流失现象应该加以限制吗?
  4.Have( got) somebody/something on the brain 总是惦记着某人或者某事
  You’ve got work on the brain! 你满脑子想的都是工作。
  1. get the show on the road 开始,着手实施,出发
  Right,everyone,Let’s get this show on the road!
  2. Do something for show 做给别人看,做做样子
  Jane doesn’t really like whisky, she just drinks it for show.
  3. Show somebody a clean pair of heels. 1跑掉,溜之大吉。2令同行望尘莫及
  As makers of quality shoes, they’ve shown the rest of the industry a clean pair of heels.
  1. Modern Greece traces(v.回溯) its roots to the civilization(n.文明) of ancient Greece, generally considered the cradle(摇篮) of Western civilization.
  2. It is the birthplace of democracy(n.民主政治),Western philosophy(n.西方哲学),the Olympic Games, Western literature(n.西方文学) and political science(n.政治学), and Western drama.
  let the cat out of the bag
  1. I bought a nice wrist(n.手腕) watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag--I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away.
  2. It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing(v.解雇) him. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends.
  think outside the box 跳出固定思维/创新思维
  When you're asked to think outside the box, you should think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking. Think outside the box,顾名思义为“在盒子外面进行思考”。
  追根溯源,这个短语来自于一个游戏(nine dots puzzle),在一个正方形内平均分配的9个点,需要一个直线把它们都连起来——如果思考只限制于在正方形内,就无法做到。Think outside the box由此用来形容“新颖的,充满创意的,富有智慧的构想”。
  1. You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box. 除非你跳出固定思维,否则你不会想出好点子来的。
  2. We should think outside the box to solve the problem. 我们应该用创意思维来解决这个问题。
  ---It has two bedrooms. And the living room is larger than I expected.
  --- The apartment has been recently renovated(v.刷新,装修) and comes completely furnished.
  ---How much is the rent(n.租金)?
  ---Are the utilities included in the rent?
  --- Only gas is included. You have to pay for the electricity and water.
  ---When can we move in?
  1.job seeker,job hunter 求职者
  The job seeker is checking position information in front of an enterprise's ehibition(n.展览) position.
  2.job fair 招聘会
  A lot of Job seekers attended a campus job fair for graduates(n.校园招聘会)at the Tianjin University of Science and Technology(n.科技).
  3.curriculum vitae (CV) 简历、履历
  Professor Li is as attractive as his CV. He is a very good lecturer(n.演讲家).
  Every dog has his/its day 每个人总会有实现自己愿望的一天,人人皆有得意日。
  1.Don't take it too hard. Your turn will come. You know what they say--every dog has his day!
  2.This publisher sent back your manuscript. There are plenty of other publishers. You'll find one who'll buy it. Remember, every dog has his day!
  3.They say every dog has its day, and mine is on Wednesday, when I will be interviewed.
  【今日聚焦】Microblog 微博
  1. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size. A microblog entry could consist of nothing but a short sentence fragment(n.片段), an image or embedded(adj.植入的,嵌入式的) video.
  2. Hu Shuli, editor-in-chief(n.主编) of China's leading financial magazine Caijing, has resigned, said Caijing spokeswoman Zhang Lihui on her micro-blogging Monday afternoon.
  nail household 钉子户
  Nail household refers to those people who are reluctant to relocate even though the houses will be knocked down soon. 今天来介绍一个很有“中国特色”的词语翻译——“钉子户”。
  Chinese 'nail households' strive for fairness. 中国钉子户力争公平。
  Sabotage of water, heat, gas or power supplies is frequently used to drive the “nail households” away. 切断水、暖、煤气和电力供应常常被实施,用来驱赶“钉子户
  元宵节——the Lantern Festival
  猜灯谜——Guess lantern riddles
  灯笼——lantern scaldfish
  1. There are many different beliefs about the origin(n.起源) of the Lantern Festival. But one thing for sure is that it had something to do with religious (adj.宗教的)worship(n.崇拜).
  2. Another important part of the Lantern Festival is eating small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice(n.糯米)flour.
  今日聚焦:Purple collar 紫领
  “三P”特性Practical(能动手操作)、Progressive(积极创新)、Personal Brand(拥有个人品牌)是紫领(Purple collar)工作者的核心竞争力。
  1. Practical adj.实践地,应用地
  This is a practical joke.
  2. Progressive adj.前进的,进步的,创新的
  They ranged themselves with the progressive group.
  3. Personal adj.个人的
  He can not sidle away from personal responsibility.
  --- 学健康知识,记实用单词
  1. Stressed out 压力太大,焦虑不安
  When I’m stressed out , I try to go for a long walk.
