
  作者:0pixie0 回复日期:2010-08-04 11:29:57
  话说哥06年刚回国的时候,跟朋友们出去都有代沟- -中文这个东西,感觉每3个月不用,就会跟不上了,后来哥待了3年,慢慢赶上了,然后来这里也是怕再次被落下,鸭梨很大啊。其实一样的,英语也是如此,记得哥刚回来加拿大,有一次去吃饭,就忘了有定位用什么词了,- -很囧,墨迹了好几秒,用了个we booked some seats.囧,完全忘了reservation这个词。后来待了1个月,慢慢地恢复了以前的语感吧,虽然不会忘记,但是真的会反映变慢。这个没办法,是人类估计就都会有这个问题了- -尽量克服吧。
  今早看新闻,看到新浪一个大叔评论玩具3评论的如此不堪,不是史上最差,也是前几差,让人觉得很诧异啊,哥表示鸭梨好大啊,哥可是重点推荐了这个片子的。哥仔细看看这位大叔的理由呢,一个是3D效果不好,一个是剧情老套,没有亮点。呵呵,哥同意叔的说法,但是哥不觉得这些东西永远是衡量好电影的标准。哥只是思考,素不素国人跟外国人看东西的视角有更多不同呢?最近哥看了几个国内的电影啊,基本上是看了几分钟实在是忍不住了,不得不关掉啊,一个叫唐伯虎点秋香2,黄晓明跟任贤齐几位大锅演的,另外一个叫什么名字都忘了,看了几分钟就觉得那剧情实在是不能叫剧情,感觉大学的春节晚会的创意也比这个强吧。前几天也看了那个什么机器侠,号称是变形金刚山寨版,还有那个刘德华演的未来警察,哥实在是speechless了- -哥有点迷失,不知道现在国内的同学们到底喜欢哪些片子,玩具3,这个烂番茄网得分99,imdb得分9.0分的片子,在国内竟然被很多童鞋们(不仅仅这位大叔)评为大烂片,这个审美的观点的确有待商榷吧。有的时候,亲情,友情,这些东西,在国外往往可以落更多的泪水,而在国内这个繁忙的环境,也许大家要的只是震撼跟难忘而已。
  好吧,哥也许又说了要被拍砖,要被批评为崇洋媚外的话了,哥匿了- -
  The best magic tricks in the world are ones that cannot be unraveled, reverse engineered or dissected to figure out exactly how they are pulled off. This philosophy is doubly applicable to Pixars "Toy Story 3", the storyline-ending outro of the beloved Toy Story, uh, story.
  I feel it relevant somehow to divulge my age, as it somehow validates the powerful emotions evoked throughout the film. I am a 28 year old male, who, fifteen years ago, was fresh into the teen years of supposed adolescence at the release of some weird, 3d animated movie (wait, they can animate with computers?) entitled "Toy Story". This was a pretty bold move, a calculated stroll to the edge of the cliff and a daring leap off into the thin air of creativity and innovation. And it was a hit, ensuring 3d animation a place right alongside (more or less) 2d animation. And naturally, Pixar would be at the forefront, leading the cavalry charge of digital animation ranging from great to gawd-awful.
  "Toy Story 3" starts off as comfortably as possible, with our friends Woody and Buzz Lightyear doing what they do the best...playing with Andy in his world of make-believe adventure. We are then treated to some familiar Pixar progression, like abandonment, solidarity, coming back to friends, and the passing of the torch. Clearly, in the eleven years between this point and when "Toy Story 2" wrapped, a computer revolution or four has occurred, allowing a world of unsurpassed clarity, reality and imagination to shine through like never before. TS1s spark is TS2s candle, and that in turn is TS3s blazing sun.
  Roll the last fifteen minutes of film. It became clearly obvious that the figurative tables have been turned, because a good number of the adults in the audience (including myself) were sniffling and teary-eyed, while the kids were looking up, likely thinking "jeez mom and dad, theyre just toys, get over it".
