如何delete delelopment logs
Deleting development.log if it Reaches a Certain File Size
Maybe you want to keep the development.log file around unless it reaches a certain file size. If that’s the case, we can tweak what we previously added in config/environments/development.rb:
# delete local dev logs after exiting at_exit do development_logfile = Rails.application.config.paths['log'].first if File.exist?(development_logfile) # get file size of development.log and convert to Megabytes rounded to 2 decimal places file_size = (File.size(development_logfile) / 1_024_000.0).round(2) # if development.log is 50MB or more, delete it. if file_size >= 50 Rails.logger.debug 'development.log is over 50MB. Deleting...' File.delete(development_logfile) end end end
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