  2. Excessive stress can have serious health consequences.
  3. Economic stress declined month to month in May, aided by lower unemployment.
  1. I'd like to make a reservation for a flight from New York to Boston on Nov.28th.
  2. I'd like a window seat.
  3. I'd like a seat in the non-smoking section.
  4. one-way ticket单程票 round-trip ticket双程票
  5. first class头等舱 business class公务舱 economy class经济舱
  pick one's brain
  1. I don't understand all this scientific language. I'd better go see Doctor Rogers at the medical school and pick his brain; maybe he can make it clear to me."
  2. People all say that Mary is very smart. Yes, she is. But you have to know the reason is that she always picks other people's brains.
  1.bring somebody back to earth 使某人回到现实中来,使某人心情变坏
  After a wonderful holiday, losing her wallet brought her back to earth with a bump(n.撞击).
  2.down--to--earth 务实的,实际的
  Even though she’s a star, She’s still friendly and down—to—earth.
  3.on earth 到底,表示强调和吃惊
  Where on earth have you been?
  1. get the show on the road 开始,着手实施,出发
  Right,everyone,Let’s get this show on the road!
  2. Do something for show 做给别人看,做做样子
  Jane doesn’t really like whisky, she just drinks it for show.
  3. Show somebody a clean pair of heels. 1跑掉,溜之大吉。2令同行望尘莫及
  As makers of quality shoes, they’ve shown the rest of the industry a clean pair of heels.
  Cucumber黄瓜 potato土豆 onion洋葱
  1. As cool as a cucumber 指人在困难的情况下非常冷静,泰然自若。
  Everyone was busy trying to get things ready, but Tom just sat there, cool as a cucumber.
  2. A couch potato 沙发土豆,特指整天窝在沙发里看电视的人。
  He turned into a couch potato since he quit his job, which made his parents worry.
  3. Know somebody’s onions 对某一方面很内行。
  He’s spent years studying Arabic archaeology, so he really knows his onions.
  1. keep something under your hat 不要告诉任何人
  she's thinking about leaving Tom but please keep it under your hat.
  2. to eat one's hat 做为食言的惩罚
  If we don't win the national championship this year, I'll eat my hat.
  3. pick something out of hat 随便选择
  We couldn’t decide where to go on holiday so we just picked a place out of a hat.
  1.Tell a lie 说谎
  2.Lie one’s way out of danger 撒谎使某人摆脱危险
  3.Lie one’s way into trouble 撒谎以致于陷入困境
  4.Lie to somebody 对某人撒谎
  How could you lie to me? 你怎么可以对我撒谎?
  5.White lie 善意的谎言
  6.Give the lie to something 证明&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;是虚假的,不真实的。
  These statistics give the lie to the claim that inflation(n.通货膨胀) is under control.
  7.Lie through your teeth 满口谎言,睁着眼睛说瞎话
  The witness was clearly lying through teeth. 那证人分明是再睁着眼睛说瞎话
  1.social background 社会背景
  We share the same social background. 我们有相同的社会背景。
  2.Social life 社交活动
  She has a busy social life. 她的社交活动很频繁。
  3.Social skills 社交能力
  Children have to develop their social skills when they start their school life.
  4.Social climber 想方设法想进入上流社会的人,削尖脑袋向上爬的人,趋炎附势的人。
  Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
  5.Social conscience 社会责任感
  6.Social dance 交谊舞会
  1.German accent 德国口音 Scottish accent 苏格兰口音
  He speaks with a strong Scottish accent.
  2.A trace of accent 一丝口音
  Her French was excellent, without a trace of an accent.
  3.Put on a accent 假装某种口音
  Betty put on a posh(adj.优雅的,时髦的) accent when she answered the phone.
  4.Upper-class accent 上流社会口音
  5.The accent is on&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;着重,强调
  In all our products, the accent is on quality.
  Cold fish 指那些对人冷淡,根本没有意思和别人友好相处的人。
  1. Let's not invite Joe to the party. He's such a cold fish. He'll spoil it for everybody else.
  2. I'm not going to vote for that man for senator(n.参议员).He's too much of a cold fish.
  3. No one knows the new doctor, he is a cold fish.
  1.Spring Festival travel rush 春运
  China's annual Spring Festival travel rush started on Jan. 19 this year and will last for 40 days.
  2.passenger flow 客流
  Total passenger flow is expected to amount to 2.853 billion including 230 million railway passengers.
  3.migrant(adj.移居的) workers 外来打工者
  As the Spring Festival approaches(v.接近), the migrant workers in Hangzhou, taking their children, started the journey returning home for family reunions.
  1. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
  2. You've got to find what you love.
  3. I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
  我在每天早晨都会对着镜子问自己:“如果今天是我生命中的最后一天, 你会不会完成你今天想做的事情呢?”当答案连续很多次都是“不是”的时候, 我知道自己需要改变某些事情了。
  to let one's hair down
  解除表面的装饰,使一切显得很自然、真实和放松。To let one's hair down 不一定用于女子,也可以用在男性。
  1. He has to make so many official appearances that he seldom gets a chance to let his hair down and enjoy life like ordinary people.