  Wasnt it conventional wisdom that just the kids get emotional over losing plastic playthings? With "Toy Story 3", Pixar has shown us one of the greatest magic tricks in modern showbiz history, likely not to be outdone or duplicated, that we all have very real and deep connections to our childhoods and to the things and people that allowed us as kids to be free, and innocent, and pure, and most importantly, to dream. This, to me, is a life lesson worth remembering, to infinity and beyond.
  "Toy Story 3" gets 10 of 10 blazing stars
  Star Wars. Indiana Jones. Fistful of Dollars. Bourne. These are all incredible trilogies that can, will, and should stand the test of time. Yes, I am neglecting the fourth Indiana Jones. Upon the mention of the third Toy Story, I was deathly afraid. Afraid because it has some major, major shoes to fill. The src is a masterpiece that changed animation forever, and the sequel is among the best in the history of film (I mean that). The first two Toy Story films are among the best movies of all-time and to this day entire animation studios have failed to duplicate an ounce of the magic contained in Toy Story. Could part 3 even come close to the src two? My friends, I am very happy to say, the answer is a resounding yes.
  Toy Story 3 does exactly what the first two did, delivered on all cylinders, all aspects of film-making and entertainment. The humor is back, the heart is back, the delightful cast of characters is back. This time, thanks to an incredible script, theres more suspense, more drama, and many more surprises. Like any spectacular trilogy, it wraps up all loose ends. It literally is difficult to find any flaw or any slow moment in this movie, and even if there is, it will immediately be forgiven by the next major laugh or the next major revelation. The predictability factor in this movie is low, and the payoff to all the suspense is extremely high. Guys, this is the go-to movie of the summer, and makes up for any disappointment you have seen this year or last.
  Just like Toy Story 2s subtle and underlying themes, Toy Story 3 revolves around the group of toys and their latest adventure, but dwells far deeper than that. On the surface, this movie is about the toys in a series of circumstances, winding up in a daycare center that isnt all it seems. At the same time, Andy is heading for college, but Woody isnt quite ready to let go of his owner and the memories that follow. The deeper aspects involve aging, growing up, and moving on. Michael Arndt, the Oscar winner that wrote Little Miss Sunshine, was behind the spectacular screenplay in this third trip in the world of toys. Then with the help of John Lasseter and Lee Unkrich (who serves as the director), we see plenty of references to Pixar, other movies, the previous Toy Story installments, and even we even see nods to the influences of the entire animation studio (Miyazaki).
  The writing wasnt the only thing that was on par with the first two Toy Story movies. The voice acting cast was once again phenomenal, with popular actors, underrated talent, and great character actors filling the bill. Come on now, just read em: Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, John Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Jody Benson, Estelle Harris, Blake Clark, John Ratzenburger, Ned Beatty, Jeff Garlin, and Michael Keaton. Unlike what Dreamworks pulls off on a yearly basis, Pixar carefully chooses their voice cast in terms of pulling off the best performances, not to generate more money. Because honestly, was there even a point to Angelina Jolie voicing the tiger in Kung Fu Panda? On the other hand, very few can pull an authentic Barbie like Jody Benson (a.k.a. Ariel in the Little Mermaid). It takes reliable and authentic acting to pull at the heartstrings, and everyone definitely was on their A-game.
  Lee Unkrich directed this movie with incredible pacing and just as much heart and dedication as Lasseter, who was in charge of the first two. The truth is, Pixar directs the movie together, as they share ideas and suggestions amongst each other. This fact can be traced to the similar pacing and directing styles seen in Pixars better works like Ratatoille, Finding Nemo, and Up. They all have the similar technique of incorporating just as many tears as laughs. But unlike all the other Pixar movies (with the exception of The Incredibles), Toy Story 3 has a heave dosage of suspense and peril, which is climaxed by one of the most exciting animated sequences this side of Castle in the Sky (a Miyazaki adventure masterpiece). Other reviewers have noted this before me, but this Toy Story is quite scary in depth and in imagery at some instances, so be wary of this while watching this with the kids. With so much time invested with these toys, the drama runs a bit high.
