
nt 美音发音规则   ,为了让发音更顺滑,更快,美音t的音会被丢弃, 甚至不惜产生混淆...下面的单词发音都省略了t,  

  1. identification   =  iden...ification
  2. identify  
  3. twenty  = teni.
  4. wanted
  5. want  a  =wan a
  6. want another   ===== one another
  7. count on   = to need it; to rely on it; to depend on it;
  8. counted
  9. counting
  10. counter
  11. disappointed    特例: in to , en try , antique;   syllable break within a word;
  12. disappointing
  13. pointed
  14. pointing
  15. printer
  16. printing
  17. printed
  18. paint
  19. painting
  20. painted
  21. rented
  22. renting
  23. internet     "Inter" words
  24. international
  25. interview
  26. accounting
  27. accounted
  28. My boys are going to the dentist next week.   dentist 牙医;

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