  2. We've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way.
  1.What's your sign?
  2.He's a typical Taurus.
  3.As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life.
  4. Pisces is a Water element. It is extremely receptive, compassionate(adj.富有同情心的), and other-directed.
  5.Leo is Fire to the core(彻底)!
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  昨天 16:47
  Cubicle etiquette (or “cubiquette”) is a set of unwritten rules that exist in the workplace. Cubicle etiquette guidelines should be adhered to by both workers in the cubicle and people in adjoining work spaces. One of the main factors in cubicle etiquette is privacy.
  “隔间礼仪”(cubicle etiquette 或cubiquette)是办公室里默认的一些规矩。这些规矩需要隔间里的工作人员和临近工作场所的人员共同遵守。“隔间礼仪”中主要的一条就是隐私。
  Although employees are usually part of a larger workplace, they sometimes regard their cubicle as their own office. For all intents and purposes, the cubicle should be viewed as an individual’s office. When entering, do not just barge in and begin talking; the employee may be concentrating on something important. Stand at the entrance to the cubicle and make your presence known until the worker is able to talk.
  Privacy should also take noise levels into account. The rules of cubicle etiquette exist in order to make the workplace a harmonious place. While talking on the phone, keep conversation volume to a normal level. No one likes to hear constant chattering or high pitched laughing.
  Confidentiality should also be taken into account as part of cubicle etiquette. Thin cubicle walls will not prevent people from hearing client discussions. This should be remembered when talking on the phone or discussing confidential client information in person.
  Keeping a cubicle clean and tidy is another facet of cubicle etiquette. A disorganized cubicle can reflect poorly on the employee’s level of professionalism.
  2. Advice
  1. Could you give me some advice on how to make up for the time I've lost?
  2. I like your advice about my research.
  3. What would you advice?
  4. What would you do if you were in my shoes?
  5. I would appreciate your advice.
  6. I think you should go on a diet.
  7. It might be a good idea if you got a part-time job.
  8. I advise you to see a doctor.
  9. I advise you not to look down upon him.
  10. I don't think you should keep silent.
  Dialogue 1
  M: I don't know how to adjust my life. Would you give me a piece of advice?
  W: You look a bit pale, don't you?
  M: Yes, I can't sleep well every night.
  W: You should get plenty of sleep.
  M: I drink a lot of wine.
  W: If I were you, I wouldn't drink too much.
  M: I often feel so tired.
  W: You better do some exercise every morning.
  M: I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me.
  W: Why do you worry about your future? You're very young, and you'll make great contribution to the world. I hope you take my advice.
  Dialogue 2
  M: Hi, Joe, how are you?
  W: Terrible.
  M: What's wrong?
  W: Someone robbed my apartment last week. The robber took $550.
  M: Oh, no! Did you call the police?
  W: No.
  M: Why not?
  W: My English isn't very good. I didn't know what to say to them.
  M: I'm going to give you some advice, Jone. If this happens again, you should call the police immediately. You should try to remember everything. You should explain everything to the police.
  Dialogue 3
  W: I'm afraid I've had a terrible row with my boss. What shall I do?
  M: I think you'd better apologize.
  W: Oh, but I can't. It wasn't my fault.
  M: Maybe not, but I advice you to say it was your fault.
  Dialogue 4
  M1: You're going to get into a lot of trouble if you do that.
  W: What makes you say that?
  M2: I don't see anything wrong with what we're doing!
  M1:That's just the problem. In these kind of things, the trouble doesn't always appear at first.
  W: But everything has been so easy.
  M2: Everything has gone as smooth as clockwork. Just like we planned!
  M1:That may be true, but if you were to do it, you would have trouble on the horizon.
  M2:You always say that.
  W: Yeah, you never look at the positive side of things.
  M1: Okay. Have it your way, but don't say I didn't warn you.
  Dialogue 5
  W: Are you feeling better today, Bill?
  M: Well, it's hard to say. I cough a lot in the evening.
  W: You'd better give up smoking. It's bad for your health.
  M: You're right, but you know, it's hard to give up an old habit.
  W: But you should make up your mind first.
  M: You know, I often have to work till late at night. I need something to keep me awake.
  W: Why don't you go to bed and get up early? You'll have the same time for work.
  M: Thank you for your advice! I'll try it.
  Dilaogue 6
  W: I can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job.
  M: Well, if I were you, I'd go on studying.
  W: But I don't even know what to study.
  M: If I had chance again, I'd major in English. You're good at language.
  W: That's what my parents want me to do.
  M: You should take their advice. They know what's best for you.
  W: But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun, while I spend all my time doing reading and writing.