  Bottom Line: Toy Story 3 secures its place in cinema brilliance by becoming the best third installment since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the best sequel since Kill Bill Vol. 2, and the best movie weve seen this year. This movie is usually hilarious, sometimes thrilling, and sometimes downright tear-jerking. And yes, just like Ups opening 10 minutes, there is that one major sequence in which Pixar will play with your heartstrings like Eric Clapton playing tears of Heaven. If you enjoyed the first two Toy Stories, theres no need to worry about the third and hopefully final chapter in the quality-filled saga. How Pixar manages to deliver yet again is absolutely beyond me.
  Walt Disney may not be one-hundred percent proud of his company if he were alive to see it now, but he would be absolutely delighted at seeing what beautiful art Pixar has delivered ever since 1995. Pixar has re-created Walt Disney s magical methods of storytelling and movie-making, and arguably has taken it a step even further by adding depth to the characters and depth to the overall stories presented. The direction was fantastic, the writing was Oscar-worthy, and the overall production is Best Picture caliber. This is Pixars best work since Finding Nemo, and a must see by any means necessary. Despite my cynical nature, theres no way I can grade this any less than perfect. Just no way.
  话说不是那么容易找到这个片子在imdb10分以下的评论。。。- -
  作者:hyqcpa 回复日期:2010-08-04 13:26:33
  哥也从来不背单词,太懒,而且每次都睡着。。- -
  昨天看了个印度片子,- -看完才发现已经12点了,真长啊。基本上改变了哥对印度影片的印象,中国近期的电影,没有能超过这片子的。片名叫3个傻瓜哈,大家有兴趣,看看这里有英文的解释,顺便练练阅读哈。
  这部三哥拍的片子,里面有个主题就是,你一出生就在赛跑,落后你就输了。然后呢,说明这是错的。这不也是咱大汉民族的写照吗?- -就这个小小的坛子,里面也天天大家为了个英语第一的称号你骂我夺的,即使是考了1千次试,证明了自己的英语天下第一,又能咋地呢?该找不着对象的照样找不着(这个时候哥窗外凝视了10秒,路过一个小MM,那腿太细了- -估计跟范2冰的胳膊一样粗,真销魂-_-"),该干啥还得干啥,所以大家看看这个阿三的片子,跟哥一起乐呵乐呵吧。
  作者:zh_no1 回复日期:2010-08-06 10:15:12
    我听句子时,已经大概/差不多/基本上吧,能把连串的音能听成一个一个单词了。而且单个单词也听得明白意思。但是就是没法串联成整句的意思。 现在就是这么个状态,一直无法突破ing。是否还是听得太少太浅了?——现在主要就是听黑猫系列的有声读物,很简单的单词都是。呵呵,见笑见笑。
  一次也许不行,哥当初也是,听得出一串的单词,但是不咋明了其中含义哈,哥后来能听懂的原因是,哥一样的一串听了太多次了,不得不明白了- -
  哥记忆里面,从小到大,哥的爹地是从来没有夸过哥一次的,一直都是给哥一个又一个的新目标- -。所以哥一直羡慕老外的家长,随便小孩儿做什么,家长都说做得好,都是good job,然后后面跟一句什么建议。但是同时缺点也显而易见,小孩儿长成残次品的几率大幅增加啊,大家也能看到,国外的fzl比国内可是非得多。。。- -
  总之总有trade off滴,都看大家如何来banlance,或者用个漂亮词,leverage。
  - -刚才发现android拼错了。。。
  找谷歌.com搜Steven Slater然后找视频就行
  http://www.latenightwithjimmyfallon.com/video/jet-blue-song-the-ballad-of-steven-slater-81010/1243478/ 假如大家能打开的话- -
  ”u gotta get 2 beer and jump!!“