  M: But if you go to university, you'll still have time for fun.
  W: Hum, what you say make sense. But you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money, and I hate to do so at this age.
  M: And if you try to find a part-time job, you'll have some money too.
  W: You're right. Thank you for the advice.
  W: Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they need advice, they don't usually ask people they know. Instead, many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines, which give advice on many different subjects, including family problems, sex, the use of language, health, cooking, children care, cloth, and how to buy a house or a car. Two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work. Experience is their preparation for giving advice. There's one writer who has not lived long enough to have much experience. She is a girl who started writing advice for newspaper readers at the age of ten. Her advice to young readers now appears regularly in the column called "Dear Angel".
  “达人”的第一个意思是“在某一领域非常专业、出类拔萃的人”。英语可以译为 expert, talent, geek。例如:
  1. 这位美丽达人在护肤、护发、健康、时装潮流、整容、服装、化妆和化妆品等方面提供咨询。
  The beauty expert provides advice on skin care, hair care, health, fashion trends, plastic surgery, wardrobe, makeup and cosmetic products.
  2. 最近我心里很纠结,想请一位情感达人来帮忙。
  As I have been entangled in my mind recently, I'd like to ask a relations expert for help.
  “达人”的第二个意思是“通达事理的人”。英语可以译为 wise man。例如:
  3. 达人知命。
  A wise man is aware that all things depend upon the will of Heavens.
  “达人”的第三个意思是“豁达的人”。英语可以译为 open-minded person。例如:
  4. 这位达人总是什么事情都想得开。
  This open-minded person is always looking on the bright side of things.
  “达人”的第四个意思是“事业成功,并有一定财富的人”。英语可以译为 successful person。例如:
  5. 这位达人不仅事业有成,而且拥有许多财富。
  This successful person has not only made achievements in his career, but also owns a great deal of wealth.
  1. I want to know if it is very convenient to travel from London to Sheffield and how long will it take and how about travelling from London to other cities.
  2. The links from London to many other cities around the country including Sheffield are very good, both by road and by rail.
  3.King’s Cross Station serves the north and the east of England and Scotland.
  4.You can drive your own car or you can hire a car to go to many destinations and even places in Scotland are not really that far away either by car or by train.
  in the works ···在进行中
  形容一个项目,一个工程,一件事情在进行中,可以用一个简单的短语来表示,那就是In the works.
  1. Several automakers(n.汽车制造商) have projects in the works to put a practical electrical car on the market by the approaching year.
  2. A plan to file all my notes is in the works, but it's going to take a long time before I get to it.
  We often hear about the “generation gap” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things. Now there is a generation lap, the tendency for young people to be increasingly more technically savvy than their parents or elders. This gap exists in the use of technology where the young generation has become the authority, effectively flipping the typical parental and professional hierarchy on its head in many respects.
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  昨天 20:18
  They’re not just ahead of their parents in the way they use technology, they’ve lapped their parents and are working at a whole new level. That’s why there is an unbelievable example from Finland where the government has hand-selected 5000 Net Generations to train the country’s teachers how to use computers. The students are the teachers and the teachers will be the students.
  population [popul人民→居民,-ation名词后缀] 全体居民,人口
  populous [popul人民→居民,-ous形容词后缀,…的] 人口稠密的
  populate [popul人民,-ate动词后缀,使…,做…] 使人民居住于…中,使人口集中在…之中,移民于…
  repopulate [re-再,重新,见上] 使人民重新居住于…
  depopulate [de-除去,去掉,popul人民→人口,-ate动词后缀,使…] 使(某地)人口减少,减少人口
  depopulation [见上,-ation表示行为,情况] 人口减少
  popular [popul人民,民众→大众,-ar形容词后缀,…的] 人民的,大众的,大众化的,通俗的,大众喜欢的
  popularity [见上,-ity名词后缀,表示性质] 大众性,通俗性
  popularize [见上,-ize动词后缀,…化,使…] (使)大众经,(使)普及,推广
  popularizer [见上,-er者] 普及者,推广者
  popularization [见上,-ation表示行为] 普及,推广,通俗化
  unpopular [un-不,popular大众的,通俗的] 不通俗的,不流行的
  populace [popul人民→平民,-ace名词后缀] 平民,大众
  今天我们要学的词是double check。 Double check, 是复核的意思。"The teacher told her students to double check their answers before handing in the exam," 老师告诉学生们,交卷之前应该反复检查自己的答案。"They double checked the doors and windows before leaving for vacation," 他们出门渡假前,反复检查是否锁好了门窗。
  美国邮票星期一涨价,从41美分上调到42美分。邮政当局警告说,"You need to double check the postage on the letter before you drop it in the mail," 大家在寄信之前需要仔细核查邮资是否贴够了。好的,今天我们学习的词是double check...